so my daughter became a toddler today,and i can't help noticeing her behaviour such as running across the house like wind,and the heart symbol that appears when I click on her, all of which reminds me of my dog?! and now I doubt that they have the exact same code so is it true that our lovely kids just dogs in a human sult?
At least the dog can bark. And have more animation than our kids. And can move in and out of the house.
I would love for one or two more stages of growth with the kids, maybe they could go to school with Jas and Vincent. The very least some dialogue would be great. If it showed them learning to say mum and dad, that would be so cute. It might probably show who the child favours too, depending on how many hearts you have with them.
@MagicallyClueless Whoa whoa whoa, language little lady. It is F-u-c-* and "you" not u. Grammer is srz businezz