Chemistry, anyone?

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by DeVoid, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. PokemonAce101

    PokemonAce101 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ok lets talk science

    water=ice ice=artic artic=pengiun

    9023923478/127286374= 70.89465426990638 (yes this is the real awnswer)

    rain+ stuff= acid

    combine them you get an acid shooting robo penguin with 70.89465426990638 flippers.
  2. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    I'd love it if chemicals could be used to apply status effects to things. Seeing as acid melting blocks has basically been confirmed I'd love some kind of acid drill upgrade that cuts through blocks much faster.

    I'm pretty sure narcotics won't be involved if they want to keep any kind of kid friendly rating though lol.
  3. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, I guess it's a good thing we'll be able to mod!
  4. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    But I do agree with the person you were replying to 'Void. Alvin, I mean. A upgrade that adds an acidic effect to the drill, therefore giving it a damage over time effect would be pretty bawss. Maybe it could apply to other things to?
    An axe that is coated in nitroglicerine (Hope I spelled that right) to destroy (Or rather, shatter) trees would be epic. Maybe even a 5% chance of freezing an opponent solid would be in order?
    You could go crazy with the possiblities of what could be added. It'd be even better if you add more than one effect on a weapon/piece of equipment, and could even mismatch them so that they could give different effects. Think of it this way:
    Combine Ice Effect (Nitroglicerine coating) with Fire Effect (Liquid ejected onto the blade and then set on fire attachment) and you'd get flash freeze: An ability of which has a chance of negating all armour. It only has a 10% chance though, and it would probably only lower the stronger the weapon it is. Basically, it heats up the opponents armour quickly, and then freezes it quickly, therefore shattering the armour for a brief attack. Or was is that it freezes it quickly and then heats it up quickly? I don't remember. If the effects were procedually generated as well for instance, such as being able to end up with a weapon that makes a rabbit army appear once every 180 seconds and maul your opponent, then there would be massive amounts of weapons that would help in a variety of encounters.

    Since Starbound has diverse AI and attack patterns, then that means that we need weapons to help deal with those attack patterns. A status effect that renders ranged attacks into kittens would be useful for a ranged opponent, would it not?
    Speaking of kittens, I was thinking that the abilities could be over the top. Like a Catonnon. You read it write. A rocket launcher that shoots out heat-seeking kittens. "GO FURBALL! ATTACK!"
  5. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    I love all your ideas man! One thing though, I believe nitroglycerin is a very volatile explosive. You may have been referring to liquid nitrogen? Dat stuff be chilly.

    I'd love to have the ability to freeze people/water/bunnies that I would come across.
  6. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Seems like pretty standard stuff for an expansive adventure game.
  7. starman

    starman Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think real world chemistry should be left to mods(would love a mod like that though).
    some crazy random named goo stuff would fit better in the vanilla game as it blends nicely with the chaotic fun.
    it's the future! so why not go a step further and ask for liquid helium!
    in all seriousness though the adding chems to weapons sounds like Skyrims poisoning mechanic(which isn't half bad). but i think components for weapons should determine stats like that, for various reasons that may be too long to discuss.
  8. Lugubrious

    Lugubrious Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i would honestly be down for a periodic table showing up, [​IMG]
    if you get what i mean.
    DeVoid and starman like this.
  9. starman

    starman Subatomic Cosmonaut

    or some trinitrotoluene?
  10. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    For anyone who doesn't know what he means, it's a fertilizer.
    Lugubrious likes this.
  11. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    Yeah, what you said. :)

    It's just a personal hope though that would could get randomly generated effects; there could be a whole indepth 'chance' mechanism of the reaction being of a particular kind as well, combine that with rarity of ingredients, the previously mentioned randomly generated-ness, and we have a recipe for awesome-sauce. It goes well with Chuck Norris Steak.

    Though, it's just an idea, and I don't have the faintest clue about how powerful it is. Plus, there have to be limits on what you do as well. Still. CATONNON.
    DeVoid likes this.
  12. buttershoes

    buttershoes Industrial Terraformer

    chemistry in starbound? YESYESYESYESYES! ahem... That would be amazing to have chemistry, but have it be optional. becuase while buying chemicals is easier, making them is cheaper, and you get to choose what you want to do. You should be able to experiment with stuff, but also buy recipies from stores/vendors and find them in quests
    DeVoid likes this.
  13. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    It can also be used in bombs though, right? It would make a wonderful addition to Starbound.
  14. grimness

    grimness Phantasmal Quasar

    the potion with the motion is the one that makes the explosion.
  15. MP VOID

    MP VOID Void-Bound Voyager

    chemistry, yeah, good idea
  16. Epicroyal

    Epicroyal Cosmic Narwhal

    Great idea, but I do think a developer would have considered alchemy. But those are two different things.
  17. Shooting Star

    Shooting Star Existential Complex

    I don't wish to ruin the party but I'm pretty sure Tiy mentioned once there would be no chemestry in Starbound :L but he did say there was something that would take in that place
  18. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    Alchemy / Magic / Fantasy crap? HELL NO.

    Chemistry / Science? HELL YEAH.
    PlayMp1 and Lugubrious like this.
  19. PlayMp1

    PlayMp1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I particularly like this idea. You could gradually try to make yourself into a sort of superman by carefully investigating, harvesting, testing and creating chemicals and drugs that would, for example, buff you to a certain type of damage, prevent a certain organism from getting you with some kind of poison attack, or any other number of things.
  20. Beanallean

    Beanallean Void-Bound Voyager

    As much as I hated Chemistry in school, I love it in video games :D

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