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Bug/Issue Can't Submit Community Center Bundles

Discussion in 'Support' started by bakerjal, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. bakerjal

    bakerjal Space Hobo


    I believe I have a fairly large bug. That or I'm really dumb. I have the 4 items necessary for the Spring Foraging Bundle. I go to the Crafts Room in the Community Center. I click on the gold thing in the middle of the room. I can see the weird text but that's it. I see no way to add items from my inventory. From what I've read on this, this is not right. Please help. I'd like to not lose this save.....
      TobiasC95 likes this.
    • Silverbane7

      Silverbane7 Pangalactic Porcupine

      have you allready visited the wizard and taken his green potion?
      'wierd text' sounds like he has not translated it out yet.
      you have to first get the cut-scene where the mayor tells you about the center, then go inside again and read the plaque. after that, you need to sleep so you can get a letter from the wizard saying he knows you have been inside there.
      once he's been and given you a potion the text swaps to readable and you should be able to give items to the center.
        TobiasC95 likes this.
      • Ltfightr

        Ltfightr Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Also you do not get the quest till the next day after you read the gibberish. Then you get a letter in the mail from the Wizard asking you to come see him....
          TobiasC95 likes this.
        • TobiasC95

          TobiasC95 Space Hobo

          I also have this issue, it works for the host, but not my. I have the same issue, only bug I've encountered so far apart from being glitchy sometimes. Think that's just my poor connection though.
          Anyway help would be great! :)

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