I accidentally spawned a novakid under my ship, He wont disappear when I restart the game, and I cant kill him with a weapon with splash damage. Is there a way I can kill him with commands?
To make less of a mess use this... Code: /entityeval status.setResource("health",0) Also 'p' repeats the last command used.
spawn lava on top of him to kill him. /spawnliquid liuidlava by the way nice logo, really makes us nostalgic about the portal series
To make less of a mess use this... Code: /entityeval status.setResource("health",0) Also 'p' repeats the last command used.
Dunno if this is still an issue people need an answer to, but I do have a solution steamwise. There's a mod on the workshop that can force NPCs to die basically called NPC killer. I wanted to test some stuff I got from a mod on Nuru and she ended up standing in one place and said the same thing over and over again. I used the item on her and it fortunately got rid of her. Link for anyone who needs it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=761746889