Build a Community

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by kalez, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Enzam

    Enzam Pangalactic Porcupine

    Colonies mod is really cool an its closest you can get to your idea as of now. I highly recommend it.
  2. Crispyballz

    Crispyballz Starship Captain

    This is exactly what starbound needs! PLEASE DEVS ADD THIS!
  3. matheod

    matheod Big Damn Hero

    I like the suggestion, especially the two last (food supply and event).
  4. Caesar01

    Caesar01 Big Damn Hero

    I agree! With maybe creating an empire with its stats (capital-world, population, ...) modifiable, maybe?
  5. Pabloidemon

    Pabloidemon Aquatic Astronaut

    this is a must!
  6. AntiStoned

    AntiStoned Big Damn Hero

    It's nice to have that idea, of building a new civilization, and it should wield many rewards, such as gaining blueprints for crafting your racial items or influence allowing you to be able to get party members and have guards trust you.

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