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Bug Thread:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pastuleio, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. arcticwolf15

    arcticwolf15 Phantasmal Quasar

    When teleporting with the invincibility form the Shield Generator active, you gain complete immunity. Didn't the same thing happen with HAN-D's overclock?

    Edit: I played some more with this, and it eventually went away. It took a very long time though, and is still exploitable.

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    • Just Lazer

      Just Lazer Yeah, You!

      I've noticed when an enemy gets frozen multiple times with permafrost they occasionally start to gain immense speed instead of move slower. This speed boost is marked by a red down arrow some of the time. I think it may have to do with another item but I'm not sure.

      Also the Wandering Vagrants still spawn orbs when time is frozen. It's better and easier to deal with than it used to be though.

      Ghosts are hit by the Ukulele when attacking an enemy.

      When there are enemies remaining the guiding yellow arrow points to ghosts.

      When buying the random option for the three choices vendor thingy you can get an item that is not orange outlined or white outlined. Not sure if it is a glitch/bug.

      Permafrost's outline in the item log when you haven't unlocked it has shading.

      When evolved lamurians make a ghost when they are on the ground, sometime when the ghost dies/fades it respawns from when it died/faded as an alive evolved lamurian.

      When you're killed by lava instead of displaying that you were killed by lava on the death screen it displays that you killed yourself, ie. Killed by: Commando
      • Zadmeir

        Zadmeir Star Wrangler

        I thought about reporting that the prison shackles weren't doing anything, but there was no way for me to be sure. The 10% slow may have just been too low to be noticeable, and there's no way to know what effect additional stacks have.
        • Biomatter

          Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

          Haha, put me in the "the Shackles, they do nothing!" group too. I wasn't sure if it was a low chance to proc or what, but when enemies hit a Spike Strip they are very obviously slowed. A big red down-arrow appears above slowed enemies, but nothing like that ever happens with Prison Shackles.
          • Reciful

            Reciful Orbital Explorer

            Confirming the Prison Shackles not working. I had something like eight last run and they weren't doing anything - no slow, no icon, nothing at all.
              KingLuna likes this.
            • bounding star

              bounding star Existential Complex

              Ive "unlocked" goats hoof about three times today, since ive done the requirement. each time i fail a shrine three times in a row it says its unlocked.
              • Biomatter

                Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

                Is there something wrong with the Random Number Generator? Earlier today I had the following occur to me: Open two $50 chests on the first level and get a Harvesting Scythe out of both. They were opened about 20~ seconds apart. Then, ring three different shrines - get Tough Times out of ALL THREE, within 30~ seconds.

                I know that statistically speaking this could be completely random, but stuff like this happens all the time to me. I have a really hard time getting 4 different items in the first few levels - by the 3rd or 4th, one of them will be a duplicate almost for sure. Is this just the laws of probability messing with me, or is there really something funky about the RNG?
                • arcticwolf15

                  arcticwolf15 Phantasmal Quasar

                  It seems to me that certain items are just more prevalent each run. One run I might get a ton of Bustling Fungi, the next I get a bunch of sprouting eggs.
                  • Event Horizon

                    Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

                    I notice this too.
                    • Just Lazer

                      Just Lazer Yeah, You!

                      I do too, though I don't think it is merely an item being more common one run than another run. My example is killing two Collosus(?)/Giant Stone Golem and getting bitter root from both of them; both of them dying within the same 3 or so seconds.
                      • hopoo

                        hopoo Risk of Rain Developer Developer

                        Just a case of confirmation bias :p It's as random as computer random gets; no tricks of time or location!
                          Rawrquaza likes this.
                        • Shrooblord

                          Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                          I'm not sure about that, actually. I meant to say that if you use your still present drones as the dead HAN-D and then kill something with them, you will collect a new drone. I don't recall seeing the alive player's HAN-D giving the dead one drones.
                          • Burby

                            Burby Phantasmal Quasar

                            -I noticed some slight sound glitches when you restart a run by clicking "try again". Most noticeable is that you don't hear the damage sound for stone golems as much anymore. When using your basis attack on a regular tempo as the commando, you only hear the sound of impact into the golem about 1 in 3 times. It probably also applies to other enemies, but the stone golems simply have a very distinct sound, so I notice that one the most.

                            -Ghosts can still be targeted by electricity like the ukulele.

                            -Drones target ghosts.

                            -Ghosts also get affected by spikestrips, as well as the unstable watch (is the latter intentional?). I don't know about other items that might affect them, but it's probably worth checking the possible effects out.

                            -I activated the unstable watch before having actually hurt a Cremator. He didn't take damage until after the time ran out.
                            • bounding star

                              bounding star Existential Complex

                              whenever i have RoR open, (playing or paused) and i shut my laptop (so it sleeps), the save file gets emptied EVERY time. really annoying.
                              • Megadog

                                Megadog Astral Cartographer

                                I think that's intentional, but not due to the watch. The cremator's tagline is something like "Armoured artillery" and I'm fairly sure it takes reduced/no damage from behind.
                                • Burby

                                  Burby Phantasmal Quasar

                                  In that case I really need to check if it applies to both sides. Just gotta hope that I get something similarly overpowered like yesterday again, cause it looks like I've gotten worse. simply got lucky with something like 3 legendary tier items dropping in the first stage.
                                  • bounding star

                                    bounding star Existential Complex

                                    every time im having a decent run, and i have to do something, when i open my laptop it closes. then i have to start again.
                                    • Reciful

                                      Reciful Orbital Explorer

                                      Same thing happens to me when I hit winkey+L (lock/switch user).
                                        bounding star likes this.
                                      • Burby

                                        Burby Phantasmal Quasar

                                        After that last run where I noticed these bugs I mentioned, the savedata randomly got deleted. I finally had everything unlocked (kind of embarrassingly I somehow only unlocked the bandit that time). Might it have something to do with that, or was that unlucky coincidence?
                                        • Treadlight

                                          Treadlight Existential Complex

                                          So, do you lose the progress you made during that run, or does your save file get completely wiped clean?

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