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Bug Thread:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pastuleio, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. The_Merp

    The_Merp Space Spelunker

    Since using the new build my frame rate has been dropping down to 30 or below when before it never dropped below 50. I haven't changed any settings, only difference is using the newest patch.
    • hopoo

      hopoo Risk of Rain Developer Developer

      There should be a patch out later today that fixes most of the game-ending bugs
        CatrexInTheHat and Rawrquaza like this.
      • Biomatter

        Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Did you know we love you? We love you.

        Also, I hope you know that we don't mind the game-breaking bugs. It's all part of the development process, we understand :) Keep on truckin', hopoo!
        • Event Horizon

          Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

          Don't listen to him. We paid MONEY for this. We can't have bugs liek this!! Fix now!!

          • Event Horizon

            Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

            The stopping time item's description still says 10 seconds even though it's 7.
            • Reciful

              Reciful Orbital Explorer

              There are clearly spiders there yet the game's letting me teleport.

              iwasplayingoncasualtofindthenewitemsok ;w;
              I'm also really happy that my always-crit-low-health-enemies suggestion was implemented. Though I made that item mostly as a Schere tribute.

              They were attacking each other, too; you can see the small projectile at the bottom of the rope. I think the game was treating them as ghosts or something.

              Also, I SWEAR Infusion's been damaging me. I've watched, and seen myself get hit for over 1.5k many, many times - it always seems to happen when Infusion pills hit me and never when I'm just standing still doing nothing.

              It's not every Infusion pill; it seems to be only the first one that hits me; I think it only damages me when I'm at max health.
                Event Horizon likes this.
              • Event Horizon

                Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

                I can confirm infusion damaging me for about 1500.
                • Event Horizon

                  Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

                  The indicator arrows at the end still point to ghosts even though they don't count as spawn anymore. I also experienced a point where I could leave with enemies still left on screen.
                  • Chowen

                    Chowen Space Spelunker

                    When playing co-op with both players as the Bandit, if either of us got a kill with 'Lights Out' both of our cooldowns got reset.
                    • Biomatter

                      Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      I'm playing the latest version ( and I can confirm that Infusion is hurting me. I have 5000 life, and every time I kill in enemy it brings me down to exactly 50% life, no matter what I was at before (cannot confirm what happens when I'm under 50% life). As you can imagine, this is quite a lot of damage to take in one hit. On a related note, the red section of your life bar that shows how much damage you took takes an awfully long time to go down :p
                      • Megadog

                        Megadog Astral Cartographer

                        I've activated the imp shrines and an imp has become stuck in a wall a few times, making it impossible to hit.
                        • Biomatter

                          Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          Ok, found a few more bugs in the latest version! Some of these existed in previous version, but I forgot to report them. They do exist in though.



                          I had accidentally clicked Try Again? after the previous playthrough and decided to suicide. I think I win the 'get the most points the fastest' race! :p

                          Finally, I found a few more bugs while playing co-op. When one player dies, they can continue to use both 'Use Items' and any passive abilities. For example, if I die with Disposable Rockets, I can assist my buddy by firing them off every 40~ seconds as long as he hangs out near my dead bod. Also, some characters can activate some abilities - HAN-D can Overclock while dead, for example, but nothing else. Additionally, if (while dead) you use an item that has a status bar above your body (such as Massive Leech, Pills, or Gold) and press 'jump' you while notice your status bar jump. Finally, if you have the Guardian Heart when you die, a few seconds after death your life bar will read '60/Total'. It activates while dead, basically.

                          Good luck hunting these bugs down hopoo! Sorry for generating so many bugs :p I am just so infatuated I can't stop playing.
                            Reciful, Rawrquaza and Daimera like this.
                          • Saeryf

                            Saeryf Phantasmal Quasar

                            Someone else had mentioned taking half health damage when you get extra health from the Infusion (I think that's it, the one with max health increase on kills), well it also counts as you taking damage, for the purposes of the Spike Strip, I believe the other on hit effects go off of this as well. I don't know if this is intended to count as a loss of health or not, but I have tested it with the Spike Strip, and it drops one every time I get the red orb.

                            Edit: I have the Panic Mines now, and I can confirm that they drop as well on getting one of these red orbs to increase my health. It's kind of a bummer really, because then I get damaged for killing enemies basically, :(.

                            Edit 2: Unsure if anyone mentioned this, but in Magma Chamber, you aren't able to see the cost of things that spawn on ledges that stick out of the lava pools, the cost text shows up behind the lava instead of in front of it.

                            Edit 3: It appears that the 56 Leaf Clover allows bosses to drop 2 items sometimes, I have 8 of the Clovers and bosses are dropping 2 items pretty frequently. While awesome, I wasn't sure if it was intended and thought I should put it up here.
                            • Saeryf

                              Saeryf Phantasmal Quasar

                              Just got an error, it happened when I jumped onto some elite Rock Golem with the Head Stompers, I just got Brilliant Behemoth, that's the only new item in awhile.

                              From the last line I would assume it's some problem with the Plasma Tether item, as someone else was talking about earlier too.

                              ERROR in
                              action number 1
                              of Alarm Event for alarm 1
                              for object oExplosion:

                              In script fire_explosion:
                              Error in code at line 33:
                              if plasma_count<plasma
                              at position 21: Unknown variable plasma_count

                              Edit: I managed to get another error like that, though this one was with no enemies around, I had the Overclock active (speed boost skill?) and was using HAN-D's basic attack, I had just picked up my 11th Soldier's Syringe, and was seeing how fast I could attack.

                              It's the exact same error as above though, cleaned up the post just now as I noticed the error was exactly the same.

                              Edit 2: I ran into this same error more than 10 times for sure, possibly more than 20, during my run this morning. It's a fairly frequent bug.
                              • Saeryf

                                Saeryf Phantasmal Quasar

                                Just ran into the negative enemies remaining problem that other people on here have had. I was dreading getting the Ghost Mask because of that, and sure enough I finally saw it drop and being the tired idiot that I am I picked it up, 377 minutes into this run I have to exit and not have my score save now, kind of depressing. Q_Q I'm fairly sure it wasn't possible for me to lose though, as I could stand in one place during the teleporter waves and I'd heal MORE than my max health because of the Bustling Fungus. I killed everything just by having Panic Mines drop, and then people burning alive in the Gasoline Fires.

                                I'm also unsure if the Telescopic Scope is working at all, I was killing things a little too well on my own, but before I really got going, I never noticed anything dying in one hit. By the end I had 4 of them, and my basic attack still took it's time killing things, so I was able to try and watch for it activating, but I never noticed it.

                                Also, the Head Stompers scale up pretty absurdly, though I can't really give exact numbers. I DO have 18 of them right now, but I'm able to take almost half of a bosses health sometimes with them. I have 6 Jetpacks and they synergize so well it's absurd.

                                Apologies for these posts if they're getting tedious or long, I'm unsure how to use spoilers as I never really post much of interest on the internet.
                                • Event Horizon

                                  Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

                                  This is because bosses also have elite variants. These bosses are muuch harder to deal with, at least early on. IMO they should just keep the double item drop.
                                  • Treadlight

                                    Treadlight Existential Complex

                           I've never seen this bug reported before, but it seems that Player 2 cannot pause the game.
                           The Headstompers item seems to not make a sound when used.
                                    • Incidental

                                      Incidental Space Hobo

                                      Had this happen in 3.3, When i was killed by a Missile from an elite
                                      • Biomatter

                                        Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        Were you using the latest version ( I'm pretty sure it was fixed in that version, because I had a Happiest Mask in my 2 hour run and I had no problem advancing levels.
                                        • Zadmeir

                                          Zadmeir Star Wrangler

                                          I don't even know what happened with this one:

                                          I was Headstomping on a couple of wisps when I died instantly. The Cremators were on the opposite side of that tunnel at the time of the death and I wasn't shotgunned by their projectiles.

                                          Edit: Oh weird. Even though my body is on the ground, if I press space, I can do a headstomp. I just killed those Cremators while the game over screen was up and my corpse was on the ground. The headstomp isn't located at where my corpse is, but rather the location where I died.

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