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Bug reports for Risk of Rain 1.2.2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stovepipes, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Mirppc

    Mirppc Phantasmal Quasar

    if one rebinds the keyboard to the gamepad and they are doing a co-op game while using the steam chat client, well that can cause issues. so rebinding with an external program to have the gamepad map to the keyboard poses a problem.

    Here is a updated list of the gamepads i have tested thus far.
    PS2 to USB
    Logitech Dual Action USB
    Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2
    PS3 Sixaxis controler
    SNES to usb
    Logitech Attack3 joystick
    Siatek joystick.
    As i said in another post and will repete, making the gamepad map to keyboard keys will cause major problems with other programs and means of communication either on linux (irc) or windows and linux (Steam)
    • CursedWanderer

      CursedWanderer Void-Bound Voyager

      I recently have tried to play risk of rain multi-player with a mac user(I use windows) and we were unable to connect to each other. No problems with connecting windows to windows, haven't tried with online with a mac to mac setup.
      • Etyx

        Etyx Space Hobo

        I'm running the game on Linux and every time I click on the highscores and achievements menu the game just crashes with this message: [​IMG]
        • zanon

          zanon Astral Cartographer

          Like I said in the other post you got the order here backwards, and additionally USB input bindings can be per-app depending on the software you're using to accomplish it, not that it matters in this case.

          Unfortunately right now it seems the Linux/Mac versions crash upon finishing the game, which presumably could create problems in MP as well. Probably best to wait for 1.2.3 for a lot of this, hopefully it won't be too long coming.
          • Treadlight

            Treadlight Existential Complex

            Do grammatical mistakes count as bugs? Either way, I've encountered a couple.

            In the item log for Snake Eyes, it mentions "a dice" where 'a pair of dice' should be.
            Apologies if this belongs in another thread.
            • Prov

              Prov Void-Bound Voyager

              I was able to flambe the sand crabs in SP. Must have been other player competition that was causing me issues. Still no good on standing in lava.

              Additionally on dried lake bed with Kin, Spite, and Command on, I was unable to enter half the level. I would just fall through the ground. Luckily the teleporter was on the side I was able to wander around. Just past all the platforms on the left side, was where I would fall through. If it happens again I'll get a screenshot.
              • Treadlight

                Treadlight Existential Complex

                Those electro-jellyfish (can't remember the name) don't get ghosts of them summoned when using an item that summons ghosts. (found on Linux, with Jar of Souls)
                • rangerdanger0

                  rangerdanger0 Space Hobo

                  I get that same error and it makes me mad (Also, im using a mac)
                  and also, my achievements dont save nor do my monster logs or any logs for that matter
                  • Shadowhawkx1

                    Shadowhawkx1 Intergalactic Tourist

                    Me and a friend are still suffering from the freezing error during online co-op where it goes to a screen with only a check box for "Forced Item Sharing" that is uncheckable, the screen locks the.
                    • zanon

                      zanon Astral Cartographer

                      It's true of all flying creatures I think, wasps too. Is that actually a bug or a feature though? I sort of assumed the latter as it adds somewhat to the balance of the item. The Jar can be extremely powerful in longer games, but that there are a few flying types it does nothing with keeps you on your toes and adds an element of surprise and incentive to perhaps switch to something else. Could go either way I guess since even if it did generate flying ghosts it'd still be somewhat less effective with them and you'd still have to move.
                      • CantWontDontStop

                        CantWontDontStop Master Chief

                        Just reminding everyone that as of now, the Amethyst's unlock criteria is still broken. It is mislabeled in the item menu, killing the Overloading Magma Worm does not trigger the unlock notification, and the challenge is not checked off in the main menu.

                          Attached Files:

                          • what.png
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                        • Inflammablefish

                          Inflammablefish Space Hobo

                          This bug that causes you to lose the health bar after respawning/dieing in multiplayer is terrible that completely ruins the game after you die, it needs to be fixed.
                          • Fainec

                            Fainec Space Hobo

                            I'm on Linux and got the same bug.
                            Plus i got this error screen when i finished the game and it saved nothing ...
                            Capture du 2014-11-08 00:33:09.png
                              cathats likes this.
                            • gagreflex910

                              gagreflex910 Void-Bound Voyager

                              Does anyone know if there's any way the OSX version of RoR can teleport to the final level in multiplayer? I've tried hosting and joining and I still crash. Funny enough, if the host is running Windows then they're still able to continue on but I'm left out of the fun. :( Anyway to run this on Wineskin or something?
                              • AlphaRidley

                                AlphaRidley Space Spelunker

                                This is a problem many people have had, and I need attention with it. It is bugging me and I cannot join ANY online servers because of it. Please tell me any solutions as quick as possible. Even on LAN when I use an internal IP (192.168.x.x) I get this screen when connecting to my buddy in the same house. It started happening in the 1.2.2 update and it is getting to me. Thank you for any fixes if any.

                                P.S. Hamachi/Tunngle don't work either...
                                • Prov

                                  Prov Void-Bound Voyager

                                  A couple more bugs.
                                  Repulsion armor is not working. Died while supposedly invulnerable. - While Honor, Kin, Spite, glass, and command were active
                                  Also noticed that when you have kin activated and the enemy is evolved lemurian, or archerbugs, if you are in co-op anyone other than the host does not get any money, exp, or hp from infusion. - While Kin, glass, and command active. On Magma Barracks, and Temple of the Elders.
                                  • gagreflex910

                                    gagreflex910 Void-Bound Voyager

                                    The Soldier's Syringe doesn't seem to be appearing on the item list after you collect it regardless of difficulty. It's always blacked out. (OSX)
                                      Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
                                    • Treadlight

                                      Treadlight Existential Complex

                                      In Damp Caverns, I used the Explorer's Key somewhere in the center of the level, and an item appeared inside of a wall. Did a chest really spawn there?

                                      I only saw this while using the Artifact of Kin, but maybe it happens regardless. Elite Imps don't have recolored sprites.
                                      • purei

                                        purei Space Spelunker

                                        been playing co-op w/ two macs and one windows.
                                        • plasma chain has been obtained by a mac player twice, and crashed the game twice.
                                        • Scores and Unlockables crashes macs w/ 'action number 1 of Create Event for object oHighscore; DoSet :: Invalid comparison type at gml_Object_oHighscore_Create_0'
                                        • after coming back to life, at least on the macs, the HUD does not reappear - you can't see your health [this one is already in the list, +1]
                                        • at least once, on a local game, i jumped off a ledge and passed right through the ground.
                                        • co-op desync is never not happening; the other players walk through the air, climb nonexsitant ropes, and enemies become unkillable. the game dropping/ignoring packets?
                                        • WingofTech

                                          WingofTech Big Damn Hero

                                          I want my two and a half hours back. I just went through the campaign twice by jumping backwards with the gates and now at the very end. It gets rid of all the characters I was going for after with this. Really. :'/

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