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Bug reports for Risk of Rain 1.2.2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stovepipes, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Amm0nius

    Amm0nius Guest

    Finishing The game on Mac creates a fatal error immediately when the cutscene Starts. I'll get the text next time it happens.
    • lonelyhornet

      lonelyhornet Title Not Found

      Got this too, also on 10.10. Super strange, however sometimes it goes fullscreen when I launch it and stays that way (despite me setting it to windowed previously).
      • VinchenzoJackal

        VinchenzoJackal Big Damn Hero

        This has occurred with me before. I cannot jump or move in any direction. The only work around(s) include dieing, quitting, or using skills and changing my facing direction until my character suddenly can control himself, which takes too much time and effort.
        • KlickIt

          KlickIt Void-Bound Voyager

          I suppose this is silly but useful sometimes.

          Could this be considered a bug, though?
          Seems kinda normal in a way but it makes the level easy.
          • Sauvagess

            Sauvagess Void-Bound Voyager

            How exactly do you do that?
            • Venom

              Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

              Ah my bad I should've explained.
              1: Go to your library.
              2: Right click Risk of Rain.
              3: Click properties.
              4: Click on local files.
              5: Click on verify integrity of game gache.
              6: Hope it fixes the issue.
              • AtrKaInN

                AtrKaInN Void-Bound Voyager

                hello there, i don t know if it has already been repported, and i tryed to find this issue in the list but i didn t saw it. So here is the issue, some times in Coop online mod, my friend saw mobs that are already dead, and the problem is that when i reach 0 monster after killing the boss etc.. for my friend those mobs are still reminded to let him use the door/ teleporter, and so we can t move to the next level and have to restart a new game. It happened randomly and on different maps so far.
                • Sauvagess

                  Sauvagess Void-Bound Voyager

                  Oh, no, that doesn't work. All my files are fine. I even tried a full uninstall/reinstall, even removing my save file to test it. Still doesn't detect my open ports.
                  • zanon

                    zanon Astral Cartographer

                    I see the issues are known, and I want to say I really appreciate that Linux/Mac versions have been released. It prompted me to buy another copy just to support it. But to second others: the Mac version at least is effectively unplayably buggy, and frankly you should pull it immediately until it's patched. Trying to access achievements insta-crashes every single time. The game crashes during play, particularly in long, rewarding games, and after playing for a significant time the framerate mysteriously starts to drop consistently, ending up at 8 FPS or so even with no enemies onscreen at all.

                    The crashing is the worst though. RoR is excellently done in terms of gameplay, but to have that sort of challenging, zero-save game work it absolutely must be dependable. Nothing is more soul destroying then finally having an incredible run and then having the game crash. I just won last night after a grueling multihour final level (because the framerate had dropped to zilch), and then immediately upon the start of the victory screen it crashed, with all artifacts and achievements I'd made destroyed. That really, really sucks, and affects my enthusiasm more then if I'd never played it all. A game with bugs that bad simply shouldn't be offered, you're destroying customer relations.
                    • globbork

                      globbork Tentacle Wrangler

                      This. It was horrible.
                      • teecas

                        teecas Space Hobo

                        I've had this twice now (Windows 7). Do not enjoy this error one bit.
                        • Drobby Drambleborsch

                          Drobby Drambleborsch Orbital Explorer

                          Got the same Fatality
                          1st time after 10 minutes on final level, 2nd time right after the teleporting
                          • cathats

                            cathats Aquatic Astronaut

                            I finally beat the game and happened to run into this. no progress saved either. Kind of upset about it.
                            • Max17

                              Max17 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              If you have a fast enough attack speed (with Huntress, not sure about any other classes yet), you won't be able to attack anymore. The ONLY way you can fix this (from what I've done so far) is by activating a dropped item chest. I would try to replicate this without the artifacts (the one that you can choose item drops from a specified colored chest and the one that forces only mobs to drop items, can't remember the names >.>)) but the game is too hard and buggy to do so :( . The only thing you can do is move around, jump, and use the third ability (can't climb ladders or chains). This doesn't only happen with the artifacts, I only used them so I could replicate the situation.

                              Sorry that I can't provide a screenshot because that wouldn't be sufficient enough evidence and I don't know how to make a gif of what's happening >.>
                                Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
                              • Oddbrother

                                Oddbrother Cosmic Narwhal

                              • ShadowlessWanderer

                                ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Its hidden behind the actual ship/character selectgraphic for some odd reason. Tell them to switch to scale x1 and they should see it. I get that too.
                                • DaytimeGhoul

                                  DaytimeGhoul Orbital Explorer

                                  would be great if i could use my damn gamepad. ive had literally no problems with this game minus a few small things and now we get an update and i cant even play because your taken support for a shit ton of gamepads away... way to be.
                                  • zanon

                                    zanon Astral Cartographer

                                    Yeah, this is definitely repeatable unfortunately. I thought the first two times were just bad luck but it appears it's not actually possible to finish the game just now.

                                    Have you tried just mapping your gamepad to keyboard bindings? Does RoR actually make use of any specific analog functionality that is not replicated by keyboard? Because I too had my DS4 not do anything natively in game now, but then I just mapped it to keyboard keys for RoR and it has worked very well. If nothing special is being used then built-in gamepad support isn't critical, though it would still be a nice convenience. Even stuff like walking/running could be replicated if they offered the key bindings for it.
                                    • Cactuarius

                                      Cactuarius Void-Bound Voyager

                                      This has happened to me as well. (In Windows 8)
                                      • ronchaine

                                        ronchaine Seal Broken

                                        Happens on linux version too. Guess I have to wait for the next patch and hope it fixes this.

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