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Bug reports for Risk of Rain 1.2.2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stovepipes, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. cppcabrera

    cppcabrera Void-Bound Voyager

    Confirming crash on game completed, all progress lost.
    • OS: XUbuntu 14.04 (Linux)
    • meatburger

      meatburger Space Hobo

      Ive just registered here, glad to find out im not the only person having this. I got the game in the new humble bundle, was very excited to play with a friend and every time i died my health bar and skills dissapeared when i ressed next level. Considering i was already learning how to play a game, this made the experience a bit frustrating.
      • lethlora

        lethlora Orbital Explorer

        The Spirit artifact makes it where the Bandit cannot jump forward and fire his 1 ability at the same time. Without Spirit (or at full HP with Spirit enabled,) the Bandit move forward while jumping and shooting. If Spirit is active (HP missing,) the Bandit stops in mid-air when he shoots.
        • Galdius

          Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

          The game doesn't save gamepad buttons "X" for the ability 1. In fact, i can play with this configuration, but when i quit and replay, the remapping change in default option (only for "ability 1" and "swap item")
            RoRfan9000 likes this.
          • Rendion

            Rendion Intergalactic Tourist

            • Repulsion Armor didn't works.
            • Sometimes, using Commando art., instead of boxes with rare items, spawns orange.
            • S_asha

              S_asha Aquatic Astronaut

              still get "force share items" when i try coop
              • Cpt.Unibrow

                Cpt.Unibrow Space Hobo

                [Steam version, Windows 7, France]

                I had the "leveling problem" with the patch, hardly being able to reach lvl 3 and a lot of elites. When I reached lvl 3, I think I could have been lvl 5-6 or more. After that, the experience bar couldn't get past the length of the small "LV" rectangle indicating the level. After that, I got obliterated on the stage 2, almost one-shoted by parents. The game was unplayable.
                Today, the game was patched again (52,4 M:cool:. I began a run with the commando, and i started on a grey platform up in the air(nothing wrong). I went two feet to the right to pickup the small "coin/health/exp container", and bumped onto an invisible wall. I fell, and constated the invisible wall had no end. I took a picture of me bumping onto it, from a lower place. Bullets can cross the wall easily, and ennemies can spawn on the right of the wall. I stopped the game, so I don't know if the teleporter is on the right side too.

                Thanks a lot if you can solve the problem quickly!

                  Attached Files:

                • wall57

                  wall57 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  mkay then...
                  well xp still have the kernel32.dll so this fix is for when the game starts working back on xp. also save stuff stills with problems (from what i read) that IF you open your achivements page... say goodbye to your save.

                  if its a golden chest that does this, its a problem, if not. i see nothing wrong, command do spawn use item boxes (orange), also its normal when that happens if you open little chests... he does that too. looks like they kinda broke repulsion reflect, go for fire shield.
                  this option is enabled by the host or you... check on top of characters if the hitbox is marked.
                    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
                  • chaosz3ro

                    chaosz3ro Intergalactic Tourist

                    Getting this when I try to take the portal to the end on level 5. It has happened twice now at the exact same time.
                    Playing on linux.
                      Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
                    • Mianso

                      Mianso Black Hole Surfer

                      Yep that wall I encoutered a couple of times with previous updates too.
                      • DocHobo

                        DocHobo Orbital Explorer

                        So I've found that tabbing out of the game right before a level change will force the game to the front again and you can't tab back out of it. and ctl+alt+del can't even bring task manager to the focus. so I had to sign off my user to close the game
                          teecas likes this.
                        • Venom

                          Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

                          Twice after super great runs unlocking both new classes and lots of other stuff the game just stopped wiping my progress with Fatal Error: Out of memory. I'm
                          really bummed out I constantly miss out on being able to play the new classes..
                          • Cluestep

                            Cluestep Space Hobo


                            So what happend was :
                            1. I was going underneath the wall and dashed with the 3rd skill to the right (Point 1)
                            2. After that i teleported to point 2 and was walking in the wall and could not get out
                              Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
                            • kalpa2004

                              kalpa2004 Void-Bound Voyager

                              Might not be the best place for this but just a small bug that was always there.
                              Tough Times doesn't really reduce incoming damage by 14%, rather it increases armor by 14, the pick-up text doesn't reflect that truly.

                              Want to also report that on the final stage the background flickers a lot when panning. So when my character moves around the background artifiacts, in the form of black lines flashing horizontally through the center of the background, might be just me though.

                              Might be nitpicking, but just want to bring to your attention that there's a discrepancy in naming. Laser Turbine in the item log is named Gauss Laser in the achivement and unlocks screen.
                                Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
                              • Tire_Iron

                                Tire_Iron Space Hobo

                                Happened after a Magma worm was killed by various damage sources, primarily barbed wire and Chargefield Generator. they were still hitting the magma worm's dead body and damage numbers were piling out of it like clowns from a car.
                                FATAL ERROR in
                                action number 1
                                of Draw Event
                                for object oBlaster:

                                Fatel Error: Can not create vertex buffer
                                • Aspie

                                  Aspie Big Damn Hero

                                  Since the latest patch, I've had a lot of stuttering. The game will stutter periodically, seemingly after having loaded something such as a monster or maybe visual effects even. It's almost unplayable, since the stutters keep messing me up each time they happen. The game runs at 60 FPS with no problems and the stuttering happens regardless of the amount of stuff in the game, or the run time of the game (client or otherwise).
                                  • kostek1233

                                    kostek1233 Yeah, You!

                                    1. Sometimes, when you jump 2 platforms high or more, you can't jump walking on that platform till you get on ladder.

                                    2. You can still get ridiculous speed on Bandito when using Smokebomb (c), Amethyst (use item), and again Smokebomb (c). Picking Goat's Hoof solves the "movement speed bug".
                                    • necrotek

                                      necrotek Orbital Explorer

                                      It seems no one got this one yet. Playing Linux version.
                                      At last stage, the game crashed when I was close to the main gate.

                                      ERROR in
                                      action number 1
                                      of Alarm Event for alarm 0
                                      for object oClay:
                                      Unable to find any instance for object index '214870'
                                      at gml_Script_teleport_nearby
                                      stack frame is
                                      gml_Script_teleport_nearby (line 0)

                                      • mojo_

                                        mojo_ Intergalactic Tourist

                                        Getting the same error on mac.
                                        OS X Yosemite 10.10
                                        The save was reset to last launch.
                                        The background also seems to be a bit buggy in x 3.

                                        Screen Shot 2014-11-01 at 12.37.24.png

                                        Another I am encountering is that non of my stats are being recorded. All 0s in the stats menu and it says that I have not picked up any items in the times log. I imagine the monster log pickups would not show up either.
                                          Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
                                        • gagreflex910

                                          gagreflex910 Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Consider yourself lucky, I can't even access my stats without a crash on a Mac.

                                          I also got the same crash at the ending screen, does anyone know if you can skip/bypass it to keep progress? I'm just trying to unlock the sniper... :(

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