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Bug reports for Risk of Rain 1.2.2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stovepipes, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. wall57

    wall57 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    yes they are, spite increases spawnrate since 1.1.2, now the other bugs, excluding jump and exp are from 1.2.0 version, find a way to get version 1.1.2 if you want to enjoy ROR.... at cost of frames tho.
      orangesail likes this.
    • me4488

      me4488 Aquatic Astronaut

      While me and my friend were playing RoW, we noticed a couple of irregular stuff that we think shouldn't be happening.
      In one of those chose-one-of-three tubes, there were three crowbars, as well as magma worm spawning in every level we played. We didn't last long because of the XP bug either.
        MasterChris725 likes this.
      • sandman423

        sandman423 Aquatic Astronaut

        EXP Bug happening...Also I am using Xbox Controller and My friend is using Logitech Gamepad...Mine works fine sometimes, but I notice I can't jump all of a sudden or my character will just keep walking so it makes it almost impossible to platform.

        Noticed a bug with the Artifact that makes it so "Players move faster at low life" It doesn't make my character or the enemies move faster at all...I am playing currently with Command + Faster Artifact + Glass and it seems like Glass works sometimes and the Command works fine, but the third artifact doesn't seen to be working.

        Alt + Tab. In Windows 7 x64 bit you don't see the Risk of Rain icon open in the Taskbar...I have to Alt + Tab back to it.

        Loader Achievement. Kill Overloading Magma Wurm....Didn't unlock the achievement when I killed Overloading.

        I will say there are a LOT of bugs but this game has been vastly improved with performance.
        • wall57

          wall57 Subatomic Cosmonaut

          are you sure its 1.2.1? because 1.2.0 has oveload worm problems....
          • ToasterTank

            ToasterTank Space Hobo

            I'm getting an insane amount of elite spawns as well as multiple bosses appearing much earlier than they used to to pre 1.20
            Basically, Hard looks about the same as HAHAHAHA did pre 1.20
            This coupled with the level up bug and the plethora of other bugs makes the game pretty much impossible to play.
            No artifacts unlocked or activated (Started with a brand new save file yesterday due to hardware switch), playing on Drizzle
            • Stovepipes

              Stovepipes Void-Bound Voyager

              Hotfix today apparently fixed the EXP bug...that's all it did, though, so I don't think it warrants a new thread (I just changed the title of this one)
              • wall57

                wall57 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                its just a fix for exp bug, so better call it 1.2.1,5
                • Analri

                  Analri Intergalactic Tourist

                  Yay! Experience is fixed! :D
                  In other news:
                  1. Cremator projectiles are damaging players while in flight, instead of only when they land. Not sure if this is intended or not, but it can hurt badly if the player's in the wrong place at the wrong time.
                  2. Cremator projectile target indicators are also not appearing for me.


                  EDIT: Yeah, I just got totally rekt by flying projectiles.
                    Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
                  • Duskmoor

                    Duskmoor Space Hobo

                    Achievements won't unlock on Steam.
                    • Stovepipes

                      Stovepipes Void-Bound Voyager

                      The game itself calls it 1.2.2 (check top left corner on title screen)[DOUBLEPOST=1414697389][/DOUBLEPOST]
                      Cremator projectiles have always worked that way.

                      Also, if you're playing on monsoon, the target indicators don't show up iirc
                        Analri likes this.
                      • greyknighthero

                        greyknighthero Void-Bound Voyager

                        By the looks of it or at least for me. The 1.2.2 update is only for windows on my mac I'm still at 1.2.1 and I clicked play and verified the game cache and there no missing updates.

                        EDIT: Scratch what I said I had to restart steam.
                        • ShadowlessWanderer

                          ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

                          The target indicators are because of the graphics settings. Low shows the indicators, medium and high do not. Same thing with the old mushrum clouds/attacks.
                            Stovepipes likes this.
                          • Ketelbinkie

                            Ketelbinkie Space Hobo

                            - I did two runs that picked up origin at the end, the artifact however still isn't unlocked for me. One time was on drizzle and the other time was on monsoon.

                            - I only have two achievements left to unlock in the game. None of my steam achievements have been unlocked.

                            - I've had the not being able to jump glitch happen multiple times

                            - Sometimes when i fall off the bottom of the map I get stuck and fall forever.
                              Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
                            • blackflytr

                              blackflytr Orbital Explorer

                              thx thx thx thx
                              for fixing this asap!
                              insta downloaded patch :D watch me dieing
                              • Basqe

                                Basqe Void-Bound Voyager

                                Sooo, I've been playing right now and the last enemy on the map used that thing that makes you jump to make his way to the sky (there was 3 of them doing it, but only one didn't make his way back for ~5 minutes). Preety gamebreaking bug.

                                Screenshots :

                                • orangesail

                                  orangesail Aquatic Astronaut

                                  I have experienced multiple times (all on Commando character and all occurrences were on Dried Lake near the bottom right of the stage) falling through the map, impeding progress. Returning to the main menu and starting a new game fixed this, but it still occurs occasionally.

                                  I too have experienced the jump bug, where the game does not allow you to jump while on a certain level (platform, ground, etc., not 'stage') until you move to another lower level.

                                  Also, I am completely unable to access the "Scores and Unlockables" menu, as it crashes the game. The resulting error report is shown below. The game closes out after I click OK. I am playing on a 2012 MacBook Pro via Steam. If necessary, I can share my computer's specs as well. Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 9.22.48 PM.png
                                  • Sailose

                                    Sailose Orbital Explorer

                                    • For Windows XP and Windows 8 users, save and preference data is loaded from AppData to properly sandbox
                                    • Backup saves no longer override saves
                                    So does that mean they fixed something with the saves? mine still wont load so i was wondering if there was something extra i needed to do.
                                    • heckhouse

                                      heckhouse Orbital Explorer

                                      Well, tried the game again post hot fix, and made it to the end on my first try, and at the ending credit, fatal error. All progress lost. I'm not sure what's worse, waiting over a year for the game to be ported for the mac, or having to play this busted version.

                                        orangesail likes this.
                                      • Soupjuice

                                        Soupjuice Space Hobo

                                        Running Risk of Rain on a newish 13" MacBook Pro on Bootcamped Windows Partition

                                        Dealt so much damage, Frost Relic, so many numbers and monsters on screen I crashed the shit out of the game.

                                        GG 10/10
                                        FATAL ERROR in
                                        action number 1
                                        of Draw Event
                                        for object oParticleEngine:

                                        Fatel Error: Can not create vertex buffer
                                        • ZarokTheGreat

                                          ZarokTheGreat Void-Bound Voyager

                                          I can confirm the bug where the HUD disappears after dying in multiplayer.
                                          After I come back in the next stage I can't see my health, skills, use item, or level.
                                          It's really obnoxious and kinda makes the game impossibly hard after just dying once.
                                          It really kinda ruins my mood whilst I play...

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