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Bug reports for Risk of Rain 1.2.2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stovepipes, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. cathats

    cathats Aquatic Astronaut

    Any time I click 'Scores and Unlockables' on the main menu I get a fatal error. Also during my last playthrough I was in the ancient valley and a collossus appeared which seemed to cause a fatal error.

    using a mac OS 10.9.5
    • chuiu

      chuiu Void-Bound Voyager

      This happens to me every time I die in the level before as well.
      • Brassqund

        Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

        1. after had take the golden gun (first stage), I was stuck in the air...
        unable to move except when I was using blink... I was able to get to a ladder but even
        if I was able to move up/down, I was not able to move on the sides...
        Item: Fireman's boot, golden gun and an other I don't remember

        2. I start a game and I start to fall trough the ground...
        The game teleport me again where I spawned... and I fall again, and again...
        Sans titre-1 copie.jpg
        • I encountered some bugs I thought I should post here;
          • Experience gain is bugged
            • Either the experience required to level is bugged to be too high, or the experience gained is bugged to be too low. Usually leaves me around level 3, at which point it become impossible to scale with the game's difficulty. Acquiring experience still happens.
          • Loader's Knuckleboom Combo "soft cap" occasionally bugs, disabling all abilities
            • After a Knuckleboom Combo, there is a small delay in which you can attack (and combo) again (soft cap). The delay, however, can trigger at any moment during the combo -- sometimes even triggering on the first input of the attack. The bugged delay will not only prevent you from further attacking, but will also prevent you from casting abilities within the small time window. Usually leaves you in the middle of a pack of enemies with nothing to do but try to move/jump away.
          • Loader's Debris Shield sometimes doesn't apply move speed buff, or doesn't apply it for the duration of the skill
            • Sometimes Debris Shield's movespeed buff isn't applied at all. Other times, it's applied, but not for the 3 second duration of the skill.
          • Huntress's Strafe fails to hit enemies at close range
            • Usually Strafe fails to hit enemies at point blank, practically in your hit box, range. Since the latest patch, this range cap seems to have increased, allowing strafe to miss multiple targets at a time at an even greater range (like 2-3 hit boxes away). The missile will "miss" the first target, and will then continue to pass through up to 2 additional targets before getting back it's impact capabilities.
          • Invisible walls spawn randomly
            • Invisible walls can spawn anywhere on level start and DURING your play through. Hinders jumping, creates invisible platforming, and even blocks off whole sections of levels -- sometimes renders the level impossible to complete.
          • cAyou

            cAyou Big Damn Hero

            I can confirm that gaining experience is bugged. It makes the game so hard ! Damn ! Even with good arctifacts it's a pain in the ass.
            • rareitor

              rareitor Intergalactic Tourist

              Couple things I've concluded:

              -It seems the Loader challenge that has to do with the overloading worm is not linked to any item. Supposedly should be the Gigantic Amethist, but that is linked to the unlock of the Loader himself apparently.

              -There are certain places where you can just fall through floors, so far it only happened consistently in the Tundra when jumping or falling into the small depressions in the ground that are near the top left of the map (those bits that are not much wider than the character sprite itself).

              -Also text bug that makes it really hard to read at 2x on any resolution.
                Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
              • cathats

                cathats Aquatic Astronaut

                I've been having this issue as well. I thought it was just part of the game and that I was just terrible at it.
                • cAyou

                  cAyou Big Damn Hero

                  I hope you're wrong, or I'm also terrible at this game :fireball: but the second level is really quick one or two mobs, then the third level takes like 5mn to reach and after that...But I remember few days ago reaching up to level 8/11 after the first stage, is this a very new issue or is this random somehow?
                  • diskthree

                    diskthree Space Hobo

                    Once again, enemies (children and parents) do not jump up 1 block height steps.
                    Also, the experience glitch is worth mentioning even though just about everyone else has already. I could have sworn v1.2.0 increased damage scaling, but this makes the game near unplayable.
                    • cppcabrera

                      cppcabrera Void-Bound Voyager

                      OS: Linux (XUbuntu 14.04)

                      • Confirming: XP bug. 40 minutes in and still LV 3.
                      • When clicking "Scores and Unlockables", game immediately crashes (every time).
                      • Hazanator

                        Hazanator Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        Still getting the 'can't jump until I fall' thing too. Will be forced to fall off of a platform or go down a hill or something so that I can jump again.
                        • rumbaughster

                          rumbaughster Space Hobo

                          In multiplayer when i die and respawn next level my ability icons and health bar are gone.
                          • mehman

                            mehman Space Hobo

                            Second world with glowing child monsters. If they are to the very right of the stage and next to one of those lifts that shoots you up, they go so high up they are off the screen and it takes forever for them to come down.

                            Really, really annoying when they are the last monsters to kill as they stop trying to come to me and I have to wait for their slow decent to get shots in before they get sent flying back up. Takes forever to kill them, killed 2 of the 4 that were stuck and said screw it.
                            • Wagnozac

                              Wagnozac Void-Bound Voyager

                              The gamepad buttons are not mapped correctly I think:
                              When I have to get up or down ladders or ropes I have to press x (for up) or a (for down)
                              It is the same when you choose items from boxes.
                              • warxy

                                warxy Phantasmal Quasar

                                I get this on Mac OS X 10.10 as well.
                                • RoRfan9000

                                  RoRfan9000 Intergalactic Tourist

                                  OS: Win7
                                  in multiplayer on the client-side:
                                  ERROR in
                                  action number 1
                                  of <Unknown Event>
                                  for object pActive:
                                  buffer_create: Illegal size
                                  • Galdius

                                    Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    - Just to say that we can't assign some keys (MAJ espacially) on Mac and this is really, really embarrassing ^^

                                    - With the pad, it's impossible to go in challenge's menu
                                    • blackflytr

                                      blackflytr Orbital Explorer

                                      please fix this exp bug asap, its kinda unplayable.
                                      im at minute 45 HAHAHAHAHAHA! and still lvl4
                                      • Prov

                                        Prov Void-Bound Voyager

                                        Confirming a few bugs, and mentioning another I haven't seen.
                                        Jumping bug. It seems like the game only thinks I can jump so high. So if I have a red whip, and jump 2 blocks, I am unable to jump again, until I have gone down.
                                        EXP bug. Due to how EXP is, the game is nearly unplayable. Best I've gotten is lvl 4 after 40 minutes of playing.
                                        Mob spawns. Are mobs supposed to spawn ridiculously fast when playing with Spite on? Playing on Drizzle with spite and command on, I have 40+ mobs on the map after being in the zone for 2 minutes. (Seems to go down when spite was taken off)
                                        UI disappearing after death.
                                        Unable to open command artifact chests after using the explorers key to open all chests in view. Once key goes off cd I can open the newly spawned loot chests.

                                        Please start fixing these bugs soon. The game is unplayable right now.
                                        • Rhypht

                                          Rhypht Void-Bound Voyager

                                          When in a multiplayer game, at very random times, being on certain floors cause the player to be unable to jump. If you fall to a different surface and then jump back onto it again, sometimes this fixes the issue. However other times that surface just remains unable to be jumped on.

                                          This occurred in a 2p and a 4p multiplayer game. Not sure if this is already known, though I didn't see anything about it in the OP.

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