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Bug reports for Risk of Rain 1.2.2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stovepipes, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. kikkerbrood

    kikkerbrood Lucky Number 13

    The game won't start on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.
    /var/log/DiagnosticMessages entry:
    PID: 10259
    ReadGID: 80
    Sender: CoreServicesUIAgent
    SenderMachUUID: 2AC67154-15F9-3AD7-A29F-12F0868887D1
    Time: 2014-10-28 19:49:03 +0000
    com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.gatekeeper.open-unsafe-executable-type
    com.apple.message.signature: com.apple.application-bundle
    com.apple.message.signature2: LSRiskCategoryUnsafeExecutable
    • lonelyhornet

      lonelyhornet Title Not Found

      Get the steam key from the humblebundle page and open via steam. Thats what I did and I have no problems with launching (I'm on 10.10 too)
      To add:
      1. Acrid doesn't attack you when you open the crate on Sunken Tomb.
      2. Red whip doesn't apply speed buff a second or so after commando rolls, which is strange since it says applies speed out of combat.
      3. My screen resizes to fullscreen when the game crashed and I restarted it, then it went to windowed and went 800x600 instead of 1280x800 (however, when it does this and is 800x600, going into the options it says it is 1280x800 when it is clearly not...)
      GIF of it here, I didn't resize it or anything.


      4. Hovering over the abilities or when you first spawn on the first stage, the keys it says are wrong. It tells you the default keys for it (z, x, c, v) even when I bound the abilities to different keys.
      5. I also get the gamebreaking bug when you click the 'Achievements and Unlockables' with a new record and it crashes. Lost my progress numerous times after having a pretty decent run (since it's my first time, I defeated couple of bosses and got some really nice items but it wasn't saved.) When I do click that button when I open it after a crash it shows this, which isn't normal.


      EDIT1: An excellent example of how game-breaking this floor thing is, you can't go anywhere even with the roll.


      EDIT2: 6. Can't go down to get the Spite artifact, I see how to get down on Sky Meadow but I can't get down. I've pressed every key but it's impossible. I only got this game today (well downloaded it today) and I can't play it, I love Risk of Rain so much but it just sucks trying to play right now.
        Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
      • MrJareczkoPL

        MrJareczkoPL Void-Bound Voyager

        I have Windows SP SP2. After running RoR it's not launching. There is no process on Tasker

        EDIT: After lauching in SteamApps\common\Risk of Rain i have InitOnceExecuteOnce (...) Kernel32.dll problem
        • Zeldrin

          Zeldrin Void-Bound Voyager

          The d-pad isn't assigned properly when using a 360 or xbox one controller**
          Jump and climb down is assigned to the same button when using a controller**
          **I've fixed these 2 issues by restoring the controls to default via the game, then restarting the game.
          **Alternatively, deleting your binds from the prefs.ini might also work for these issues.

          Steam achievements aren't unlocking
          The item/monster log and scores and unlockables menus are impossible to navigate with a controller, the only thing you can do is exit out of those menus by pressing LB :s
          When tabbing out of the game, it often doesn't appear in the taskbar (win7)[/quote]
            Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
          • Riskofbane

            Riskofbane Space Spelunker

            experiencing same issue with ground breaking as above. Also to help the one having trouble downloading on mac. Download the torrent from humble using any torrent client. This fixed that problem for me as a mac user. I cannot seem to change the screen resolution from 800x600 even when fullscreen, but I believe this bug has been reported as well. Using Mac OS X 10.9.5
            • wall57

              wall57 Subatomic Cosmonaut

              it does not matter your SP on windows xp, you will not be able to play, unless you upgrade to win7, word of advice: keep playing on 1.1.2, it has less bugs.

              Old Bug that stills in all versions: Imp servant still bugging once you stop time. he kinda forgots to unpause himself once the time is running again..
              • ronchaine

                ronchaine Seal Broken

                When clicking on "scores on unlockables" on Linux, the game crashes with:
                ERROR in
                action number 1
                of Create event
                for object oHighscore:
                DoSet :: Invalid comparison type
                at gml_Object_oHighscore_Create_0

                Also, it seems like PS3/PS2 controllers are unusable, since rebinding the controller keys does not work, haven't tried the linux build with XBox controller yet.

                edit: There seems to be quite many "error trying to load GMIni.so - GMIni.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" -errors in the terminal, don't know if it's related.
                  Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
                  Treadlight likes this.
                • kingscorners

                  kingscorners Void-Bound Voyager

                  still receiving this error on start up, meaning i still have yet to play the updated version at all:

                  FATAL ERROR in Fragment Shader compilation
                  ShaderName: shd_color_swapper_16

                  D :\User Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain\memory(223,4): error X5200: (Third source param) Invalid register number: 38. Max allowed for this type is 31.

                  • Ketelbinkie

                    Ketelbinkie Space Hobo

                    I tried this but it has not worked for me.
                    • Zeldrin

                      Zeldrin Void-Bound Voyager

                      You could try deleting your keybinds from the prefs.ini, even though it's a bit of a long shot
                      • MrStrangerPL

                        MrStrangerPL Pangalactic Porcupine

                        Yo. You know, we're fucked right now?
                          MrJareczkoPL likes this.
                        • kikkerbrood

                          kikkerbrood Lucky Number 13

                          That worked. Thanks.
                            lonelyhornet likes this.
                          • DFLX

                            DFLX Orbital Explorer

                            I'm having an issue with getting stuck in the ground, I'm assuming it's related to the pixel rounding thing mentioned in the patch notes. Basically if you do a jump up to a higher platform and you just barely make it high enough to get onto the platform, you'll get stuck in the ground and be unable to jump. You can still move left/right, but you can't jump. Only way to get unstuck is to walk off the platform (if possible) or use a movement ability. Was playing the mercenary when I noticed it so I just used his jedi jump to unstuck myself when it happened. It still ended up getting me killed when I tried to jump up to a rope and couldn't :(

                            Aside from this and the XP bug, I'm finding the new builds much more stable, no more audio problems, FPS is much better, no problems with controls (dualshock 3 + motionjoy).
                            • Ketelbinkie

                              Ketelbinkie Space Hobo

                              After trying what you said three times, I got different results each time. The first time it resulted in all my buttons being mapped to the A button, the second time everything worked except my shoulder buttons and the third time it finally worked as intended. I have no clue why this happened but at least appears to be fixed now. Thanks for the tip.
                              • TheOriginalSINe

                                TheOriginalSINe Intergalactic Tourist

                                The HUD disappears when you die on a multiplayer game, and never reappears even if you respawn.
                                I have also had this bug happen to me as well. Makes online multiplayer games really unenjoyable.
                                • Poaked

                                  Poaked Aquatic Astronaut

                                  Mine's a bit of a weird one. It has become nearly impossible for me to level up recently.
                                  You see, on the first map, I can get from level 1 to level 2 no problem, three Lemurians max. Getting to level 3 takes quite a while.
                                  Afterwards, I can beat stages 1, 2, 3, 4 and fight the final boss and STILL be level 3, beating the bosses and everything. The XP bar climbs impossibly slow, making it near impossible to fight late-game bosses.
                                  I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen, unless having the Glass and the choose-your-item artifact causes very slow level up all of the sudden.
                                  Any advice is appreciated
                                    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
                                  • Djoron

                                    Djoron Void-Bound Voyager

                                    So, I was in the second level and 2 Children got on a jumppad in the very bottom right corner, go pushed up, but disappeared above the screen.
                                    EVENTUALLY, like....2-3 minutes later one came slowly floating back down, but landed on the pad again and up it was.
                                    The gist of it is, that I couldn't really finish the level, not w/o waiting ages to get a few shots at them.

                                    Not weird, everyone has that ^^
                                    It makes the game quite a bit harder. :/
                                    • sunBather

                                      sunBather Orbital Explorer

                                      I too seem to have the Jump/Down get mapped to the "A" button on my 360 controller.
                                      It seems to happen randomly in the game and I can get it to stop by defaulting the controls and/or restarting the game. Usually, though, it's restarting the game.
                                      It's pretty frustrating when I'm 45 minutes into a run and I can't jump all of the sudden and have to do a full quit and start over.
                                      • Mmarz11

                                        Mmarz11 Intergalactic Tourist

                                        Was unable to jump when standing on a platform as Commando on the Dried Lake level. Another player was also unable to do so.
                                        • blizzars

                                          blizzars Aquatic Astronaut

                                          I am using a PS3 controller with XPadder. When I play the game after a while it seems like my USB drives on my computer start to fail. My computer makes the sound like a USB is disconnecting. At the same time my mouse (has lights on it) start to blink like it's being disconnected and my keyboard caps/scroll lock lights start to blink like it's being disconnected. I have tried DS3Tool and XPadder, both did the same thing.

                                          Have yet to try playing only with a keyboard or with the same controller/program on another different computer. Has anyone else had this problem?

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