Bronies Beyond The Stars [B.B.T.S]

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by MoshiMoshi, Apr 10, 2012.

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  1. DoomBread12

    DoomBread12 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll be seeing yalls laters ^-^ I gotta go for a couple of hours
    Spike likes this.
  2. Pinkie Pie

    Pinkie Pie Cosmic Narwhal

    / )*( \ Awh yeah!
    Spike likes this.
  3. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alright. Time to update the OP with.. stuff.
    Haven't finished the rank tree, yet.
    Spike likes this.
  4. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not sure. Will look into your clan some more. ;D

    Raindrops is a good pony.
    Glad to see we're your first clan, ever.
    If you think you could make a good sig, feel free to give it a shot.
    Welcome aboard.

    'Tis a shame you won't join, though, thanks for the support!
    May I ask, why is it that you won't be joining?

    EDIT: Oh, right; *brohoof*
    Spike likes this.
  5. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Oh god it's that runner up guy with the epic virorbs thing.
    I loved your concept for the monster, imo you had the best idea, it was just too much to implement for the developers I reckon, the weird bunny thing was easier to put in because it was only a single monster.
    Welcome flu!

    Ah, I can't decided whether Inky or my titles are better...
    Inkys looks fantastic while mine are well, made by me.
    Spike likes this.
  6. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can't judge your own work, I remember you saying.

    Yours are good because they make their point, look nice, and are small and easy to tie into a thread.

    Unfortunately, Inks', whilst looking great, seem to be a little too big, and feel a little empty.
    Don't get me wrong, they're still great, I just think Zaizai's are better for this situation.
    I may be wrong, and you are all welcome to "correct" me if you wish. Although I created the clan, I would rather base my decisions on what the clan, as a whole, would prefer.
    Also, Inks, even though Pinkie is best pony, you still probably shouldn't use her for more than one title-thing. ^^

    Spike likes this.
  7. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    You know be better than myself.

    You're slow to realise these things don't you.

    Thanks for the compliment Moshi.
    Spike likes this.
  8. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Great grammar you have there.
    Yes. I don't constantly check the things I follow.
    Just here.

    You're welcome. ^^
    Spike likes this.
  9. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Heaps of us have great graphic manipulation skills.
    But... does anyone have the proper skills to manipulate VIDEO?
    I know I do
    Spike likes this.
  10. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I might.
    I won some contest by making a crappy animation.
    I don't enjoy making videos very much.
    Spike and Derpy Hooves like this.
  11. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Spike likes this.
  12. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Only 2.
    I think.
    Spike likes this.
  13. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    I went to animation contests too in my younger years.
    I was top of the class because of my love for animating at home, I had nothing else to do, I was like, a few grades higher up than everyone else?
    These competitions had a topic, where you had to base your animation around it, they had time limits. Gawsh I hate time limits.
    I stopped animating years ago though. But I bet I can still cook up a mean animation.

    Also ULTRA SIMPLE Flash games or interactive animations.
    Can do those well too.
    Spike likes this.
  14. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    I love enhancing my music's bass. It sounds SO much more powerful,
    since I listen to music like drumstep, complextro, hard style and hands up / dance.
    Auraknight and Spike like this.
  15. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, we do.
    Idea: I've seen clan chat threads inside the clan subforum.
    I could create one there, perhaps?
    Spike likes this.
  16. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Name it B.B.T.S discussion thread if you want to.
    That sounds a bit better, but we COULD just chat inside our thread, free bumps, amiright?
    Spike likes this.
  17. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Good morning fellow bronies!

    I don't know. Some time ago I was in a minecraft clan which was quite chit-chatty. The mods were not happy about it and we got several warnings about being too much of a chat thread rather than a clan thread. So we have to be careful about the mods here. We don't want our beloving clan page to dissappear.
    Auraknight, Spike and Zailiner like this.
  18. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    I'm sure the mods are nice enough here to supply us with a warning first, since we've put so much work into this thread.
    But who am I to make the decision? Moshi can be on the safe side and make us a discussion thread.
    But we've made it till now without being this topic being deleted. And this topic currently is nothing like a chat thread, we are discussing
    about how we could make our clan better right now, an posting title updates and such. I'm sure we're safe.
    Auraknight and Spike like this.
  19. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    I have an idea.
    Instead of a chat thread we could just start a steam group for us to use the group chat thing.
    It's much easier because of live messaging, problem is that we have to link videos and pictures, but the live messaging
    should make up for it easily.
    How's that? I will set it up if you want since you seem to be rather busy while I am distracting my self from assignments.
    Spike likes this.
  20. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I suppose so. Alrighty then.

    Love the idea. I'm on. Just have us know when it is all set and ready for joining.
    Spike likes this.
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