Bronies Beyond The Stars [B.B.T.S]

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by MoshiMoshi, Apr 10, 2012.

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  1. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Testing testing 123

    Chuck Norris​
    Do the words appear dar too low? I can lift up the balloons to make room for the words if you want, it'll be easy as 1 2 3. ​
    Spike and MoshiMoshi like this.
  2. Inkheart

    Inkheart Big Damn Hero

    Hmmm it seems you have a broken link there.

    Oh Celestia my modem just pooped itself D:

    The heading is looking great :D
    Spike likes this.
  3. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Bob the builder​
    Truck dude thing​
    There I fixed it, it looks much better now.​
    I'm waiting Inky and Shredder's titles.​
    Spike and MoshiMoshi like this.
  4. MoshiMoshi

    MoshiMoshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As do I.
    Yours is still amazing.
    Spike likes this.
  5. Inkheart

    Inkheart Big Damn Hero

    Wait a minute. I was suppose to summit a title too? :O

    Well here goes doodle nothing.

    I was spending my last 30 mins doing this. [​IMG]
    ( This is not the title ) I'm just doing this banner for my own amusement.
    Ehh oh well.
    Spike and Zailiner like this.
  6. Krabby

    Krabby Title Not Found

    First I would like to alliance the Mercenaries Guild with BBTS.
    Second, it seems our Keeper of the Ponies is already a member, Gredd.
    And finally I wouldn't be surprised if I see Earic join.
    Spike likes this.
  7. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Nope. I was just stupidly assuming that you would. No need for it though.
    But if you can do better then me, please try.

    You might need to provide better points to enforce the reason of our alliance.
    Our clan leader is taking his ZZzzzzs right now so expect a responce tommorow
    Thank you for your patience.
    - Zailiner
    Spike likes this.
  8. Inkheart

    Inkheart Big Damn Hero

    Here's my submission :) Challenge accepted

    Hope it's good enough!
    Spike and Zailiner like this.
  9. Krabby

    Krabby Title Not Found

    We're mercenaries, so if we have an alliance you won't have to pay us for our services, also we have War Ponies, what other reasons do we need?
    Spike likes this.
  10. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    SO SHINY!​
    Spike likes this.
  11. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Eh, quite a few maybe.
    Just wait till our boss comes on and give the final decision.
    The war ponies part is mouth watering but must resist.

    It's great, might just combat mine.
    Oh Im so full of myself
    Spike likes this.
  12. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    I will eventually be posting all of these into one post so you don't need to hunt them down.​
    I just feel like posting them as I go for some reason.​
    I'm pretty proud of these, SO FREAKING SHINY!​
    They really shine out on this dark background​
    Spike, Inkheart and eShredder like this.
  13. Inkheart

    Inkheart Big Damn Hero

    Hmm... it is a smart way to generate likes... if you think about it...



    Spike and Zailiner like this.
  14. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Yes, I am a wizard.
    Thanks for the compliment Inky.
    Spike likes this.
  15. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Fluttershy is best introduction​
    This is exposing the viewer to the girliest banner of all first :ninja:
    Only a few more to go, making these while battling sleep isn't a smart idea. But oh well.​
    Spike likes this.
  16. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    That's it for the night, good night guys.​
    I used applejack's colour scheme and cutie mark for the rules, she is the element of honesty isn't she?​
    Added her hair bands to the siggie.​
    Spike likes this.
  17. Inkheart

    Inkheart Big Damn Hero

    A great figure or physique is nice, but it's self-confidence that makes someone really sexy.

    Anyway. MORE TITLES

    P.s Nighty night night don't let the nightmare bite :)
    Spike and Zailiner like this.
  18. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh, so now you're all onto this title thingies. I wanted to give those a try too but y'all seem rather into and soon finished already.

    Nighty night you two ^^
    Spike likes this.
  19. Inkheart

    Inkheart Big Damn Hero

    Twilight gives the best therapy :D


    Night Shredder.

    You should try to make some titles too :) Who knows, Moshi might use individual titles made from each and everyone of use and use it in the op so it appears a lot more variety. It's a cool thought but Moshi makes the final call :p
    Spike and Zailiner like this.
  20. thefluvirus

    thefluvirus Contributor

    Heya, can I join? I've never really taken part in a clan before so this is a first for me, but since I'm a brony this would be a good start! :D
    My favourite pony is Raindrops (the one in my sig) and my favourite of the mane six is Fluttershy. I'd be willing to try my hoof at making a sig for the clan, if you want.
    Spike, Inkheart and Zailiner like this.
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