Bronies Beyond The Stars [B.B.T.S]

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by MoshiMoshi, Apr 10, 2012.

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  1. thescienceguy3

    thescienceguy3 Void-Bound Voyager

    how can someone be so frustrated with fishing you dont get it until after the 3rd or 4th tears of light collection
  2. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Tell him I have a guitar with blood on it and that he is more than welcome to try to kick me. :3
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  3. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    i like Clocktown best but three is my second favorite. and yes a large part of me would die if no zeldas had been made. they just have so much story and are such good games
  4. thescienceguy3

    thescienceguy3 Void-Bound Voyager

    i have and have beaten it you dont get it until before you go into gruedo desert
  5. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    OLOLOLOLOL you need to get fish for cat man in the first area
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  6. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    Before you even get sord
  7. Ingwaz

    Ingwaz Big Damn Hero

    no, their colors are pretty different. her fanon name is candy mane
  8. HerpDerpy

    HerpDerpy Guest

    its more then that for me.i played these games with my mom because i was to young to be able to read all the text, and unfortunately those are most of my good memoirs i have with her.
  9. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    Awww that's deep man
  10. thescienceguy3

    thescienceguy3 Void-Bound Voyager

    now i remember you get to get money for fishing up north near the Zoras.
  11. HerpDerpy

    HerpDerpy Guest

  12. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    quoted directly from wiki
    The fishing rod in Twilight Princess is an actual obtainable item. It is given to Link by Uli after the young hero saves her future child's cradle from a monkey It is basically just a stick and line with the option to add bee larvae or worms as bait and can be used anywhere at any time.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  13. HerpDerpy

    HerpDerpy Guest

    ak damn, that majoras mask album is damn good, if i had any money i would donate the shit out of it.
    CaptainMcManface likes this.
  14. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    I joined the clan soon after becoming one, so yea.
    I wasn't even done grinding through every episode yet.
  15. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Majara's mask is best soundtrack.
    Polar Bear likes this.
  16. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know right, it was a countdown to the end of the world playing the music as it got closer and closer, until the world didn't end and they were like here you can listen to the songs we made!... for free!
  17. HerpDerpy

    HerpDerpy Guest

    Polar Bear likes this.
  18. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    Is a fan made album but even so
  19. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This song; It came, we saw, it kicked arse!
    CaptainMcManface likes this.
  20. ProsaurusRex

    ProsaurusRex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You know all of those tumblr groups going on, like the Coop, A Touch of Diamonds, The Dashpad, etc.? There should be one for fillies. I'd totally join that.
    Polar Bear likes this.
  21. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    I know what album your talking about, but I still wanted to say that.
    CaptainMcManface likes this.
  22. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    You should make one.
  23. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Should I stream some Derpy? (drawing)
    Auraknight and CaptainMcManface like this.
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