Boom! Here I am

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Relinies, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    Hey guys, it's Relinies. I'm sure most of you know me from TerrariaOnline, and a few more from places like World o' Fun servers.
    I've been watching Starbound for a long while (account made 100 days ago just today!), but never decided to post. Now I'm here! So lets see how quickly I can annoy you all to death :p
  2. Fuzions

    Fuzions Zero Gravity Genie

    I would say welcome to the forums, but you've been here since the first week :rofl:
    And annoying people to death?...
    Relinies likes this.
  3. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    But I like being welcomed :(

    Hmm... How to begin the annoyance process...
  4. Vizendel

    Vizendel Pangalactic Porcupine

    "Welcome, it has been one-zero-zero days since you last spoke."
    Relinies likes this.
  5. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    What's this a reference to? It sounds barely familiar, but that isn't much to go on.
  6. Vizendel

    Vizendel Pangalactic Porcupine

    Very weak reference to Portal 2.

    -Very weak.-
    Relinies likes this.
  7. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    Ah, no wonder. The first wake up scene, when it says you were in stasis for about 6 months?
  8. Fuzions

    Fuzions Zero Gravity Genie

    Well then, welcome to your 100+ day anniversary. And I am not easily annoyed.
    Relinies likes this.
  9. Vizendel

    Vizendel Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yes, yes it is.
    Relinies likes this.
  10. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    I can go to your every post and quote it, so long as it isn't necro!
    I mean, that's gotta be like fifty something alerts!
    Fuzions likes this.

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