Bloodsports. (more than an arena)

Discussion in 'Other' started by Qtw, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Qtw

    Qtw Phantasmal Quasar

    i think some some bloodsports would be fun.

    something like Unreal Tournament.

    something like capture the flag , objective based bloodsports and more.

    there can be it can be every man for himself OR team based with up to two or four teams.

    optional gambling could be cool too.
    gambling gives greator rewards than not gambling.
    if you play for get some a random weapon or a few pixels on victory.

    if you get 50% extra pixels of what you put in as well as everyone elses bet.
    applies to both teams and loners.

    and to prevent neglecting singleplayer myself...
    a simple AI could be put in for the bloodsports.

    here are a few ideas for the bloodsports.

    Deathmatch and team deathmatch.
    just kill eachother.

    capture the flag.
    capture the enemy teams flag and return to base alive. points to win are configurable.

    king of the hill/ territory.
    king of the hill has no teams while territory does.
    in them you just hold your position in a narrow area.

    this is my favorite.
    its kinda like a pvp quest thing. where one team defends the other assaults.
    the Def team tries to keep the ATK team from getting into their base.
    The ATK team has to go through hoops to get into the DEF base.

    team ATK must destry base of team DEF
    to do so ATK must first plant a bomb on a specific wall.
    next they cut the power to a laser wall.
    then they destroy the base power plant which causes an explosion.
    if team ATK does all three they win.
    team DEF must prevent them from doing so for a set time.
    if team ATK cannot do it withen a time frame they fail and DEF wins.

    this is just one example of many possiblities.
    there can be more types of objective.

    assassination, destruction, many possiblities.

    Double Assault.
    i just thought of this.
    its objective...but BOTH teams need to defend AND attack.
    they do the same objectives but on opposite sides.

    any ideas to improve this?
    i'd like to see if anyone else likes this as well.

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