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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Wyvern

    Wyvern Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    You're just going to have to accept that the game is never coming out. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can move on with your life.
    enemarius86 likes this.
  2. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    if there working on tier 5 now, then we can assume that the first few tiers are finished!.
  3. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Sounds like you've lost hope. And patience.

    No worries, Starbound will be out eventually. The moving on with your life part doesnt have to be completely devoid without the hope of something nice round the corner though :)
  4. Wyvern

    Wyvern Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Nice things don't happen in a universe where Starbound is never coming out.
  5. Arch-Mage Zandor

    Arch-Mage Zandor Space Kumquat

    Not really. Plenty of Games have people working on End Game, or in this case mid game, content at the same time as they have people working on the beginning. It's just like how when a movie is filmed they don't work on the scenes in the order they happen.

    I personally missed the latest livestream, so I wouldn't know if this was actually said or you just misheard, but this is one possible explanation
  6. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    they have 3 programs that's not a lot of people.

    ps if got the video i save it i just cant find it atm on youtub but im still looking ;).
  7. Arch-Mage Zandor

    Arch-Mage Zandor Space Kumquat

    Still, it's a possibility.
    Although, like I said, you may have just misheard them.
  8. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    you can't have people working on random stuff if you have 3 programers you have to go from A to B if not you get epic feature creep
    Pingeh likes this.
  9. Arch-Mage Zandor

    Arch-Mage Zandor Space Kumquat

    Who said it was random? It could have been planned.
  10. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i give up good luck with your delusions. ill go back to playing terraria 1.2
    Gikkomelma, Darkhog and Pingeh like this.
  11. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Methinks you missed my point.

    Starbound IS the nice thing around the corner silly :p
  12. Wyvern

    Wyvern Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Most of the content for the game is a glorified mod for the engine Chucklefish has built. Adding new items to the game essentially consists of dumping text files in a directory. Artists can do that. You don't need a developer for it. Hell from the some of the updates, it seems like mollygos has even been working on some of it and she's a community manager.

    If the devs are smart, and I'd like to think they are, they've probably planned out the numbers for most of the tiered armor. At that point, the work is plugging numbers into a text file and getting some art assets.
  13. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i would like to think so too. if sed this before and i'll say it a again it looks like tiy wants to release a finished game and say it's a beta. be for tarraria 1.2 i would of sed that is was bad plane, but now i think it would be there best plane ofc they have promised a beta so there damned if they do and damned if they don't.
  14. Wyvern

    Wyvern Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    What? What you just said has nothing to do with what I said or what I quoted you saying.
    onerb2 likes this.
  15. Wyvern

    Wyvern Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    What the hell are you on about?
    onerb2 likes this.
  16. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    can you start again you have confused me i'm not sure what you are trying to say :oops:
  17. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    No, I'm afraid that it will be an endless beta, where by the time the full game is released it will be old and everyone will forget it's a beta at all. And the devs losing motivation to develop. What happened with minecraft beta is horrible, even though the game itself had an intriguing idea.
  18. Paco495

    Paco495 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *Places Wyvern on suicide watch*
  19. kikolourenco

    kikolourenco Space Hobo

    Some ppl defending starbound with your lives.
    Pingeh likes this.
  20. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Some ppl attacking starbound for no reason. :p
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