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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    I will extend my feel and report later.
  2. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I say the beta!
  3. JagBlack

    JagBlack Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You must realize, Wulpher, that many players are very anxious to beta test this game. While I do not condone those who slander the community and developers, I do empathize the feeling of anxiety to beta test. When beta is released there will no longer be a reason for these members to complain. Unless of course they don't understand the point of beta and continue to bash the game for flaws. Which seems to happen more when game developers continually postpone beta release and grow a community of ready players who are expecting a completely finished product.

    Think about this. How much negative review did you hear on Minecraft alpha (not beta mind you). I personally never saw any. I only saw a ton of helpful tips, innovative ideas and constructive criticism. This rage that people experience seems to stem from being led on to believe they will have a game, they have already paid for, to test and have fun with before the game is so polished that there isn't much to be involved in as a community. Only to have the date pushed back time and time again.
    Darkhog, misho and Landlaw like this.
  4. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've paid for beta.
  5. Araxes

    Araxes Space Hobo

    So here's the deal Chucklefish. My 21st birthday is coming up soon. As in, the end of this month soon. The 26th. Of October. I'll be drinking. The question I put to you wonderful fellows is this; Will I be drinking in a toast to a wonderful game (Starbound, of course), or will I be drinking to drown the unbearable sorrow that will result if I'm not playing Starbound? The answer is up to you guys. I'll be watching.
    MrMas35, Nedox, cyberspyXD and 2 others like this.
  6. Dreviore

    Dreviore Void-Bound Voyager

    An answer to that can be found on the roadmap. That would show you approximately show you when the beta will start.
  7. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So, I responded to this, then deleted it, so sorry if you got multiple notifications.

    What your reply is is literally a rehash of everything everyone's been saying for as long as I've been here, but condensed. Beta will come when it does, and while I can share in the frustration everyone has been feeling, the forums have become a dark place because of it (not so much now that Molly and tiy cleaned things up, but a few days ago it got pretty bad), and to let that rage filter through and become outright anger at the devs isn't cool. Frustration isn't an excuse to be rude or snippish, being mad is your own hangup, don't let it become something that can bring down other people. The fact of the matter is you donated to game to assist its developers, so they can make a more quality product.

    Also, I never presumed to speak for the devs, so don't take what I said for what they may say. I said in my original post, that I personally would be skeptical in releasing to a crowd as cynical as this one has become, because if they can rage so much about something that isn't even released, imagine what would happen if they DID release with all the game breaking bugs they have been addressing? How much worse would it have been to actually have the excitement of getting it, just to have it not work? Or be boring? Or have only half the content that was advertised? Thats all MY opinion, and its not really a popular one, so I apologize if anyone chafes at the idea, anyone is welcome to PM me if you want to have an actual discussion on this.

    I am frustrated the beta isn't out. We are all allowed to be, even if we don't want to admit it (even though an overwhelming majority of us do). But to let that turn into something that can potentially ruin the experience for others, or let it become spite at the group who is literally dedicating their lives to making it seems counterproductive.

    Also, your name makes me smile. I don't know why, but it does.
  8. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    the roadmap :yeahhhh: like the daily updats, it tell's us nothing useful, atlas nothing we can base a beta relies on. my best ges is Dec XX.

    just wont to add there is no point in releasing starbound beta for at least a month as most people will be to busy playing tarraria.
    MrMas35 and enemarius86 like this.
  9. Deldrith

    Deldrith Astral Cartographer

    Beta will be out November at best, calling it. Probably early-mid Dec.
  10. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Someone said that they saw the dev's post that it wouldn't be out in October, which is obviously useless hearsay. But yea, you're probably right...

    It wouldn't be so bad... I had hopes of playing SB all summer when I had a bunch of free time. Hopefully I can play it during winter break.

    Edit: Oh yea, I'm in graduate school now. No such thing as break :/
    MrMas35, strikerjuice and onerb2 like this.
  11. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    yeah, if starbound launches now i will have to repeat the year in my school :badpokerface:
    strikerjuice likes this.
  12. Darkhog

    Darkhog Subatomic Cosmonaut

    At this point they should either do Phil Fish or release damn thing, preferably accompanied by video of devs apologizing for f us over with tears in their eyes.
    Pingeh likes this.
  13. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    ...or they could, you know, keep working on it. Even Phil Fish released his game before he GG'd from the industry.
  14. Fyreflyte

    Fyreflyte Pangalactic Porcupine

    You get an A+ for drama o_O
    Gikkomelma, St Fonz, Show and 7 others like this.
  15. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    That is better then any single reply I could think of. Bravo!
  16. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    The only tears they would have is from laughing so hard at your comment
    Skarn, Gikkomelma, Renlou and 10 others like this.
  17. Nedox

    Nedox Void-Bound Voyager

    ... Perfection.
    onerb2 and ImmortalFrog like this.
  18. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    onerb2, linkthegamer and Jonesy like this.
  19. Darkhog

    Darkhog Subatomic Cosmonaut

    At this point they have little dignity and credibility left, so either Phil Fish out there or release damn game in whatever state it's now to save rest of dignity and credibility you have.
    Pingeh likes this.
  20. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    I don't know if its about dignity, but credibility certainly.

    If in their shoes I would worry most about it and reputation. A newish small publisher just getting on their feet having delays with the star game for them? On top of it being made in house like this, doesn't reflect well. Sadly but not unsurprisingly it seems to have leaked over onto other games being published by Chucklefish. On top of that a competitor of sorts just released a well received update. That raises the bar they have to not only surpass with Starbound but break to gain a reputation for quality, that much higher.

    Word of mouth could work in their favor, but only if beta isn't meant to reflect the final product giving them leeway. Unfortunately they seem intent to release a feature complete or near one of it, resulting in little wiggle room and a beta given far later in the year then it probably should have been if they wanted a positive response.

    Instead not just the vocal, but even the silent so called majority maybe more critical then they expect, since Chucklefish has had more time to work on it. Expectations will just continue to generally climb for the game as time goes on.
    enemarius86, Jonesy, LeifGram and 2 others like this.
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