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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Ollobrains

    Ollobrains Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    looking forward to any more details regarding beta esp whats being disabled ahead of the full realise
  2. donkeyjones

    donkeyjones Void-Bound Voyager

  3. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

  4. FilipinoBoiii

    FilipinoBoiii Orbital Explorer

    It's not coming Dec. 4th.
  5. Arbor

    Arbor Title Not Found

    But...it is.
    Nedox, audioblack and Lobo like this.
  6. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    keyless15 likes this.
  7. Clarynaa

    Clarynaa Space Spelunker

    Saaad, and happyyyy! It's my birthday tomorrow, and I was hoping to get to play Starbound on my birthday, but at least it's only a week after.
  8. Arbor

    Arbor Title Not Found

    Your present is excitement. Don't spend it all in one place. Happy birthday.
    Heartstrings likes this.
  9. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    Those list items are just more broad than what I had in mind actually. Not that it matters, given that most of those claims were on an internet forum no sensible person would believe 1, 2 OR 5 were met >_>
    The game client can only update when they're not being played. But a player-run server could be left on for days/weeks and become out-of-date.
    He's just one man against an army. What can he do? :rofl:
    I suspect that's what you were aiming for in the first place. :facepalm:
    Paco495 likes this.
  10. JDCoop6

    JDCoop6 Orbital Explorer

    Wait, is it not coming out on Monday?
  11. Aureas

    Aureas Big Damn Hero

    Nope if anything it will come on Wednesday thats the 4th
  12. 0olong

    0olong Big Damn Hero

    Dec 4th eh? I'm going in for oral surgery to pull out a deeply impacted wisdom tooth. I get to play Starbound high as a kite! Yay pain pills!
  13. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Of course Skarn. My comment about how certain people are going to use the beta as ammunition on me and others came true. I know you value everyone's opinion very much and would not do such a thing. I probably deliberately said this because I wanted CERTAIN people to disregard my and others opinions! I was quite surprised that people were replying to my comment and doing exactly what I said yippee I wanted this!

    No way am I baiting you right now by saying your aiming to force your opinion down on me and others or pick fights! :up:
  14. Rawrquaza

    Rawrquaza Existential Complex

    I was so excited I bought into Diamond tier.
  15. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Existential Complex

    hello. im new 2 this forum. wat is starbond? is it come out soon? i would definite buy with the monies if so.
    AstroBlast likes this.
  16. GLord

    GLord Big Damn Hero

    How do I change the email my Beta code will be sent to?

    I can't access that email anymore, and while I don't want to have to, I would totally pre-order the game again if there's no way to change it.
  17. no starbond is suck cuz devs are lazi an dont' relesee gam alreedy they tak so long wuz sposed to be last yer but wuznt lol
    Heartstrings, Ahbahl and Pie4Pigs like this.
  18. JDCoop6

    JDCoop6 Orbital Explorer

    Oh sorry I meant to say Wednesday I was looking at my November calendar
  19. FilipinoBoiii

    FilipinoBoiii Orbital Explorer

    I can guarantee that it's not.
  20. Arbor

    Arbor Title Not Found

    I can guarantee that you can't guarantee that.
    Lobo, Hazmat and AstroBlast like this.
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