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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    What was it before?
    Pingeh, tassina and OzzytheFist like this.
  2. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    mine is 11/11/11
    tassina likes this.
  3. Milavelo

    Milavelo Big Damn Hero

  4. DrPhibes

    DrPhibes Pangalactic Porcupine

    Still patiently waiting for 13/13/13.
    Colton, Krytan, dhxmg and 2 others like this.
  5. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    totallybob likes this.
  6. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Ah. Was not a huge fan of D3, ended up playing of Path of Exile than did actual Diablo. I'm p. hyped for Starbound and Star Citizen so this is where I'm spending most of my time drooling over games.
    Maruku likes this.
  7. TheAvianLord

    TheAvianLord Sandwich Man

    Guys, I'm really excited about this, but what if it doesn't come out on the fourth? All of this excitement would be for nothing and disappointment will be really bad. :confused:
  8. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    its Skyrim release, dude
  9. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    Maybe they are still learning about release dates, but after *months* of pre-orders being open, saying beta would be released *this year*, being super careful not to give *any* sort of ballpark estimation other than that, and finally giving a date that is less than a month away from 2014 and only just over a week away from when they announced it, I think we can trust this approximation.

    Maruku and misho like this.
  10. Liraex

    Liraex Orbital Explorer

    Well Tiy basically said its in Steams' hands at this point and its up to them to get it up.

    And if they don't... I'll violently click my Steam desktop icon till' they do.
  11. Louka Menard

    Louka Menard Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is all.
    PlayMp1 and Athauxan like this.
  12. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    We just have to wait, Steam can be washy somtimes
  13. PurpleSquirel43

    PurpleSquirel43 Pangalactic Porcupine

  14. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i'm probably going to regret replying but here goes.

    i didn't mean to upset you i had simply lost patience with people trying to pick fights with me.

    my criticism and complaints were about chucklefishes bad PR and lack of a confirmed release date for beta. that's now moot as we have a release date :rolleyes:.

    pleas top picking fights with me by dragging things up that are not relevant to the new situation. again i'm sorry for upsetting you i hope you enjoy beta and have a wonderful christmas.
    Megs & Mia, Pingeh and Snowfalcon like this.
  15. ghostyTrickster

    ghostyTrickster Void-Bound Voyager

    aaaaand i'll put this here

    ok i'm done ill stop now
  16. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    Yes, you are done, your creating a hype train
  17. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Yep, with that around the 4th line I would say expect about a cushion of 3 days or so in either direction (depending on when they give it to steam it could be up and ready before the 4th or a few days after the forth if some nasty issue crops up, I doubt they will though).
  18. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    I find steam unreliable in its estimated times
    linkthegamer and misho like this.
  19. Milavelo

    Milavelo Big Damn Hero

    So.... like what happened when the "How The Beta Is Going To Work" update was posted?

  20. Osmedirez

    Osmedirez Phantasmal Quasar

    I expect if it does get delayed by Steam, it'll be in the range of a day or two at most, so I wouldn't worry too much either way.
    PurpleSquirel43 likes this.
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