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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. fatalbertlamont

    fatalbertlamont Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah I didn't think I needed to actually say I was being hyperbolic and ironical.

    Maybe the pre-orders did speed up the process, that doesn't change the fact that they sold pre-orders on the condition of a 2013 full release. That is a standard that they set for themselves - so why is it unfair for buyers to hold them accountable? The problem with CF is that they are very incompetent with communicating deadlines. Tiy wrote a whole post about video game delays (which reeks of their escape plan in case they can't make meet the 2013 deadline) - I happen to disagree with his idea of what makes a good game, but none the less even when games get delayed - some sort of information is given as to when the game was delayed to even if it's as vague as Q2 2014. CF seem to languish in obscurity as all the say is: "SoonTM" - which is funny because I didn't know "soon" could be interpreted for "months on end".

    Furthermore, this "soon" talk has been going on and losing credibility for so long, it's incredibly difficult to be optimistic about the beta. There is likely going to be lots of missing content, and I'm skeptical you'll even be able to play through the survival version of the game even up to tier 3. With how long they've dragged out the initial Beta release, I can't imagine how ridiculously long "Stage 1" is going to last. But that's what happens when you as it were "cry wolf" for so long - I really wish they'd prove me wrong with this last part.

    Edit: I thought I should add for the sake of clarity, I would be fine if they just delayed the game albeit disappointed - I just want them to be communicative about it.
    Snowfalcon and onerb2 like this.
  2. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have a lot of uncertainty in my life.
    "Will I graduate in time?"
    "Will I be able to find a job in my field?"
    "Does this mean that he's actually the 12th doctor?"

    But its good to know this forum is still in an utter unregulated state of chaos.
    Guys... You are my rock.

    I....I love all of you.... Every hate filled one of you....
    Weegeemang, Shippo, Keadin and 4 others like this.
  3. onerb2

    onerb2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Good points, i really hope you're wrong too, you see, i really hope the game releases before the end of the year, even if it don't i won't ask for a refound because no matter when the game is released i still want to play it. About tiy post, maybe it's about the full game being delayed to 2014? or even about the beta being released on 2013 even if the plan was originally it being released on 2012? (i don't know if it's true, i remember reading it somwhere.) well, again i hope you're wrong on this one.
    fatalbertlamont likes this.
  4. fatalbertlamont

    fatalbertlamont Void-Bound Voyager

    I hope you're right that I'm wrong... also?

    I mean I wont ask for a refund because i just want the game. My point about TIy's article was just pessimistic speculation.
    onerb2 likes this.
  5. ExGhost

    ExGhost Void-Bound Voyager

    So, I just came back from a parallel universe. The one that's exactly the same except they didn't open up pre orders. Well, apparently beta came out in June 2013 and full release was in October 2013. I think what happened was that the "Make Starbound" machine in our universe was filled with too much money at once and got jammed, which delayed the game.
    DaviDeil, Skarn and Snowfalcon like this.
  6. 97raven123

    97raven123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    I'm unsure if you're joking or being serious but not funding things does not equal it getting released twice as fast. Funding doesn't exactly speed up a project more than it keeps it from slowing down. If they didn't open pre-orders then they wouldn't be able to work on the game full time and therefore wouldn't be able to get it released significantly later let alone earlier.
    cyberspyXD and onerb2 like this.
  7. fatalbertlamont

    fatalbertlamont Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm not making a point for either case, but hunger can spawn ingenuity.
  8. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Call me a skeptic, but I'm doubtful that he came from a parallel universe.
    Pingeh, Karamunin, DaviDeil and 5 others like this.
  9. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Or you're just talking out your bum
  10. Snowfalcon

    Snowfalcon Big Damn Hero

    When working to a strict budget, you have deadlines for getting things done/paid for/completed, but when you get a large influx of "extra" capital then the pressure for achieving those deadlines is lifted, leading to "hey I know we have already done all the artwork for the 150 T1 objects,and we had moved onto T2, but I had this idea we could add in another 150 T1 objects, oh don't worry about the extra time, I know we only had enough for 4 months of wages but now we have over a years worth".
    To be honest i'm just waiting (rather impatiently) to test this so-called true beta (no idea what a true beta is, but I fully expect a report button, rather than a link to the forums for bug posting (dammit I just added another 2 months sorry guys), going by Tiy) (and the one that will last several months and will be pretty unfinished, by GeorgeV), I think they are the same versions, but regardless beta hopefully 2013,release..looks like same time next year.
    Cowboypunker likes this.
  11. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Another thing I'm curious about, is everyone prepared for a serious lack of optimization? From Bart's stream with Leth a couple days ago they were having a little bit of a lag issue. Granted, I don't know how powerful their machines are, but there's a distinct possibility that a lot of machines won't run the game well.

    Are people going to be asking for refunds if their computer can't play the game right off the bat? Bartwe said they have spent very little time on optimization. It's going to take them a while to get everything packaged and ready for beta, but I'm highly doubtful they'll spend much time optimizing the package we're going to get (take a look at SOE and Planetside. They STILL haven't hammered out the optimization issues).
    onerb2 likes this.
  12. 97raven123

    97raven123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    While I agree with some of the points you said, tiy(?) mentioned that they have a checklist to finish, and when the checklist is finished the beta is released. Since I highly doubt they or any developer would lie about something like that, I'm confident in saying they aren't delaying the beta by adding new features (unless said feature is considered essential and therefore on said list). I'm sure they are doing what they can to get this thing ready for beta as soon as possible. What we all define as "ready for beta" is certainly up for debate, but they have decided what the beta should have so we'll just have to deal. Trust me Snowfalcon, I want to play this game just as much as you, and I'm getting impatient too, but we'll just have to trust in chucklefish's decisions.

    Personally I think they should've released the beta by now, but I don't make the decisions.

    Small edit for grammar
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
    DaviDeil and onerb2 like this.
  13. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    Cowboypunker, Hazmat and Snowfalcon like this.
  14. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    I've been searching the multiverse for the one where the full game actually released in 2013 in the first place, but I haven't been able to find it yet... Strange. Anyone have coordinates?

    As a side-note, I did find a universe where Terraria implemented space travel, but it kind of sucked. There were like five planets and all the aliens were Lovecraft-inspired.
    From what I've seen, if you have a PC from this millenium you're probably fine. ;)
    Snowfalcon likes this.
  15. 97raven123

    97raven123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well the forums are a lovely place to tell the developers their opinions but since all the talk about beta is scrunched into one thread, one I'm assuming they don't check much, they probably aren't seeing peoples opinions about the beta and the impatience towards it's release. I've said before that I think they should finish whatever feature they are currently working and release it to the people who pre-ordered. They can label it pre-beta or alpha or whatever if they want to, simply give people something to screw around with to ease the growing frustration.

    Course there will always be people who, if the beta is released early, will complain about missing features and stuff. That's the way things are sadly. :rolleyes:
    misho likes this.
  16. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    That doesn't really reflect what happened in the stream though. And there's going to be a ton of different machines used to play Starbound, some not-so-powerful. I guess only time will tell what people's reaction is going to be if they can't play without lag.
    Skarn and onerb2 like this.
  17. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I THINK i heard someone say it may have been due to the streaming eating up some power too. not 100% how much it takes to stream live but it could be a factor as well.
    DaviDeil and sammanzhi like this.
  18. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Streaming is quite processor heavy, especially if you don't know how to set your streaming program to be at it's friendliest with your computer.
    DaviDeil, Maruku, sammanzhi and 4 others like this.
  19. Cronotrigger

    Cronotrigger Big Damn Hero

    In the Stream he mention that Starbound is running on an Laptop. As long we not know the maschine Details i think this is why it lagges so much
    Skarn likes this.
  20. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Oh god. I wonder if someone is going to run it on a Intel atom.
    sammanzhi likes this.
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