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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Kyro172

    Kyro172 Void-Bound Voyager

    I find them all over the place, it's ridiculous. Then again I can't say I haven't asked for Beta or the release date a few times.
  2. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Watching them play a more complete game then some betas Ive seen, and then Molly posts during that they still have a few more problems to solve?

    ... I'm really starting to think they just cold feet about the whole thing is all that is holding beta back. Which that would at least be understandable. First game, high expectations, makes more sense then not putting something out that is testable. I mean beta wont be complete one way or another..

    What arbitrary standard do they need to reach when its stable enough for some multilayer? Sure its got bugs, and it'll probably crash lots too.. but.. you know. Beta is all these things. This is just getting silly.
  3. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    It's infuriating. Why is criticism and frustration not okay, but we totally need 200 posts of:

    "I love you Chucklefish, can't wait"
    "I like CHICKEN!"
    Ahbahl, DudeUA, rachairmuin and 8 others like this.
  4. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    but there's not even lemons in the game yet!
    How can they release a game without lemons?! :lolwut:
    (Also, I'm still waiting for boob sliders)
    Skarn, Cowboypunker and RynCage like this.
  5. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Well if we can't equip a "dustbuster" gun that blows away blocks, the games not in a beta releasable state. :p
    RynCage, Lobo and Pingeh like this.
  6. Pingeh

    Pingeh Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ahh, another Friday, another weekly dose of "Soon™"..

    39ish days left, better luck next week I guess. Or the week after that. Or the week after that...
    rachairmuin, Hugt, Arkitech and 3 others like this.
  7. 97raven123

    97raven123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Honestly, after watching the stream, I can definitely see why they're not releasing the beta, however at the same time I can see people getting upset for them not releasing the beta by this point. It seems to be functional, with only graphical errors being major. I think it's ready to go and ready to be publicly tested.
    Cowboypunker likes this.
  8. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    it sells more pre-orders and yes i am that cynical :cry:

    what graphical errors? :confused:.
    Cowboypunker likes this.
  9. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    I think that hits the nail on the head. Honestly, its disappointing.
    Sometime mid December beta will come out, and everyone will flip the fuck out and spout "SEE, THEY KEPT THE PROMISE. TOLD YOU SO YOU TROLLS". But really? Oh yes look, its technically still 2013. I feel so much better now, yeah. they got beta out the door 1-2 weeks from 2014. that 2013 estimate was just spot on. color me impressed, I take back everything I ever said. Praise unto chucklefish, keeper of deadlines. Whatever though, it is what it is. everyones going to jump for joy if they don't delay it to 2014, but at this point they might as well.

    But what im particularly interested in, is AFTER beta is released. Then we get to see how "hard" chucklefish actually works. We'll see how fast content, patches, and all that gets released to the public. And how much a "tiers" worth of content actually adds up too. Once they are out of the closet I think a lot of the choices and actions they've been making here in 2013 will make more sense. CF is really good at giving us words, but im curious to see if their actions back any of it up.

    ill admit my remark was a bit snide, But at least a few people can get a chuckle out of that or crack a smile. shake their head in disgust or whatever. at least I made them FEEEEEEEL.
    but you can chalk up 50% of that thread as spam honestly. What made my post worthy of deletion? wish I knew.

    Speaking of, maybe starbound isn't beta worthy because they are going for the ultimate innovation.
    Dick sliders.
    Konsai, Arkitech, SupraFlush and 9 others like this.
  10. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Dick sliders, boob sliders, White Castle sliders.
    Sliders for EVERYONE!

    Well... eventually. For now, we wait MORE!
  11. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    There were a ton of broken things in the stream. I'd definitely rather have them finish or be close to finishing the party system before beta release.

    Definitely looks very Playable though.
    Megs & Mia likes this.
  12. FilipinoBoiii

    FilipinoBoiii Orbital Explorer

    There are definitely bugs and such in the game that need to be ironed out, but yeah I agree it does look to be in a playable beta state. That's just my opinion though.
  13. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Looks like a good percentage of us are psychopaths

    Pingeh, Cowboypunker and Athauxan like this.
  14. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Saints Row beat you to it.
    BrakSampson likes this.
  15. FilipinoBoiii

    FilipinoBoiii Orbital Explorer

    Yeah the stream bart just did with Jason and Leth was awesome! I loved it. Leth might stream some more starbound later tonight.
  16. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Some more streaming goodness. If its not "beta" ready we can at least watch other people test and play it.. weirdly.
  17. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    So I was really bored today, and I thought to myself, hey, this thread has reached 200 pages! That's a big accomplishment, I think!

    So to commemorate, I went through the last 50 pages again. I gotta say, there was a lot of stuff I missed. :rofl:

    Anyway, I pulled a lot of quotes that I thought were particularly memorable/hilarious for everyone to see. Check it out if you have nothing better to do.
    (It's a lot, you've been warned.)

    OMG WOOT! I'm never online for these things! Awesome, thanks :rofl:
    Wulpher, sammanzhi and OzzytheFist like this.
  18. FilipinoBoiii

    FilipinoBoiii Orbital Explorer

    So enemy npc's have a chance to drop some of their equipment when you kill them!
  19. Khyron42

    Khyron42 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I missed the streams, were they archived somewhere?
  20. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe. but they did ask that no one record it. so...
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