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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Well, given a full week since the last update, we might see a decent amount of new content. I have high hopes for today's update.
  2. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    It helps to reply instead of hiding behind post edits.

    I'm not an internet tough guy. You brought it up, I stated the fact of the matter. It doesn't need to go further than that, especially since I have no desire of meeting anyone from this forum.
  3. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Everyone needs to cool their tits. Let's all just bring our tits down to room temperature. Ain't nobody gonna be virtua-fightin' nobody else.
    OzzytheFist, Cowboypunker and misho like this.
  4. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Round 199.
    BrakSampson and sammanzhi like this.
  5. Cowboypunker

    Cowboypunker Star Wrangler

    I keep thinking of Molly coming on tonight saying, "in honor of 200 pages of chaos and speculation in the beta thread, we will be releasing beta.... In 5 minutes..."
    Bricks would be shat no?
    Pingeh and misho like this.
  6. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    I feel like when the beta comes out this thread will be flooded with 'OMG FINALLY SQUEE ^_^' and 'Pff, they should have released it sooner' simultaneously.
    Cowboypunker and sammanzhi like this.
  7. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    You forgot the scant few who will complain about the content being buggy. (Which will make no sense.) Don't think there will be that many but it is bound to happen.
    sammanzhi likes this.
  8. MagusGestalt

    MagusGestalt Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm just looking forward to a little solitude. I will set to work building my hermetic bunker devoted to researching sciences deemed wrong by fools who are blinded by petty "morals" and "ethics."
    misho and Cowboypunker like this.
  9. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    I always account for human stupidity.

    As for what I'm doing when the beta launches? Me and my friend are going full Space Viking and wrecking as much shit as physically possible.
  10. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    well i dont no what we will get in the beta but......hmmm....... ill be a space cowboy. i will wander the galaxy looking for adventure and bugs ofc :unsure: (mental note, bring bug spray lot of bug spray)
    MagusGestalt and Cowboypunker like this.
  11. Cowboypunker

    Cowboypunker Star Wrangler

    Totally hoping to make an ice planet research station, staying nice and warm inside while a blizzard rages outside. Preferably away from bugs as well
    misho and MagusGestalt like this.
  12. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    I plan on just stockpiling as many weapons, traps, and destructive item as humanly possible for the coming war... you know the one.
    Cowboypunker and totallybob like this.
  13. MagusGestalt

    MagusGestalt Void-Bound Voyager

    Sentient bloodthirsty myconids?
    Hazmat likes this.
  14. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    slugs "there everywhere man there coming out the walls"

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    sammanzhi likes this.
  15. FilipinoBoiii

    FilipinoBoiii Orbital Explorer

    Bartwe is streaming right now!
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
  16. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    looks great. i am going to be so disappointed if its look but you can't touch :cry: beta still soon.

    edit by the why this is the sort of thing they need to record and put on a weekly update :up:

    as they say a picture is worth a thousand worlds so a video well need i say.

    edit 2: this is looking very promising. it's a good start :up:.

    edit 3: this lets play is SO much better than the I49 yogscast lets play :up:

    edit 4: what i'm looking at here may well be the next big thing it's a seed of something good :love:
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    Cowboypunker and Hazmat like this.
  17. Cowboypunker

    Cowboypunker Star Wrangler

    The coming war with StarNet in which the glitch seek out and eradicate all forms of life in the galaxy. It's only able to be stopped by a Germinator sent back in time to protect Tiy Connor from the G-1000 right?
    sammanzhi and misho like this.
  18. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

  19. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    Another week; another weekly update full of stuff we've already seen spoiled. Another "soon" masked by a Game of Thrones reference. But fear not. We did get a penis joke. (BIG BANANA?! huehuehue) That's almost as good as a vague statement of "not this month, next month."
  20. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    Hey, I got my first post deleted in that thread. that's an accomplishment for me. In all my time on this forum. [not much] I've never been a subject of mod bias, But theres a first time for everything I guess.
    But hey, lets leave all the posts that say "omg :D" and nothing else in there. clearly adding much more to the thread than my crude postings.
    Karamunin and BrakSampson like this.
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