Bed rest?

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by GokuSS400, May 11, 2018.

  1. GokuSS400

    GokuSS400 Intergalactic Tourist

    Ok so by now I'm sure that everyone knows about this.....(if you don't know about it, well now you do)

    So lying in your bed allows you to regenerate/recuperate energy. You simply go into your house, into your bed and when prompted about ending the day, you simply say "no" and then wait until you have recovered the amount of energy you want to.

    Now here's the big question......I heard during a twitch stream last night that this actually is a BUG/GLITCH and that the bed is being confused for the spa.....

    my this true? is this really a glitch or bug...or whatever you want to call it?

    if so, can we keep this change and make it intended in some sort of official capacity? I know that a lot of players will and likely DO consider this very fact that you can better recover energy while on your farm, a game changer. Being able to regenerate energy in your own bed, makes early game a little easier to do.

    What I mean by easier to do is that for me and a bunch of other players I know, the first thing we do is begin the task of clearing the farm. I personally try to clear out about 3 or 4 screens worth, before planting the parsnips. Now with the added ability to regenerate energy in my own bed, I can get this done much faster. Condensing what used to take 2 weeks (exaggerating here, I haven't started from day 1 year 1 in single player for a while) to a few days, because I have a way of restoring my energy.

    Late-game, restoring energy is much less of a hassle as you have multiple food recipes, medicine, stored crops, etc.

    Anyways, thanks in advance for anyone who can answer my question (and also I hope that this really isn't a bug after all....or at least one that is going to go away)

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