[BBTS] Bronies Beyond the Stars V2.0

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan BBTS, Mar 24, 2013.

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  1. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    KKat is working on a tabletop game for FoE right now, and they're looking into a new story, looking at their blog. KKat says pretty clearly that there is no plans for a sequel, and I think that's a good thing, frankly. Sequels for the sake of popularity are a dime a dozen in ponyfic.
  2. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

    I Haven't Actually Finished it yet, but I'm not hoping for a Happy Ending. Probably Bittersweet.
  3. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    The ending makes me want to stab myself in the eye and sit in a corner and die.
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  4. :lod:
    Gredd18 likes this.
  5. Igeloi

    Igeloi Phantasmal Quasar

  6. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

    Any Reason why?
  7. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

  8. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nighty night folks~ I really need to post more.
    Auraknight likes this.
  9. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    Because it's a bittersweet end. There are things to hate, and things to like, and you can't reconcile them. That kind of ending.
  10. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Love the new avi, even if it is the same character. I just love Chihiro. <3
    Nighty night~
    eShredder likes this.
  11. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

    Is Littlepip Killed/Mained/Murdered/Incapacateted/Shoved into a A.I. Thingy/ETC.?
    Auraknight likes this.
  12. Igeloi

    Igeloi Phantasmal Quasar

    Fanfiction time?
    Brony Fanfics worth reading Are :
    Diaries of a Madman (warning there ARE clop Scenes)
    The Sweetie Chronicles
    Non Brony Fanfics:
    naruto :

    The Sealed Kunai
    Chunin Exam Day
    Naruto One Man Team
    Better Left Unsaid
    Naruto Potential Realised
    Masters of Genjutsu
    Naruto : game of the Year Edition
    Pokemon :

    Angel in The machine
    Ashes of The past
    The Aura is with the Forgotten (Seriously that one is AMAZING and it made me cry at some points)
    Living in The Moment

    Other storys to note :

    Mein Volkommener Beschützer (Don't let the title shy you away.It's in english.)A Great How to train your dragon story.Worth reading.
  13. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    All at the same time.
  14. Gredd18

    Gredd18 Giant Laser Beams

    Who By?
  15. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    Everyone who ever loved him. :V
  16. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    If you value your FoE experience, don't look in the spoiler.

    If you're really serious, and want that answer, PM me or something. I won't be held accountable for spoiling someone else unintentionally by posting the answer in public.
    Auraknight likes this.
  17. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Littlepip is a girl.
    Gredd18 likes this.
  18. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    I have read to their possible entirety over 900 ponyfics. So I'm full. Let my stomach settle.
  19. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    I never had any interest in that story, so whatever.
  20. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    Red is just being facetious.
  21. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    Your queen is facetious.
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