Base Defenses In Depth

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Irora, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Watcher

    Watcher Poptop Tamer

    This looks GREAT! Just make sure that it's balanced and stuff, 'cause otherwise it'l just be too much hassle for little reward... reminds me a lot of Technicpack for Minecraft, with the Generators/panels/MK-storage stuff.
    Really hope the Devs check this out.
  2. Bigkahuna

    Bigkahuna Big Damn Hero

    Not sure how hard these would be to implement but...

    I definitely support extensive base/planet defenses.

    How about a device that plants a tracking device on the intruder? Sort of a pressure-plate like object, or a liquid-based tracker that is injected by one of the darts? Then, the owner of the base could track the intruder to his/her own homebase (or just wherever he/she goes next).
  3. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'd love a power system like that. It would add so much depth to base building. Not to mention all the crazy stuff you could do, like perhaps a sorting machine, an assembly line, the already mentioned sentry guns, perhaps even a matter converter to get rid of all the dirt?
  4. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for all the support for this thread guys! Appreciate your comments :)
  5. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    That could be cool! Maybe the owner can have a planet map and as the person with the dart wanders around his map starts getting revealed too?
  6. doc Chicken

    doc Chicken Void-Bound Voyager

    Some sort of security program that you chuck on the security system itself that you could eventually upgrade would be pretty cool. Say a mini game that gets harder to beat as the player upgrades it.
  7. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    I just looked at the word:
    And I immediately frowned, scanned the suggestion, realized that every single one of those things has been suggested before, then decided I should complain about it. This is that complaint. Of course, I'm already a bit moody at the moment through no fault of your own. Anyway, Some of these are good ideas that I like. Others are exploitable, would clutter up base construction, or would only be useful in PvP. So even though I'm being a little harsh, just know I don't hate ALL of it. I might post more helpful feedback tomorrow, after I've had some sleep.
  8. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    I've been working on a system that might do that job in a nother thread. You can find it linked on the OP. It's not a mini game of any sort tough I might make it that way if a find a good idea for it. I'd like to keep it as simple as possible for now and if it's ever made into the game then after this I might make it more complexe.
  9. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for the Feedback, I did try to state that most of the power suggestions may have been stated before, however I was asked by people in this very post to add some power ideas, which I did, and also the power I took from the building demo, not other people, Thanks for the feedback though :).
  10. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Honestly, I don't mind it being suggested more often - after all, it does signal that people want it. As long as its not on the first page multiple times.
  11. Frostelf

    Frostelf Astral Cartographer

    Amazing, Keep up the good work
  12. pablociu

    pablociu Void-Bound Voyager

    I loved the technical mods on minecraft and i would love to have true electrical power on vanilla Starbound :coffee:
  13. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    I know right, so much things to be created by players if this was made.
  14. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    A traps system is always good, but equal focus should be given to triggers as well as mechanisms and payloads.

    Ever play the game Evil Genius? If you haven't, the basic premise is you are playing as a James Bond style villain with your own evil hidden base and minions. Part of this game was a traps and security system - you lay triggers down such as pressure plates, tripwires, cameras and such, and rig them up to payloads such as nerve gas or wind turbines. Where a lot of the fun comes from watching them land in your traps and get whacked by the payload, the hilarious part of fun comes from making a completely insane system of multiple payloads and triggers that set each other off - one well-known combo is to have a pressure plate trigger a wind turbine, which blows them into another plate, which sets off another turbine, which blows them into another plate.. and so on and so forth. It was possible to have base invaders stuck in an endless loop of being blown all around your base until they passed out or somehow escaped. If you added further traps to the mix it just turns into some sort of sadistic trap conga.

    There's also Space Station 13 where theres a few trigger mechanisms you can link to certain things - most often, you would take a signalling radio, rig it up to your sensor device of choice (laser trip beam, proximity sensor, even just a plain old fashioned timer) and construct a number of other devices (usually bombs) rigged to go off when they recieve a certain signal. This way you could fashion all kinds of booby traps ridiculous ambushes. You could even do very makeshift ones like tying a flashbang to a mouse trap and putting it in a bag, then the next person who reaches into the bag looking for goodies ends up going blind and deaf from setting off the mouse trap.
    Pseudoboss likes this.
  15. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Evil Genius! I loved that game... those were the days. Which reminds me, we need wind turbines.
  16. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Mmmh... triggering mechanism you say? I sort of have this covered in my own thread. I wont link it here since Irora was kind enough to put a link for it in the original post. Or you know, see my signature.
  17. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Now I'm imagining a base designed with a trap bridge over lava at the entrance. The cocky intruder effortlessly maneuvers past the bridge, laughing at your pitiful trap. Then, as they navigate into your base, avoiding trap after trap, they begin to get careless because none of them seem very threatening. Suddenly, they trip a laser and the trap launches them into another trigger, which launches them into another. Soon, and after much damage, they find themselves ironically jettisoned into the pit of lava. I mean, seriously, foreshadowing and irony in trap form? Sign me up.
  18. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for the Posts guys, helps to get these ideas seen!
  19. pablociu

    pablociu Void-Bound Voyager

    It would be cool to use these traps on adventure maps like in Terraria
  20. ConsPark

    ConsPark Big Damn Hero

    Haven't given a thorough read yet, but after skimming: all I can say is, Obelisk of Light.

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