Modding Discussion Bachelor Gunther Mod! (Need Artists and Fellow Modders)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Gwenhwyfar, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I've made one thread asking for advice on making Gunther a fully-functional NPC and bachelor. I see this is a little beyond my abilities as I'm a mediocre artist (I can draw faces, but suck at arms and hands) and I'm still getting use to the programming for Stardew Valley.

    I wanna generate more interest in this mod and try to recruit people to help. To do that, I'll share my ideas on what Gunther's personality will be like, what expressions he'll make, and what the heart events will be like with him. If you like my ideas, please consider helping me out! Artists, programmers, and advice are all greatly appreciated and needed.

    Gunther's appearance:

    Gunther's appearance will be the same as the vanilla Gunther in Stardew Valley, but his portraits and sprites will be expanded to give him more personality. Here's what I made so far!




    The old images show some of the basic expressions I've come up with Gunther. I'm still brainstorming them, but I think I might have a general sense of what I want. I'm not quite satisfied with his surprised expression, I'm thinking of changing it to a frontal expression or have a more restrained surprise with an exclamation mark. For his blushing expression, I'm picturing him rubbing the back of his neck while looking away in embarrassment. His angry expression will probably be full-frontal with him yelling. His loving expression will probably also be full-frontal with him gazing directly into your eyes. He'll also probably have a very happy expression where he's tipping his hat in thanks and giving a toothless smile. I'll need some help with the portraits, especially with the one that involves him rubbing the back of his neck.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The two lovely images above were contributed by Cankersaur.




    Ignore Sebastian in there, I added him there for reference in drawing side-view walking animation. I felt I failed miserably in drawing the side-view walking animation, even a bit on the basic walking animation as his arms don't look like they're swaying right. I found there's actually some unused animation for Gunther, such as cleaning an artifact, him glancing to the side, and his back view. I plan to animation his back walking animation, but his side-view animation is beyond my skill. If anyone can help me with the sprites, it'd be greatly appreciated!


    This fantastic sprite art was contributed by Mr.Mudkipss... Seriously, sprite art is hard... Thank you so much! T.T

    Gunther's Room:
    Gunther Room.png

    Modified Archaeology House:
    Action Door Gunther.png

    Gunther's Personality:

    I picture Gunther as a curator/librarian that's passionate about archaeology. He's intelligent and very well-educated in areas of history and prehistoric times. He can tell you a lot about the history of the great, ancient civilizations, such as the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. He enjoys books, especially non-fiction, as you can learn a lot about the world through books. He's a southern gentleman and you can feel a sort of restrained southern charm from him as he often tips his hat in thanks and in greeting.

    Gunther's Introduction:

    "Well, hello there! So you're the new farmer everyone's been talking about? The name's Gunther. Pleasure to meet you, [miss/sir]."

    Gunther's introduction will not affect his introduction to the Archaeology House. You will get a separate introduction towards the Archaeology House, which actually ties with interaction towards the counter and not Gunther. I'm afraid that removing it and applying it to Gunther will break the game.

    Gunther's Greetings:

    When your hearts with Gunther is less than 4:

    "Morning, [Mr./Miss] [player's name]. Surprised to see you this early in the morning. Finished with farm work for today?"

    "Afternoon! Half the day's gone by. How has your day been so far?"

    "Evening, [Mr./Miss] [player's name]. The day's almost over, I'm about to turn in. Got to close up the museum."

    When your hearts are 4 or more:

    "Morning, [player's name]. I'm happy to see you this early in the morning. Have any work you need to attend to?"

    "It's always nice to see you, [player's name]! I was just thinking about some research and it's already close to lunch. Funny how time can fly."

    "Evening! Another day gone! I'm thinking of heading to the saloon after wrapping things up. Wanna join me?"

    Heart Events:

    2 Heart Event:

    You enter the museum to see Gunther organizing the bookshelves and putting away books that were left on the floor. "Let's see... 243.1 should be over here, shouldn't it?" He seems rather flustered as he puts one book away and attempts to figure out where the next book should be placed. "This one doesn't have any number on it.." Gunther gets frustrated and your character then approaches him. Gunther notices and greets your character, "Oh, hello, [Mr./Miss] [player's name]! Is there something I can help you with?"

    - "Would you like me to help you with the books?"
    - "No, I'm good! I'll leave you to your work." +0 friendship points
    - "No, but you can amuse me with your predicament!" -20 friendship points

    If you choose to leave Gunther to manage the books by himself, Gunther tips his hat and tells you he'll be here if you need anything. Your character will proceed to leave the library and the cut-scene ends. If you choose to make fun of Gunther's predicament, a scribble will appear over Gunther's head, indicating his irritation with you. He still acts kindly and tells you that he'll be here if you need him. Your character produces a sweat drop, feeling the jest didn't go over well and the scene ends.

    If you choose to help Gunther with his predicament, he'll be flustered at the offer, "No! No! I couldn't possibly have you do that for me!" He looks around the room and you can see him rub his neck and look embarrassed, "Well, it's embarrassing to admit, but I actually could use your help, if you don't mind." Your character produces a music note over their head and you proceed to help him put away the books. As you're helping him, he explains that he's usually able to put away the books just fine, but an unusually large amount of people have been coming in and leaving a mess. He doesn't know library science very well and Penny usually handles keeping the books organized. Your character turns to Gunther confused and inquiring on his role in the library. He tells you that he's actually an archaeologist and he merely plays the role of librarian and curator while he does research in the mines. He explains that this building was first a museum before it also became a library. After you're done cleaning up, your character notes that some books are missing; he tells you not to worry and says some are probably checked out, though he does admit some had gone missing when the library had looser rules for those outside of town. Gunther notes one, single book still laying on the table. He picks it up and notes that it's a book on the Phoenicians. He brings up interesting facts that the Phoenicians were credited with the early development of the alphabet and were known for their purple dyes. He says he really likes books, but he enjoys non-fiction work a little more, particularly historical ones. He asks if you enjoy reading history.

    - "History is pretty interesting!" +20 friendship points
    - "I enjoy fiction a little more..." +20 friendship points
    - "Boooring!" +0 friendship points

    If you say that history is fun, Gunther will be quite pleased that you feel the same. If you say that you enjoy fiction more, he says that history is probably not for everyone, but there are some great fictions inspired by history. If you rudely say it's boring, Gunther will be irritated, but he lets it go since you helped him. In all three responses, he thanks you for your help and puts the book away. The scene ends.

    4 Heart event:

    You arrive at the saloon in the afternoon and see Gunther sitting at one of the tables. He sees you and greets you, "Good afternoon, [Mr./Miss] [player's name]! Come have a seat with me!" Your character comes to sit at the table and produces a question mark and then a musical note over their head, appearing to make a humorous remark over seeing him outside the museum. Gunther takes the joke in good humor as you see him laughing, "Rude! Of course I have a life outside the museum! I often take my lunch breaks here. Gus makes some pretty, darn, good food." He pulls out a mug of beer and sips from it, producing an exclamation mark over your character's head, "I don't always do this, but sometimes I like to really unwind with a bit of beer on a midday. Just release all that pent up stress. Do you like beer, [Mr./Miss] [player's name]? Care to join me? It's on me."

    - "Sure! Beer's good! I'm in!"
    - "I prefer wine."
    - "I don't drink."
    - "You're an alcoholic..." -20 friendship points

    If you choose to call him an alcoholic, Gunther won't take it so humorously. He tells you that, like he said, he doesn't do it too often and he only has one beer, so it's not like he's getting drunk. But fair enough, having alcohol in the middle of the day does seem a bit unusual. He asks if he could order you some juice instead. Your character agrees. Gunther hollers to Gus and kindly asks him for your drink. He then changes the subject on Gus' food and asks if your character ever had it. Your character nods, Gunther continues to comment on it, but you can't help but feel the conversation is a bit uncomfortable after the accusation and the scene ends.

    If you choose to drink beer, say you prefer wine, or that you don't drink, Gunther will respect your choice. If you choose beer, Gunther will go right to ordering beer from Gus. If you say you prefer wine, he'll say that wine is good too, but it's a little heavier on the alcohol content for midday. He asks if it's a bit presumptuous for him to order a more watered down glass for you. Your character shakes their head. He then asks Gus for one watered down glass of wine for you. If you say you don't drink, Gunther says he respects your choice. Actually, he kind of admires you for sticking to your morals. He asks if he can order you juice instead, to which your character nods. He proceeds to ask Gus for some juice. Either of these three choices, Gunther will proceed to talk about how in Germany, it's not that unusual for workers to have one beer on a midday break. He then proceeds to talk about the history of Germany's beer traditions and The German Beer Purity Law. The screen blacks out and then lights back up, indicating a period of time has past. Gunther comments that he's enjoyed talking to you today and he's grown rather fond of you. He asks if he can be so forward as to just call you "[player's name]".

    - "Of course!" +20 friendship points
    - "No, it's too soon." +0 friendship points

    If you agree, Gunther will respond happily and tip his hat to you, "Thank you, kindly, [player's name]." If you tell him it's too soon to be called by just your name, he'll apologize for being too forward. After either responses, he'll note that a couple hours have past and his lunch break had been over an hour ago. He then excuses himself and runs off. You're left in the restaurant and the scene ends. Two hours have past in your game.

    5 Heart Event:

    You go into the mines and see Gunther there. You approach him and he tells you that he's doing some excavation research. Your character reacts rather confused, puzzled as to why he'd be doing his own excavations when you mined up a lot of artifacts for him. He assures you that your efforts have been very helpful and he thanks you, but the work he is doing is different from yours as you're mining up known artifacts. He's doing extensive research on artifacts, particularly from one civilization, that has yet to be clearly understood.

    - "Sounds exciting! What exactly are you researching?"
    - "Yeah, sounds boring." -50 friendship points

    If you tell him his work sounds boring, he'll apologize for boring you, but he enjoys it. He asks that you stay out of the excavation site as this is delicate research and he doesn't want anything to be broken. Scene ends.

    If you tell him that it sounds exciting, he'll lighten up and say it is! He goes on to explain that he's doing extensive research on the ancient, dwarven civilization. He goes on to explain that they're a mysterious civilization that had technology that was far more advance than what should have existed during their time. Interestingly, this civilization liked to burrow underground as archaeologist have managed to uncover man-made caverns. This is how the dwarven civilization attained its name, as they shared a similar characteristic to the mythological dwarves in fairy tale books that also liked to live underground. He's trying to uncover additional technology that has previously not been discovered as well as find additional clues on their culture and what happened to this advance civilization.

    - "Wow! Sounds fascinating!" +50 friendship points
    - "I like how passionate you are on your research!" +50 friendship points
    - "Oh, sorry! I started zoning out." -20 friendship points

    If you tell Gunther that you were zoning out, he'll sigh and say he probably got a bit too passionate and was rambling. He apologizes and excuses himself to work on his excavation site and to be careful around the area for its fragility. The scene ends.

    If you tell Gunther that you find this fascinating, he'll be happy to hear you feel the same way. If you tell Gunther that you like how passionate he is, he'll react a little embarrassed and say he is. After either answer, Gunther will say that he probably got a bit too passionate and apologizes if he was rambling. Your character shakes their head no. He'll thank you for listening. If you'd like, he could share more of his findings with you later. For right now, he asks if you could kindly avoid the excavation site as the site is very fragile. Before you leave, he tells you that it's always fun talking to you as he tips his hat and gives a genuine smile. Scene ends.

    6 Heart Event:

    You visit Gunther at the museum. Gunther sees you and greets you, he moves away from the counter and walks up to you rather than waiting for you to approach. He says he's been waiting for you to come. Before he can proceed to say anything further, a stranger from outside of town walks in and asks Gunther where the science books are. Gunther turns his attention towards the man and tells him it's in the lower-left bookshelf. The man walks towards the bookshelf and proceeds to grab a book. Gunther makes a comment to you that this stranger seems familiar somehow. The stranger goes to the counter to check out and Gunther proceeds to stop the man and apologize, "Whoa there, partner. I do apologize, but we've had a problem with strangers from outside of town checking out books and not returning them. We can't let you check that out until we have a better check out system." The stranger turns to Gunther and reacts angrily, "What kind of library doesn't let visitors check out books?" Gunther apologizes again, "I do apologize, sir, but we do need to follow procedures until the problem is resolved. You're free to read any book at the library though." The man becomes more angry, "This is absurd!"

    - "Sir, please just follow the library rules." +20 friendship points
    - "Oh, come on, Gunther. Just let him check it out!" -10 friendship points

    If you tell Gunther to let the man check out the book, Gunther will be a little disappointed in you for making this harder for him. While you're talking, the stranger proceeds to run off with the book. Gunther reacts alarmed and shouts at the man while he gets away. Gunther gets frustrated and says he now recognizes the man as someone who previously checked out a book here and never returned it. He goes on to explain that it's not that unusual for people to steal educational text books from the library, as they're quite expensive. Libraries that aren't up-to-date in technology have this problem more often. Your character tries to apologize. He tells you it's alright and knows you meant well. Scene ends.

    If you side with Gunther, the stranger gets more frustrated and tries to make a run for it.

    - You stop the man. +30 friendship points
    - Let Gunther handle it. +0 friendship points

    If you let Gunther handle it, he stops the man in time and takes the book from him. If you stop the man yourself, Gunther reacts rather impressed. The man is furious, but Gunther tells him that he now recognizes him as a person that previously checked out a book here and never returned it. The man reacts surprised and says Gunther must be mistaken. Gunther knows he's not mistaken and calls the man by his name and number that he had written down for the old check out. He says he could press charges against the man or they could take it the easier way out and either return the missing book or pay the fine. The stranger pauses and admits he sold the book on the Internet; he'll pay for the book and he really doesn't want to go to court. The scene blacks out and lights back in with just you and Gunther. Gunther states that he's glad that was taken care of and that he's lucky the man wasn't smart enough to smudge his contact information. Either way, he wasn't gonna let that guy leave without a check. If Gunther had to handle the guy, scene ends. If you stopped the man, Gunther calls you his hero and scene ends.

    8 Heart Event:
    This one is a work-in-progress. I'm afraid of it being too weird.
    You arrive at the library and Gunther greets you again. He proceeds to seem a bit embarrassed and admits that he needs help with organizing the library books again. Your character nods and agrees to help. Gunther reacts relieved and thanks you for the help again. While you're organizing books, Gunther makes comments on some of the ancient civilizations as he picks up the text books that talk about them. While putting away the books, you both go for the same book. Your hands touch and Gunther pardons himself. Your character stares intently at his hands. Gunther repeats your question, "Hmm, why do I always wear these white gloves?" Your character nods. "Oh, it's nothing too unusual. It's standard practice for archaeologist to wear gloves while handling fragile artifacts. I've worn them for so long that I've just gotten use to it and haven't felt the need to take them off. Plus, it helps keep my hands clean and not contaminate other material." Your character is silent for a few moments. Seeing your strange curiosity to see what his bare hands are like, Gunther gestures, "You want to see for yourself?"

    - "Yes, please!" +50 friendship points
    - "No, I was just thinking they're probably all sweaty and gross underneath." -20 friendship points

    If you say Gunther's hands are probably sweaty, he'll tell you he doesn't really sweat in these gloves since they're light and he's worn gloves for a long time. Scene ends.

    If you agree to see Gunther's bare hands, a portrait will appear, showing his hand over yours as you hold it gently. You note that his hands are rather soft and haven't really developed any callous.

    - "They're really soft...." +50 friendship points
    - "You're right, it's nothing special." +0 friendship points
    - Lick and slobber all over his hand. -1500 friendship points

    If you choose to lick and slobber all over his hand, he'll retract it quickly and seem extremely irritated, asking what's wrong with you? He needs to go wash his hands now; he'll be back to help with the books after. Your character sweats, now thinking what they did was a horrible idea. Scene ends.

    If you tell Gunther that he's right about his hands being nothing special, he chuckles and says, "Told you so." He proceeds to put his glove back on, but then he starts blushing a bit. Your character wonders what's wrong and he tells you it's nothing and you two should get back to finishing the books. Your character appears confused, but returns to organizing the books.

    If you choose to feel out his hands, Gunther will suddenly retract his hand, appearing extremely embarrassed. Your character will appear confused on what's going on and he stammers, "I-it's nothing..." Your character pauses and then tries inquiring more. Gunther tries to dissuade you, but he still appears to be quite embarrassed, "Don't worry about it. L-let's just get back to organizing the books." Your character nods and heads to one of the bookshelves. Gunther goes to one of the bookshelves as well and proceeds to organize them until he accidentally knocks a whole shelf of them, causing a huge ruckus and alarming your character. Gunther's face appears to be beet-red in embarrassment. "I-I'm fine, just got a bit c-clumsy is all," he says. Your character proceeds to help, but he stops you. "Th-thank you, but I think I'd like to clean this up myself. Would you mind re-organizing the section for fiction?" Your character nods and goes to organize those bookshelves. Your character remains silent and appears confused over what just happened. Scene ends.

    10 Heart Event:

    You arrive at the museum, once more, and Gunther greets you, "[Player's name], howdy!" He approaches you and proceeds to apologizes from before, "Pardon my behavior the other day. I just needed some time to think is all." Your character shakes their head and indicates they understand. "Thank you, [player's name]. That's one thing I always liked about you, you're always understanding!" Gunther smiles very happily before he makes a more serious expression. "But I need to talk to you on a more serious matter. There was something I was meaning to talk to you about, but it slipped my mind when that book thief came. It's about the previous curator of this museum. He sent in a letter, indicating he heard we managed to restock all the missing artifacts he took. Now, I don't consider him to be particularly.... sane, considering he just up and took all the last artifacts we had, so I just wanted to warn you to be on the lookout for him and don't get too close. You can identify him by his gray, gelled hair and green suit he often likes to wear." Your character looks a bit alarmed but nods at Gunther's explanation.

    After Gunther proceeds to tell you all this, a man matching Gunther's description walks in. "Well, well, Gunther. I've seen you've actually managed to do it! I didn't think it would happen, but you did it!" Gunther turns to the man, alarmed, "You!" The old curator laughs and says, "Now, don't worry! I'm not here to steal anything. Don't make me out to be a fool! I'm just here to look at what you achieved." The old curator walks towards the exhibit and looks around, "Very fine collection you have, but nothing I don't have. Very impressive." He looks around more until he spots an unusual artifact you never collected, "Well, this is unusual! I don't have this one in my museum... But you know, I think it would be better suited if it were... I'm certain you'd appreciate having your artifact in a museum that people actually come see!" Gunther yells at the old curator angrily, "I found that artifact fair and square! Just leave it alone." The old curator sighs, "Come now! It's for a good cause." The old curator takes the artifact and proceeds to run out the door. "Hey!" Gunther shouts. He then sighs, "It's better not to get involved directly with a loony like that... I'll call the police." Your character stays silent as they try to process what just happened. Gunther continues to say, "To give you a better idea on how insane this guy is, he hasn't had a museum since he left this place."

    Your character acts alarmed at this news and stays silent before they make the decision to sprint after the loony curator. Gunther yells at you to stop, but you ignore him. You catch up to the loony curator as he charges north to the mines. You both enter the mines and the loony curator turns to address you, "Hey, listen! I'm not crazy, I really do have an exhibit!" The loony curator takes a few steps backwards while your character takes a few steps forwards. "Honest! I wouldn't know why I would give up my previous museum if I didn't! Tell you what... If you really want the artifact back, you can have it! Just don't touch me. Here! Catch!" The loony curator throws the artifact down the ladder of the mines and you proceed to go get it before the loony curator pushes you down.

    You fall down the mines and black out momentarily. You hear Gunther calling you as you wake up and you answer him as you hear him close to the ladder. He comes down and helps you up, asking if you're okay and if anything is broken. Miraculously, you're okay and you nod. Gunther sighs in relief, "Thank goodness!" But then he gets angry and yells, "Are you crazy?! I told you not to follow that loony! Who knows if something worse could have happened?"

    - "I'm sorry.."
    - "Stop yelling at me!"

    Gunther sighs and apologizes. "I'm sorry, [player's name]. You just mean a lot to me." Gunther starts getting embarrassed, "It's just... I care about you..." His embarrassment intensifies as he confesses, "I don't know if you feel the same way, but I'm deeply in love with you, [player's name]."

    - "I love you too!"
    - "I'm sorry... I don't feel the same way..." -1500 friendship points

    If you tell Gunther that you love him as well, he reacts absolutely ecstatic, "I'm so glad! You've just made me the happiest man!" He pauses and rubs the back of his neck, "C-could I be so forward as to embrace you?" Your character nods and they embrace. Scene ends.

    If you tell Gunther that you don't feel the same way, he'll be extremely sadden, "I see... I'm sorry, [sir/ma'am], but I'm mighty glad you're okay. I'll help you out of here so you can get proper treatment." The characters get up and leave the mines. Scene ends.

    I feel like the last heart event is a work-in-progress, but yeah... That at least a bit of a rough draft...

    Anyway... I hope this generates enough interest to get some more help!



    1. Develop sprites and some basic portraits for Gunther. - Complete
    2. Get Gunther talking and edit museum map so I can talk to him. - Complete
    3. Get Gunther to introduce himself and accept gifts. Fine-tune his gift tastes and make sure he gives the right reactions for each gift. - Complete
    4. Develop a separate map for Gunther's room and connect it to the museum. - Complete
    5. Develop a schedule for Gunther. - In Progress
    6. Make more meaningful dialogue for Gunther: general, summer, fall, winter.
    7. Add all heart events for Gunther.
    8. Finish adding any additional portraits and sprites needed for heart events.
    9. Figure out if there's anything that needs to be coded to officially date and marry Gunther.
    10. Add a spouse room for Gunther.
    11. More goals to be determined...
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
    • cankersaur

      cankersaur Pangalactic Porcupine

      This is super well thought out! :3

      I tried a milder surprise, but it just looks like bemusement.
      gunther.png gunther2.png
        Gwenhwyfar and emoninjagrl like this.
      • Gwenhwyfar

        Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

        The milder surprise that I tried involved him having the wide eyes and closed mouth. It seemed to work, but I was split on which surprise to choose; the milder surprise is in the bottom left corner. I guess I'll decide better once I make the heart scenes. It seems the best strategy is to just make a lot of expressions you come up with and select the ones from there as you're adding in the interactions. Thanks for the images you contributed though! I like the smiling Gunther with the raised eyebrows.

          Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
        • Mr.Mudkipss

          Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

          I'd be happy to help with anything!! This seems like a fun project.

          Also, make sure you're packaging the portraits correctly!! The order is (left -> right): neutral, happy, sad, *free space*, love, angry, and then any number of free spaces.
            Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
          • Gwenhwyfar

            Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Hey Midkipss, as always, thanks for offering to help!

            What I critically need help with right now is working on the walking sprites for Gunther. I seem to suck at drawing them, particularly the side-view ones. If you're any good at those, it'd be greatly appreciated if you could help!


            I edited the script for the 8 Heart Event, so instead of Gunther asking you to leave him be when you choose to feel out his hand, he'll still have you help him out but you'll see him being extremely clumsy.
            • Mr.Mudkipss

              Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

              I can do that! (On a side note, we'll have to rewrite some of Gunthers first event, where he talks about how the previous caretaker took all the stuff, as the walking sprites are going to move them down a few pegs :D)
              • Gwenhwyfar

                Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

                Actually, Gunther's first event is actually not an event, it's an introduction from Gunther's counter. I checked! Also, you'll see that when you talk to Gunther, as he is now, you're not talking to him, you're talking and interacting with his counter.

                Here's a video showing that the "first event" isn't actually an event. Skip to 8:44 and you'll see the player repeatedly interacting with Gunther's counter (not Gunther) and being given the same introduction to the Archaeology House and about how the previous curator took all the stuff.
                • Mr.Mudkipss

                  Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

                  is this good? :p Gunther is hard to sprite from the side xD
                  --- Post updated ---
                  Oops! I meant the event when you first bring him an artifact... derp
                    cankersaur and Gwenhwyfar like this.
                  • Gwenhwyfar

                    Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    Wow! You did a really good job! :eek:

                    It's waay better than what I could pull! It looks like you kept the first, initial walking sprites I made for him at the top. Do you think it looks okay? I had a little trouble making his arms right. What do you think of his cowboy hat from the side? Do you think it could be better? Also, have you tried adding his spurs to his boots in side-view? (The riding stars on his heels?) Did they look right? I could add them in myself, but I wanna make sure you didn't leave them out cuz they didn't look right.

                    I think one issue I had with trying to animate Gunther from the side is that I tried to keep him at the same height as his front view. He has no neck in front-view, so it looked even worse in side-view. :p

                    I was trying to recall the event you were talking about. I managed to find it and you're right! :eek: Hopefully, this problem won't be too tricky to resolve! I hope I can find the event easily in the files...


                    Mr.Mudkipss... I love you five-ever! Not forever... FIVE-EVER! X3
                      Mr.Mudkipss likes this.
                    • Mr.Mudkipss

                      Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

                      Oops! Completely forgot about the spurs. Here they are:
                        cankersaur likes this.
                      • Gwenhwyfar

                        Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        I could have added it in myself, but thank you! X3 Perfect! Me love you long time!

                        I'm looking at all the files and trying to figure out what I need to do to get Gunther moving. Do you know how the sprite animation works? How do you select which animation to do?


                        Do you find the 8 Heart Event too awkward and weird? My boyfriend read it and said it felt weird and too forced. He felt like it was a B-rated movie scene or a cheesy pick-up line...

                        Feel kind of a bit sad and disappointed... I was so set on a scene with Gunther taking off his gloves... I guess I had my head too high up in the clouds on making a slight romantic scene like from an anime... It came off too weird and I guess kind of creepy...

                        Is the scene at all redeemable?


                        I wanna share some of my happy success on my first steps getting closer towards this mod! I managed to get Gunther to talk, but I couldn't trigger his introduction dialogue.


                        I haven't added in the new sprites yet, but it's interesting to note that Gunther actually turns his head towards you when you speak to him.

                        Edit: How can I add him to the social tab in menu? How do I get him to accept gifts? How do I get him to say his introduction? >.< It's a bit frustrating when the people that made NPCs for this game haven't been here since May...
                          Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
                          emoninjagrl and Cemo like this.
                        • Mr.Mudkipss

                          Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

                          MrMudkipss is here to help! To add him to the social tab, you need to edit NPCdispositions, and to let him accept gifts, edit NPCGiftTastes (i recommend having ObjectInformation open while editing that). The game knows that the first four rows are walking animations (I compiled them as such; thats also why Gunther turns his head, that's his right facing sprite; the fourth line, sprite 12). To make him do an animation in daily life, edit animationDescriptions, and to make him do one in an event, you have to write out the numbers. (remember, the 'first' row of sprites is 0, 1, 2 3, the following 4, 5, 6, 7, and so on an so forth).

                          EDIT: editing NPCDispositions should also fix the introduction problem.

                          EDIT 2: I'm adding 2 new NPCs myself, actually :3
                            emoninjagrl and cankersaur like this.
                          • Gwenhwyfar

                            Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

                            The game is causing issues where when I edit the NPCdispositions and NPCGiftTastes, it removes Gunther from the list and everything that was below his name.... In those two files...
                            • Mr.Mudkipss

                              Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

                              Fixed some sprite errors and added marriage sprites.
                                Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
                                emoninjagrl likes this.
                              • cankersaur

                                cankersaur Pangalactic Porcupine

                                What do you imagine his room looking like, @Gwenhwyfar ?
                                • Gwenhwyfar

                                  Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                  @Mr.Mudkipss Looks good! Though, I might recolor and redesign his groom outfit to make it more interesting than just his regular outfit recolored to black. I was thinking of giving him a white tux and leave his blue hat, but that might be too tacky...

                                  I was looking at other cowboy groom outfits:


                                  I imagine Gunther's room to be full of books, which you can interact with and read facts on ancient civilizations and also read quotes from famous archaeologists like Howard Carter.

                                  Some quotes:
                                  "If we knew what was there, we wouldn’t have to dig." - Richard Boisvert
                                  "All we have to do is to peel the shrines like an onion, and we will be with the king himself." - Howard Carter
                                  "History may be accurate, but archaeology is precise." - Doug Scott
                                  "Archaeology is the search for fact. Not truth. If it's truth you're interested in, Doctor Tyree's Philosophy class is right down the hall. So forget any ideas you've got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and 'X' never, ever marks the spot. Seventy percent of all archaeology is done in the library. Research. Reading ." - Indiana Jones

                                  You'd find fossils and minerals in his room; some of them are just for display and others are being researched. You'd see a research table that holds petri dishes, microscope, and trays of fossils and minerals, and there's a desk holding an archaeology map that looks like it's gradually being worked on as Gunther discovers more material in the mines and creates boxes or circles around more areas. Also, he'll probably have an Indiana Jones movie poster hanging on his wall.

                                  I was thinking of adding his room to the museum, but seeing how little space there actually is in the museum, I might actually make a separate house for him... Or maybe I can make an upstairs to the museum....

                                  To give you an idea on an archaeologist's map:


                                  There's a lot of confusing archaeology maps that you can barely make out or understand, lol...


                                  ;W; WHHHYYYY?!!! OTL I just want to get Gunther to accept gifts and introduce himself... Fricken game!!!

                                  Edit: I managed to give Gunther a birthday. I also added in the sprites and portraits, which are fine. I still, however want to know why I can't add Gunther to NPCDispositions and NPCGiftTastes....

                                  Are you guys able to add Gunther to NPCDispositions and NPCGiftTastes?
                                  --- Post updated ---
                                  Good news! I got Gunther to accept gifts! However, I haven't gotten him to introduce himself and he's not on the social tab.... I wonder if it's cuz I idiotically saved after talking to him once...

                                  Must test further...
                                  --- Post updated ---
                                  Well, I found out that Gunther does introduce himself when I create a new game. But when I look in the social tab, a weird guy appears that doesn't look like Gunther; the weird guy doesn't update either when I introduce myself to Gunther.

                                  Edit: How am I creating this double-post? If I bother deleting it, it goes wonky and deletes both duplicate posts...
                                  --- Post updated ---
                                  Hey Cankersaur and Mr.Mudkipss. Are you guys still willing to help me in this project?

                                  I'm going to start adding a schedule for Gunther. Also, I need to think of better, everyday dialogue for Gunther. For whatever reason, I thought there was a greeting dialogue for each day, just like HM, but CA actually completely goes over that and has characters go straight to more relevant dialogue.

                                  Also, I'm wondering what you guys think of Gunther's 8 heart event? Is it too creepy or weird? Cheesy? Too forceful? I might scrap it and come up with something better, but I was so set on something involving Gunther's gloves.... Haha...
                                  --- Post updated ---
                                  Currently in the process of making a room for Gunther... This is a bit more time-consuming than I thought!
                                    Acerbicon and Cemo like this.
                                  • cankersaur

                                    cankersaur Pangalactic Porcupine

                                    I tried to make him a room but I -hate- how clashy the colors are!


                                    Maybe I'll just recolor some shit to match, haha.


                                      Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
                                      Cemo likes this.
                                    • Gwenhwyfar

                                      Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      Thanks for the help, Cankersaur!

                                      I'm actually in the middle of completing his room, but maybe we can use this for his spouse room, haha! I think the wall, in the museum, where the fireplace is would look more suitable for his room, IMO, which is what I used for the room that I made. How about you try that?


                                      I actually kind of like the first one more; the second one kinda looks more like a child's room with the bright colors.


                                      I could draw a diagram to show you what I had in mind for his rooms; both the spouse room and museum room.
                                      • cankersaur

                                        cankersaur Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        Ohh, I thought it was just the next part on your list of stuff to do. My bad! Nah, you can use yours. :) I'd love to see! I took my screenshot using Gyazo.
                                        • Gwenhwyfar

                                          Gwenhwyfar Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                          I'm happy to announce that I've completed Gunther's Room is complete, and I've successfully connected it to the museum! :) Great progress! I'll be working on his schedule now....

                                          Here's screenshots of his room and the modified museum. I included it in the first post, but still! Why not show it down here too? Gotta keep the thread up-to-date!

                                          Gunther Room.png
                                          Action Door Gunther.png

                                          First, I'll test if I can even move him to his room...

                                          Edit: I could still probably use your room as a spouse room with a few edits. :p
                                          --- Post updated ---
                                          Changed Gunther's default position in save file. This is his new start location! Now to give him a schedule to move to the counter.
                                          Gunther Start Location.png
                                          --- Post updated ---
                                          So I successfully put in a schedule for Gunther, but I'm having trouble getting him to face the position I want him to. I've been trying to make use of the (reference to sprite graphic), but I guess the game doesn't take numerical references for sprites.... He keeps facing north...

                                          Gunther Schedule.png
                                          --- Post updated ---
                                          If you guys could help me with this schedule issue, that would be great.
                                            Last edited: Jul 23, 2016

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