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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Why? Just because they operate within a lower temperature band doesn't mean that they might not get some benefits out of heating things relative to that band, the same way we get benefits from heating things relative to ours.
    RyuujinZERO likes this.
  2. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    See, they still have microorganisms and illnesses to worry about.

    They just wouldn't cook food to temperatures we'd consider 'hot'.

    Edit: Ninja'd by Dark.
    RyuujinZERO likes this.
  3. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Love that port design :D I see ya do a different mod for your ore production?
  4. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    since we're talking about cooking food... there are several spices you can use in the real world to actually cook meat as opposed to using fire or some sort of heating element.
  5. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    Fascinating. Marinate the meat to 'cook' it, then dry it to preserve it?

    Maybe skip the drying if you wanted a fancy dish and wanted it now. Or re-soak the meat in another batch of spices.
  6. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Question of the day, what is the Avali plan. As in, what long term goals do they have as a species. Are they expansionists, focusing on creating colonies and making outposts? Are they exploratory, just curious what's out there and exploring in search of new and interesting things? Are they interested in domination over the other space faring species, whether through war or alliances?
    Also, ryuujin, I wanted to apologize for my "shenanigans" yesterday. I'll keep those to a minimum from now on.
  7. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Do humans have a "plan"?
  8. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Well the humans in starbound are scattered. I assume their "plan" would be to regroup and try to take back Earth. Keep in mind I'm using the word plan very loosely there. I really did mean just their overall goal.
  9. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I meant humanity. Actual humanity.
  10. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Our overall goal is kinda vague. Keeping in mind humanities tendencies for war and violence, I'm guessing once we enter space we'll probably become aggressive expansionists, trying to extend the reach of humanity across the galaxy.
  11. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    Not annihilating ourselves is a good plan... assuming we can actually achieve that at all, if you think about it we'd be in space and possibly Mars by now if every nation in the world pooled it's resources and "worked together" instead of bicker like a bunch of school girls over a guy :p
  12. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    As predators, they're probably expansionist to some degree. Move with the resources, and all that. Violently expansionist? I doubt it. As nomadic survivalists, they'd probably colonize and utilize planets to their fullest potential, not just conquer territory for no reason.

    Either way it's not like there's lots of other races just dying to conquer ammonia-covered iceballs with methane for an atmosphere.

    The Oracle cult might actually be the closest to a real answer to your question: "achieve singularity." Just, the majority of Avali don't really seem to want that yet.
  13. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I had assumed so, seeing as how Avali are a nomadic culture. I was just curious as to what everyone else thought and had to say.
  14. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    The term is "curing" :p - salting, smoking, pickling, seasoning in certain spices all work to the same end, they kill of microorganisms and prevent/reduce spoiling.

    Exactly, entire races don't have overarching plans and goals unless they are a planet of hats. It's unfortunate the other races in starbound are very 2-dimensional.

    However, that said, the Oracle's primary task is to ensure the best living conditions (Best supplies and rations in trade-off against free time, finding a sweet spot for both while encouraging growth in cultural ventures) for the entire population. As a secondary goal, to amass surplus resources, to allow for population growth/absorption of non-avali colonies (Population absorption and larger influence reduces threat posed by outsiders, further securing the welfare of the citizens and reducing military spending)

    So I guess they could be described as (relatively*) peaceful expansionists. At least the "core" civilisation under the oracle, fringe and breakaway populations might be quite terrifying military expansionists, they just lack the technology, resources and backing**

    * There is a point where the cost of holding a potential threat at bay indefinitely, becomes greater than the cost of simply annexing them. For all their peaceful intentions, I don't think the Avali themselves would hesitate once the leash is taken off and they're given the greenlight to remind people what an 'apex predator' looks like in it's element :p

    ** Despite appearances - game theory proves that in fact, co-operation/tit for tat strategies work best as overarching, long term game plans than aggression. Hence it's no surprise the oracle followers have better results, than the breakaway groups who follow predatory doctrine.

    EDIT: This is of course just one analysis. it does NOT mean this is an absolute statement on their goals (Another approach I can envision that might have more flavour, is to stay somewhat distant, retaining a nomadic flavour, using their resource wealth to ensure positive relationships with other races, but staying isolationists. Travelling and exploring for culture expansion)

    The oracle cult is popular because it's seen as the next logical paradigm shift in the development of life and culture and is a logical end-point, but you can't really force that on people as a goal
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  15. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Thanks for clearing it up for me :)
  16. QuicksilverConspiracy

    QuicksilverConspiracy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So as far as biology, given that the Avali have relatively weaker eyesight, what color range can they see?
    Differences in the distribution and quantity of cone cells in the eyes could easily change how the Avali perceive the universe.
    Are there any colors they specifically can't see very well, if at all?
    Can... Can they only see greyscale and Red/Yellow shades? Black, white, and orange only?
    Because that would both be hilarious and explain a lot of the color pallet in their architecture.
  17. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Just out of curiousity are you still interested in our private avali server or should we no longer expect your presence. Also if the reason is something simple like a mod you want added don't hesitate to share.
  18. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    Well, they use other colors on their civilian clothing. The description says something like "this would be considered gaudy in any other culture," though.
    It seems likely to me that they see color, but less intensely than other races, thus the high contrasts and bright colors.
    RyuujinZERO likes this.
  19. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Not sure if this has been said repeatedly or not, but some of the tent props like both the enterances and the decorative awning have basically zero collision unlike other tent parts. The normal awning works fine but something about the decorative version gives it zero collision.
  20. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    It's an entrance, your supposed to be able to walk through it.
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