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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. Dolphinowl245

    Dolphinowl245 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I got it from the homepage. You can find more on the wiki.
  2. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    Hmm, It looks strangely familiar, but i unno :badpokerface:
    Calabrese and Dolphinowl245 like this.
  3. Dolphinowl245

    Dolphinowl245 Pangalactic Porcupine

    As i said to Zuvaii, I got it on the homepage. I couldn't find a good profile pic.
  4. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    (bad poker face hint-hint)
    Calabrese likes this.
  5. Dolphinowl245

    Dolphinowl245 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh :facepalm:
  6. Icebelly

    Icebelly Weight of the Sky

    It's fine, you could just try one of the images from the art concepts on the wiki instead. :p
  7. Dolphinowl245

    Dolphinowl245 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I tried to, but it didn't let me. :confused: Is it okay if i use this one for now?
  8. Strazyplus

    Strazyplus Big Damn Hero

    Changing your avatar after setting your avatar for some reason.... just won't work... so I switched to gravitar thing
    Calabrese likes this.
  9. SKyWee

    SKyWee Void-Bound Voyager

    for the respawn animation you can make somehing like a little rat/fluffy animal who's evolving in flash of light ? no?
  10. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Yeah I can't figure out what's causing that :/ - got a workaround in mind I'll implement for next patch hopefully.

    That is a terrible idea...

    No i HAVE an animation planned. Just as i have said, more tiems than i can count now, it's not high priority.
  11. SKyWee

    SKyWee Void-Bound Voyager

    how does the aeroonic tubes work? I want to make a farm in my ship :D could you create a bigger ship ?
  12. SKyWee

    SKyWee Void-Bound Voyager

    and the last word : YOUR WORK IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (sorry for this english, I'm a frenchie who's admire your work :D
    Calabrese likes this.
  13. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Bigger ships will come when starbound implements bigger ships*, the mod is being developed to stay on a par with other races for now. In meantime if you want an even bigger ship you'll need to use a ship mod.

    The aeroponic tubes need to be primed with a hoe, to all intents and purposes it's just another style of dirt.

    And merci :p

    *I lie actually. I've been pondering the idea of creating avali-style ship components so players can build their own ship in pieces/use with mad tulips since i much prefer that method to the 'rigid sprite' concept
    SKyWee and Calabrese like this.
  14. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Careful now, Ryuujin is not made happy by people making lots of requests, and it's a bad idea to make him unhappy, because he bites.
    SKyWee and Calabrese like this.
  15. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    BLOODY HELL :lod: ninja'd :whaaat:
  16. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    yes... I mean just look at the teeth on his avatar pic D:
    SKyWee and Marxon like this.
  17. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    I’d like to take a few moments to thank and congratulate you for the excellent work you've done on this mod. It’s exciting to see a project that isn't only good as far as gameplay is concerned, but also includes a thorough discussion of lore and surprising attention to scientific plausibility. Keep up the good work (but also take some breaks, can’t have you burning out on us)!

    That said, while I’m dropping by I also have a few questions about Avali society/biology and technology if you have time to spare answers.

    1] How far do environmental conditions range on Avalon? The wiki has some mention of the polar regions being cold enough that Avali need protective gear there, so is the reverse ever true, where Avali need to be careful to prevent overheating? I understand if you haven’t given it much thought, but what sorts of weather would Avalon have? The kite-settlements you’re planning seem like they’d require extremely steady wind to function well.

    2] There was also some discussion on Avali cooking methods further back (which failed to consider solar reflector ovens!?!), but I was also wondering how the Avali managed to first begin metalworking. The methane atmosphere seems a major inhibitor as far as heavy industry is concerned, so was this a trick they learned from first contact?

    3] From a personal story perspective, how do Avali show emotion? Way back in the thread there was some mention of the adorable-sounding “happy tail dance,” but it wasn’t ever fully realized or made official. For sadness, I assume that Avali aren’t capable of shedding tears like humans, so would they instead make use of plumage position to convey emotions?

    4] Lastly, what sort of interfaces would they use to aim ranged weapons considering their poor eyesight? Would they make use of some sort of IFF system with a directional tone (I’m imagining something similar to a missile lock tone, “beep…beep…beepbeepBEEEEEE…” to indicate distance to target, but also capable of indicating the direction of the target with respect to Avali hearing), or would they instead use a system similar to their virtual reality network to allow them to mentally image what their sensors are picking up?

    Thanks for your time, and thanks again for the dedication you've put into making such an interesting project. I hope I’ll see plenty more to come!

    Have a good one.
    Marxon likes this.
  18. Strazyplus

    Strazyplus Big Damn Hero

    I wanna hear it!!!!
    SKyWee likes this.
  19. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    1) I havn't given too much thought to the precise geography of the entire planet, but geographiclly it's not meant to have a great deal of surface topology, mountains are rare and valuable for building solid foundations on, the snow and ice sheets give it a relatively flat surface thanks to their mobile nature and that means that the jetstream has a greater effect on surface conditions - like on Earth the jetstreams are virtually permanent features and always flow roughly the same direction (When they're not being thrown for a loop ala polar vortex :p). Remember avalon's atmosphere is much denser, and gravity is much lower so it's much easier to loft stuff airborne.

    2) I'm not sure a solar reflector would do any good. I ran some calculations and the surface light during peak daytime is probably no stronger than an electric lightbulb. Plenty to see by but you're not going to burn many ants with a magnifying glass under it. It's entirely possible they could've made use of chemical heat sources (as per cooking), but whether they DID isn't set in stone, nor particularly relevant as at the end of the day they ended up being uplifted by a far more advanced race (albeit accidentlly).

    3) Funnily whether or not they would cry isn't something i gave thought to, even though their 'cry' emote in game displays a comical anime-style T_T - nonetheless, they have 4 fully mobile ears, a fairly mobile tail (they can at least bend, wag, lower or raise it though it's relatively stiff; being a balancing cartilaginous tail), plus they have the two eyebrow "spots" you'll probably seen on the concept art. So what they lack is facial structure is plenty made up for in the ability to move very visible parts of their body. For sake of familiarity I have to date simply use terrestrial emotes with them (such as ears flattened back, teeth bared/angry. Ears perked right up, grin... possibly wagging tail/friendly. Ears drooped, head hung, tail down/sad etc etc)

    4) By poor eyesight, i mean they are congenitally shortsighted due to their eyes being specialised in wide field of view. However they still have a zone of stereoscopic vision face forward, plus of course anything in front of their eyes (like a HUD) will actually be quite visible to them. I'd expect a soldier's helmet HUD, to display a wrap-around image covering both eyes natural field of view, with simple, high-visibility markers indicating stuff like IFF/positions/waypoints/anomalies/where their weapon is pointed, and when they turn their head so the markers enter their stereoscopic/higher fidelity area, it overlays additional numerical data like range/identity etc. Likely, all of this would then be backed up by audio cues, which given their excellent directional hearring could be modulated to match the apparent position of the visible markers and draw attention to them.

    Strictly speaking they're more like plates, like you see in prehistoric fish :p

    Think mass effect 2 ;)
  20. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Found an Avali village for myself and, i have to say, they're beautiful :D
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