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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest


    Also, Does this orange name thing happen for anyone else?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2014
    Mattyrogue and Kawa like this.
  2. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    Now that I'm actually back in the game... god damn it, the "connection lag"-like bug from the Enraged Koala update is STILL there T_T I hate that, it breaks my enjoyment of the game somewhat. I don't like how the monsters and engine actions just randomly stop for a second before catching up, much like an MMO's lag.
  3. Mattyrogue

    Mattyrogue Starship Captain

    I wish. :gooby:
  4. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    I'm having a problem... I've downloaded the mod correctly (put the folder labeled "Avali" in the mods folder), but its race option doesn't show up when I try to create a new character. Can anyone help with this?
  5. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    You may not have a character extender installed.
    Calabrese likes this.
  6. Connorses

    Connorses Big Damn Hero

    Oh my gosh they look amazing... Can somebody perhaps direct me to a more detailed image of one, besides the in-game sprites? :L
  7. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    @DarkusTheFirst Here you go - some useful concepts and some of the major types of sleeves that "work". You don't need to mimic the exact original sleeves afterall if they don't work. (I had these in my mind a while, useful to put pen to paper anyway :p) - I mean... hell; technically speaking half those sleeves are going to be identical anyway right, just different coloured tubes. Just leave players to pick their own sleeves and recolour them to suit (In a patch or two's time I'll be adding dye bucket compatibility)



    I like seeing you around here :p
    Makes it easier to keep an eye on my rivals fellow race modders :D

    Here you go :p

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2014
    Calabrese likes this.
  8. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Character extender? Never heard of that... think I'll find one.
  9. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Calabrese likes this.
  10. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    Actually, TTU, the mod's front page tells you you need the extender, so... it's your fault for not reading that :rofl: no offense meant.

    EDIT: Also I'm not the only one who notices the "lag spikes" in the game right? The most recent patch still didn't fix it...
  11. NLights

    NLights Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It generally occurs when you're moving too fast through an area for the game to load, hence the slowdown. Same concept as when Minecraft slows a bit to load missing chunks from the area you're entering.
    Calabrese likes this.
  12. legoracer

    legoracer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yet another awesome thing to look forward to. :)
    I'm sure the shading will be cleaned up by the time these are released, but if it helps, here are some references: (1, 2, 3.)
    The only other thing is that the banners look a bit too long, so maybe a bit of trimming is in order?

    Also, will we be able to place these on the underside of blocks?
    Calabrese likes this.
  13. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Yes, there'll likely be an "underside" version. And yeah that's just a test sprite, to see if the idea a) works, b) people like and c) how realistic multiple variants will be
    Calabrese likes this.
  14. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    No literally like a "connection lag" type of thing in an MMO, where everything freezes in place while moving and then everything catches up. Like a monster who's jumped at me midair and freezes or when I'm mining things and what I've mined occasionally gets delayed as the engine "lags".
  15. DarkusTheFirst

    DarkusTheFirst Big Damn Hero

    Many thanks @RyuujinZERO , that helps a great deal. And the brown outfit is what I was aiming for to be honest. Having it be held by a strap between the fingers is much better ^^
  16. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Oh. Derp. :chucklefish:
    Calabrese likes this.
  17. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    I have to say, for the first mod I ever installed, I think this was the best choice I could make! :D Too bad it isn't an actual race, that would be soooo cool!
  18. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    Oooh, that's what the wings look like from behind. Thank you for that!
  19. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Pangalactic Porcupine

    It happens occasionally. I think it has to do with people you've been in a conversation with? I dunno.

    Wow... That's pretty cool. As for the bottom left one, though, if they flipped their feathers upward (is that even possible?) or perhaps when they're decending downwards, I'd think the lower portion of the sleeve would start to flip up a bit. Would be an interesting extra bit to see (it could also happen with the upper right one)
    Calabrese likes this.
  20. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Feathers tend to be anchored deeply, on terrestrial birds there are even bony nodules at the base of the biggest feathers, so the direction of the feathers matches that of the arm, so if they were to rotate their forearm/hand, then those feathers would be "upside down" relative to the diagram yes. But the strap over the hand would twist the sleeve through the exact same pattern, so the sleeve and feathers would remain in roughly the same alignment. If you mean how the sleeves might "billow" as part of the animation, yes, that kind've cloth movement is incorperated into some of the animations

    EDIT: Though, testing that theory for myself; I'm not sure birds can twist their forearm nearly as much as that; try it for yourself... the ulna and radius slide under the skin. If the feather/skin position is relatively fixed on a bird, then that sliding motion cannot happen...
    Calabrese likes this.
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