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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Solid-state bunkers? Human-derived mining platforms?
  2. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    For my Future Mining Tools Mod I get (upon trying to even LAUNCH Starbound):
    StarException: Mod dependencies form a cycle.
    And then a bunch of 8 digit numbers followed by starbound_opengl.exe

    And then for Novastarx Drink Vending Machine I get:
    DBException: DB content identifier does not match expected value of 'Assets2', and then again with the 8 sets of 8 numbers followed by starbound_opengl.exe
  3. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    FYI these BOTH worked before the recent patch. I don't want to have to go rebuild my base AGAIN.

    What would I do with the old unpacker?
  4. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    The unpacker is a command line program. There's a GUI frontend somewhere you can download. That'll fix the drinks machine.

    The dependancy issue sounds like you have two mods referencing each other in their modinfo file.

    Mod A is dependant upon mod B to run.
    Mod B is dependant upon mod A to run.

    Starbound doesn't know which to load first.

    Noooo, it leaves them far behind.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  5. DarkusTheFirst

    DarkusTheFirst Big Damn Hero

    Alright, update on the quest for clothing. Here is the current votes.

    Votes 2 - Apex Scientist Outfit
    Votes 1 - Wizard Set
    Votes 1 - Soilder/Medic Uniform Set
    Votes 1 - Floran Leaf Coverings

    I will be getting set to start spriting a set of clothes/armor soon. So, please if anyone wants to put in whatever it is they want me to start working on first. Shout it at me. I won't bite, and so long as the clothing/armor is in the vanilla game, I'd be willing to make an Avali version of it. So please hesitate not with whatever you'd like me to start.

    @RyuujinZERO , I am curious what outfits you'd like to see done for the Avali though. Given you are their creator and all.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  6. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    Full on big structured cities.
  7. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ...space platforms that generate in the asteroid belt at the top of the world files?
  8. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    You might've overshot a little :p
  9. NLights

    NLights Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Are you going to implement the dropship above planet surface idea that somebody mentioned nearly 75 pages back or so?
  10. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Zeppelins? High-tech towers?
  11. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Kite aerostats :p - basiclly lightweight tent-like framework structures, held safely above ground level by large sails, tethered to the ground by cables.

    (5 minute proof of concept checking the idea of sails and cables are viable, needs a lot of fleshing out concept-art wise. But, you remember what the tent proof of concepts looked like, they were rubbish too :p)
  12. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    OH. MY.

    That looks absolutely fantastical. It makes me drool just to look at it.
    Questions: will these appear in "packs"? Will they come in various sizes, or stay "individual"? Will you put auto-turrets in them to deal with the birds?
  13. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  14. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Getting a little ahead of things xD

    Depends what I can make look right in starbound. It could just be simple, "flying tents" or maybe I could pull off something larger, akin to the zephyr sanctum.
    Calabrese likes this.
  15. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    That is cool, and unexpected.
  16. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    Time and again you remind me of how many awesome things I've yet to see.
  17. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    It's an idea i had long ago but kind've forgot about for some reason. Someone on reddit described the tents (incorrectly) as "sails", and 2 and 2 came together. "Wait, kite aerostats would WORK on Avalon, and for a race that can naturally glide, they'd make for quite safe and fun accommodation; safer in fact since it'd keep them out of harms way"

    Hell at this stage of development it's not to late to throw in a retcon and make largely aerostatic colonies STANDARD ;)
    Calabrese likes this.
  18. Darkthefox

    Darkthefox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    do we still need a character creation menu extender to play as the avali?
  19. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Yes. I only removed the notice since it was cludging up the front page, I figured that was kind've a given. Everyone seems to realise you need extenders to play new races.

    But you're the 3rd person to ask since then so...
  20. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    Last time I checked yes... I used Kawa's xbawks character creator.
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