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RELEASED Avali Race Mod, The second thread!

Discussion in 'Races' started by RyuujinZERO, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    If someone can me get some information on how to possibly replicate this crash I'd be happy to get you a log of it , you do devote an awful lot of time to your work and if I personally can help reduce your load, I'd gladly do it.

    Your work is appreciated RyuujinZERO, sadly not everybody shows it, if there's any little things I can take off your workload let me know.
  2. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I'd send you a starbound.log file if there was any pertinent information one could gather from it in the first place. The only relevant entry from starbound.log would have been the "you crashed, idiot" error because there was no other relevant entry in the log file. Being a modder myself, I understand the importance of starbound.log in troubleshooting and hope you can trust me on how you would glean no useful information from the file.

    No, it is not a universal bug. Other merchants, non-modded, work just fine. The only issues arise from nodded merchants with improperly formatted lists, such as the ones currently introduced in the Avali mod.

    Finally, I did tell you this before. I told you when I first released AvaliMerchants that there was an issue with your formatting and what did you do? Brush it off and ignore it. Now that there is secondary confirmation of the bug, I'm sure you'll get right on fixing it.
  3. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I can offer a different perspective, sometimes (very rarely) the issue is only shown on a server log, I run a private server where I have direct ftp access and I could try this and see what it logs the player disconnecting for.
  4. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    If I listened to every random guy who tells me to "change X just because" (Especially when "x" is something that is extremely arbitrary, like formatting) I'd never get anything done. In the absence of a meaningful, detailed error report that clarified the error was unrelated to another, very similar error - and the fact you're the only person reporting the error, you can see why I'd conclude there is not a problem on my end.

    On a side note, just because you didn't glean any useful information from the log, doesn't mean I don't want to see it. The lack of information can be just as informative as a presence of information.

    Being bitched at right now is the last thing I need. I'm |-| close to burnout on this project, all I ever get these days are pestered, accused, and insulted. The clan thread is a emss (and that's my fault apparently), and there's no end in sight for the mod. I can't find inspiration for the new build designs and oh hey, look I'm an asshole for ignoring incomplete error reports :wut:
  5. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    So is there anything I can do here to help or should I just stop trying?
  6. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    As I've said before in the time it takes to delegate a task on the project and explain in detail what needs to be done, i coul;d've just done it myself. Modding Starbound is easy, there's just a LOT to mod
  7. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Yeah I'm starting to see that, I'm just getting started in it myself so I'm starting to understand the kind of pressure you're under. I wish you well with it, and good luck.
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Apparently I'm just a random guy now? Oookay.

    I'd gladly provide the log entry for the issue but A) I'm about to leave for the day, inhibiting my.available time to create custom merchants which call for your lists and :cool: you really shouldn't need the log file in this case because I've already spelled out the issue as best I can, as well as how to fix it, so getting the log entry with its total lack of useful information would be a lot of effort for no reason.

    I'm sorry you are getting burnt out. Really, I understand the feeling all too well. I hope you realize, however, that my testing and experimenting to fix the issue was to to help remove some of that stress you feel now and successfully implement custom Avali merchants.

    There are two ways to do it.

    One is to find a naturally spawned Avali merchant and interact with him.

    The other is to create a custom merchant which calls for "avaliweapons", "avalifarmer", or "avaliinstruments" as its entry for "categories" : [ "<insert entry here>" ] as well as a spawner to spawn the merchant, a recipe for the spawner, and a player.config merge. Up to you if you want to do that, though I can help guide you through PM (not file supplication)
  9. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I've done npc spawning previously via techs, more dynamic. But only if Ryuu wants it, I don't want to be a bother to him like I used to be.
    Mackinz likes this.
  10. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time


    Through a tech? You gotta teach me how to do that!
  11. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Yeah, and on top of that you can specify most of the properties by yourself, you can set custom clothing, quotes, all sorts of bits. I'll see if I can make my tech file understandable by others later.
    Mackinz likes this.
  12. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Well I'm the meticulous type. One of the first chemists to create a consistent study of the different elements and their properties did so on his own and with no help, not because he wasn't offered it, but it ensured consistency and thoroughness - and as a result his work remained very useful for a long long time, as even where there was a deviation in his measurement, his measurements were all internally consistent.

    Similarly when someone else offers to do something for me, or gives me their findings I have no way of checking the accuracy. I'd rather people just reported what was needed, then I can implement it on my own terms.
  13. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time


    Fine. I still can't provide the log file, but the easiest way (for you, at least) to verify the bug and get the log file of the bug is to dungeon generation rates for Avali settlements (with merchants), go to a new planet, find a merchant, interact with the merchant, and then crash.

    You'll find that there is little to no pertinent information reproduced in the log file, and pound your head for hours, as I did, trying to figure out the cause of an issue that apparently should not exist.
  14. Lazurkri

    Lazurkri Star Wrangler

    Hmmmn... Not sure if I broke something,, but the only recipes I'm seeing in the Wooden Cooking Table are the Avali ones... despite me having all the stuff I need for OTHER recipes. is this a bug?
  15. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I can understand that, I've been burning myself out over a private server lately because I insist on doing EVERYTHING in terms of managing it myself, if I let someone else do it it have the innate sense it will be done wrong. I interface poorly with all the others as well. But hey, it still gets done and everyone on the server is very happy with it, so I guess it's worth it.

    Some people are destined to do great things, but it comes at a price.
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  16. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Asides from having the ingredients, you do also need to learn the blueprints for food before you can make them yourself. Have you read the blueprints, or only obtained the materials?

    Sorry for being snappy, I've not been myself recently and had a break from the game to get back on track. I should've thought abut testing the merchants by forcing it to spawn avali settlements.

    Anyway, I just did that and all the merchants are working perfectly. (I have made no changes to the merchant.npctype file), so I stand by my statement; the syntax of the JSON file is not the problem. (I will fix the syntax anyway for next update... probably. But if it is indeed the syntax then this problem then why is it not affecting most users. Is there a difference in parsing between Win32/64 and Mac executables?)
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
    Marxon likes this.
  17. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    Not that I've found loads and loads of settlements and merchants, but I've never had a crash because of them.

    Honestly, Mackinz, if you've already done the work (you sound to have done most of it, at least), and it's not a common problem (as Ryuujin and the rest of us seem convinced), why not just post it as a patch yourself? I mean, since we're not exactly overflowing with people reporting this bug and it's work you've already done, it'd be a major waste of Ryuujin's time to either figure out the problem himself or to double-check your work.

    If it starts to become a major issue, then Ryuujin can link to your patch on the main page, or implement it himself. Until then though, why fix what can't conclusively be proven broken in 99% of cases?
  18. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I almost envy your ability to keep cool under pressure, I've gone off on some people in a fit of rage like I'm the Devil, and I feel like crap later for scaring people. (I have a reputation now on the private Avali server, its not a very great one :/)

    Hang in there, things should get better with time.
  19. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Well, I got base functionality with the pulse boost done. Currently it's a lot like the normal boost but it fires in short but extremely fast pulses every second or so.

    It's kind of fun once you learn to not pulverize your legs with it (safety does not come first when innovating). Very handy in combat since you can just dash out of the line of fire or away from environmental hazards. I can't help but laugh when npcs cannot even shoot me when I'm killing them one by one with a spear, just reduced to a blur for them.
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  20. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time



    That's not right! When I did it, I crashed constantly! WTF!

    ...when I get home, I'm gonna test again. I spent hours trying to find the issue and now it's not reproducible! Something is not right here.

    Because now I'm not so sure. I don't know what the hell is going on, as I was crashing like all hell before but now... I'm confused.
    J_Mourne and RyuujinZERO like this.
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