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RELEASED Avali Race Mod, The second thread!

Discussion in 'Races' started by RyuujinZERO, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    So just curiously, how do I use the tubes to grow food? Or are they just decore right now?
  2. DoragonKeiyou

    DoragonKeiyou Big Damn Hero

    I see. I haven't played since when beta first released, and I didn't encounter it with anything else until then so.
  3. Railgunner2160

    Railgunner2160 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  4. nomotog

    nomotog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Really nice mod. I am wondering if the armor inserts are final, or if your planing on replacing them with actual armor? (Like maybe the armor you craft in the nanolathe.) I also have a minor complaint that the Avali guns don't quite match the other items. The are very minimalistic black and gray well most of the other items have that orange holographic feel well also being somewhat artistic and fancy.
  5. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The armor in the nanolathe used to be the crafted armor, but considering the way the avali armor is done to account for their unique body shape, the inserts were chosen to instead be the replacement during this stage of Beta, as Chucklefish is looking to change the tier progression we currently work with.
    nomotog likes this.
  6. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    The guns and weapon upgrade system are being completely replaced in the near future, so they'll fiti n much better (And be far more satisfying :3 ). I may eventually re-implement proper armour if I ever get together enough armour sets, though as you might understand, making additional sets of from-scratch armour is a lengthy process and thus low priority at this moment.
    Kn4ck3br0d37 and nomotog like this.
  7. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    So I don't need to put soil in first. Good to know. *looks at giant pile of dirt*.
  8. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Heh no, if they needed dirt they'd be geoponic ;)
  9. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    you just use the Hoe on them. they work just like dirt
  10. YoshioGamer

    YoshioGamer Pangalactic Porcupine

    so on my planet I had built a tent with the older version of the mod and now that I have a newer version I can' go threw...
    Edit: FIXED IT just had to place multi doors where a "invisible" wall was
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  11. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Break the old tent door, then place blocks where it used to be.
  12. YoshioGamer

    YoshioGamer Pangalactic Porcupine

    yea I figured that out by randomly placing multiple doors down in rage
  13. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Your rage fixed shit.
    That's...I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Maybe both?
  14. YoshioGamer

    YoshioGamer Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think it's good like I raged on dragon age origins and I killed a ogre with out realizing it
  15. awareqwx

    awareqwx Cosmic Narwhal

    Nothing works better than a little Percussive Therapy.
  16. Ruti

    Ruti Big Damn Hero

    I wondered how that worked.. Not sure why I didn't think to use a hoe on it.
  17. YoshioGamer

    YoshioGamer Pangalactic Porcupine

  18. Ruti

    Ruti Big Damn Hero

    A question came up in discussion on Avali. Within a pack, is it customary for there to be an alpha? That is to say, does one particular packmate speak for the pack when they interact with other packs or people?

    I wouldn't think it necessary, especially in Avali-Avali interactions because of the Avali's auditory abilities and the hive-like characteristic of Avali (at least where the pack is concerned), and yet at the same time, it is plausible one of the Avali may drift into that role naturally, especially when speaking with other races, who have this odd way of thinking of each other as individuals.

    My conclusion was that pack composition may vary from pack to pack, and role assignment could be handled differently in each case. So too might the decision-making process, such as whether or not to accept a proposal (although I suspect that that kind of thing is usually handled by general consensus, and by vote if need be).

    A second question I had. Who names a newly created Avali pack?
  19. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    Definitely digging the new update, so much new stuff to do :rofl:
  20. Edgewalker_001

    Edgewalker_001 Big Damn Hero

    Seeing as you need those chits to craft upgraded weapons, I see it as a feature. =p
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