RP Avali Nexus: The RP thread

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Avali Nexus, Mar 8, 2015.

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  1. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    "Yeah, sure. After you."
  2. Timtimthe2nd

    Timtimthe2nd Big Damn Hero

    The ramp leads up to a large cargo bay, sparsely filled with crates and boxes of varying sizes. There are two hallways leading off to either side of the ramp, and a small crane off to one side, apparently used for loading cargo. As they enter, the AI greets them. "Welcome back, captain. And hello there humanoid. Who might you be?"
  3. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    "Sirius. A friend."
  4. Timtimthe2nd

    Timtimthe2nd Big Damn Hero

    "Well, Sirius, welcome aboard." The AI replies. Wren then begins walking down the hallway to their right. "Cockpit's this way"
  5. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Sirius follows behind him.
  6. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Skorpios woke up in the medical bay. He'd been lying on his back for some time - he had no idea how long. It could have been days or weeks for all he knew. The creature attending him had since moved on, so he decided to drag himself out of bed. Finding his arm still hadn't been attached, he had a clear plan of action - find his missing appendage, get food and then leave the ship.

    That said, it would be easier said than done.
  7. Timtimthe2nd

    Timtimthe2nd Big Damn Hero

    As they approached the cockpit, Sirius would see a few doors to either side. Each was not labeled, but had a small circular window, most of which looked like they had shades over them.

    As they entered the cockpit itself, a few motion activated lights would click on. There were two seats in front of the main controls for the ship, about two feet apart. Behind them, there were two more seats, about two feet behind the first row, each with its own respective terminal.

    The main window consisted of two three feet tall, four feet wide panels, with a small metal panel in between them. The main controls consisted of a simple looking joystick and a throttle in front of each seat. There was also a panel of complex looking switches and gauges in front of the pilots' chairs, and a small, circular panel in between all four seats.

    Upon close examination of said panel, one with enough know-how about ships would realize this was some form of a holographic projector.
  8. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Galaxion lifted the welder from the seam. He didn't smile, but did contemplate the beauty of the work now finished. The little light on the side of the case glowed a brief green, mulled by the power-lights gently rocking from the ventilation.

    The ship lurched.

    "We are now at Abraxis. If you look out the windows to your left, you can see a polluted hellhole."

    He clamped the completed wrist device firmly to the designated insert in the suit, and completed the cold-boot. The augmented reality pulled up the system log.

    [12.13.2190:23448] Scanning repositories...
    [12.13.2190:23449] Installed functionalities found.
    [12.13.2190:23449] Input-Output initialization complete.
    [12.13.2190:23450] Hardware collection complete.
    [12.13.2190:23450] Biological scan initialized...
    [12.13.2190:23455] Collection complete.

    A female voice listed off the results.

    "Kineptic. Male. Approximately 29 years of age. Known syndromes: Mental psychopathy. Abnormal digestive ecosystem caused by fruit-heavy diet. Latent cloning disorder. Gender dissonance. "

    Galaxion grimaced at the last result, and pressed his finger against the sentence on the virtual screen, overwriting the data it was attached to completely. He then turned around and stepped out of the massive engineering bay, empty after it was cleared out.

    After two hallways, the door to the central room opened up.

    "This, planet, the humans did this?"

    "If there's one thing the humans used to be famous for, it was short-term solutions to long-term problems. Barely enough has changed since then."

    "I imagine, the surface is toxic."

    "Only for the first twenty feet, everything gets built on top of the last generation anyways. The roads are no short of a thousand-level nightmare."

    "And, the citizens?"

    "Desensitized. I've heard they never care even when a turf war is collapsing buildings around them."

    "Is this planet safe?"

    Galaxion paused.

    "That reminds me. AI, did you pick up any weapons?"

    "What, you think I would forget? I'm moving the cabinet up here."

    The wall to his left broke into panels, and swiftly moved out of sight to reveal an arsenal on a roundabout.

    "How did you get this?"

    "The definition of the Grand Engineer means I own anything in the Alliance armory that isn't nailed to the wall by a superior. Especially if it's my blueprints."

    He stepped forward, and lifted out a heavy, boxy rifle.

    "Who the hell designed this? I could paint this grey and red, and pass off as a Republic soldier."

    "Why? Because you have a grenade launcher about as big as your torso, or because it has their colors?"

    "Gerson definitely designed this." He reached back out to clamp it back it in place.

    "At least it won't be like the last time you went on a hive world."

    Galaxion wanted to destroy the AI, to turn it into a billion worthless shards. The memory was too painful, part of something the artificial mind would never understand. But the AI was valuable to the future, and he tried to put it behind himself. It's all just corpses and a warehouse, he thought. I no longer have the vulnerability. Galaxion slammed the weapon into the holder so hard the clamps broke, and it clashed against the floor.

    "We are leaving for the surface. Find a landing pad I will not have to pay for."

    {Wooo that extremely horrifying and depressing bit of RP is now canon yaaaaay}
  9. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    "Ow." Ehks grumbled. He was, once again, sitting in his room along with Smallpaw. Both had returned to their room after going out for a bit, and were just...waiting. They flinched when there was gunfire, but relaxed once it was very quiet for a while.
    No need to worry, or something.
    "You should be glad you were not actually harmed, and only bruised. I saw what...uh, probably ran into you, and you are very lucky you did not break a bone on impact." Smallpaw said. He sat his head on one of his hands, glancing over Ehks with his oddly reptillian eyes.
    "Yeah yeah..."
  10. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    // about time I actually replied to this.
    "Huh. Neat." Sirius looks around a little, then looks outside. "Do you think we should head back sometime soon?"
    Kal finally appears around the ship again, not wearing the usual pieces of technology that adorn his arms and legs. He's in the kitchen, grabbing a bite to eat from the water-based cabinet.
  11. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky


    Galaxion peeked around the dulled, bolted corner at the soldier only a few feet away. With a swift movement, he unanchored the flak cannon from his back, and aimed in the general direction.

    [Exotic weaponry: -1 to roll. Roll ID 416049317: 1 - 1 = 1]

    Click. Click click click click. Click click. Instantaneous ammo jam. Shit.

    The soldier was still unaware, so Galaxion switched out for the laser rifle.

    [No modifiers. Roll ID 136387118: 5 + 0 = 5]

    He launched a sudden barrage of precise heat radiation at the head, melting the visor and searing flesh. The soldier collapses to the ground, dead in seconds.
  12. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    The sound of gunfire immediately attracts Sirius' attention. "What-" He exits Wren's ship, making his way toward the source. When he arrives near the scene, he stays behind a nearby building's wall.
    However, it wasn't completely silent, so some soft sounds of scuffling would likely be heard.
  13. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    What you see is a black humanoid figure, shimmering slightly in the polluted night, small circles of crimson at the joints barely visible from the lighting dissonance.

    It turns it's head to you. Across the face is a solid red shape, glowing red.

    Then there is speech, serious and slightly digitized.

    "And just whom might you be?"
  14. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Shit. This might be a Republic soldier... I better be careful. "Uh... Just a concerned civilian. I heard gunfire..." Sirius looks like he's a bit more than a normal civilian, considering the fact that he's dressed in all black, wearing treads and a button-up coat that looks like a trench coat cut short.
  15. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    The figure stands completely upright to almost your height, and then pulls out a small rod...

    Which activates, flooding the alleyway with white light.

    The suit is made of smooth black plates, and for whatever reason it points up into cat ears on the head. Odd.

    "See? Nothing to worry about here, at least for you."

    He raises the laser rifle up to his chest, then turns off the light in his hand.

    "Oh, and real civilians here just duck under the fire and never complain. I suggest you get a new cover if you continue to wear casual merc clothes."
  16. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    "...Yeah, no kidding... I don't exactly have civilian clothes, either. I'm guessing you're not the same race I am?" Sirius gestures to the figure's head, having clearly noticed the cat ears.
  17. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    "Yes, but considering the peaceful reputation of kineptics, you probably would not believe me."
  18. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    "Ah, you're a Kine-" Sirius stops talking. "Wait... Aren't Kineptics usually around three feet high?... I don't mean to insult you, but it's a bit, ah... Thought-provoking."
  19. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    "Genetics. Something about the Republic meant every generation was taller."
  20. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    "Weird... You are a Republic soldier, correct?" Sirius' gaze darts around the street for anything suspicious- namely snipers or anything of the sort- until he notes the Republic soldier's corpse on the ground. Strange... Let's see if this cat's a liar or not.
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