Avali Nexus the 12th: Fluffified Zodiacs

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Corosar, Nov 17, 2014.

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  1. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    // Yeah I'm 100% sure!
    // I mean I was a bit sad but it's not like I hate you or anything ^^;
    Mind if I come along?
    *gets up and walks up to them*
  2. TechMaster prime

    TechMaster prime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    //your just going to let a 10year old child die on a strange new planet after he crashed a patchwork spaceship
  3. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    *I laugh*
    I have to make a joke somehow...though I'm not sure it's a restaurant...I passed by a restaurant when going through this area with the guide the first time, and it looks like the area it's in...
    I can't really read the map...or understand what anyone is saying...[DOUBLEPOST=1416274921][/DOUBLEPOST]
    ((Again, that just seems like an incredibly, pointlessly dangerous and contrived reason to get on the Celion homeworld. Like I said in my edit...
    You don't need to have a curse, or something like that to get here. Everyone who got to the planet was brought here by Reks, minus Rhaun who hitched a ride to sell some stuff.))
    *Before leaving*
    Yeah, of course you can come! Just...uh...don't get scared by a passing shadow...
  4. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    // Ok, thanks.
    *Looks down at Feather*
    Come along! Friends are always welcome!
    Well of course you do! Let's go there!
  5. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    *I nod, and start walking towards the restaurant, making sure Feather is following along.*
  6. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    Great! *smiles at them* so where are we going?
    *blushes* L-Look Yol said it's fixed now!
    *sighs* well, ready when you are.
  7. TechMaster prime

    TechMaster prime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    He's not very lucky and he searches for his missing pack imbetwen contracts
    P.s. He tries to never visit a planet more than once
  8. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Looks down*
    Wait a minute, what shadow?!?
  9. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    So, new thread.

    Also, Tech. You'd have -no- idea where Celarra IS. It's very unlikely you'd crash there.
    Corosar, Feathery Dust and Ehksidian like this.
  10. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    // As I said, pointless.
    // He's not going to listen, even if he could understand you.
    T-There's no shadow! *looks up*
    I was just.. uhm.. afraid of something as silly as mine a few hours ago..
  11. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    ..... so you don't have a shadow? Or what? I'm kinda confused......
    *Ears droop down slightly*
  12. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    No wait I do but I just.. *looks very confused*
    N-nevermind.. where are we heading?
  13. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Maybe I'll actually make an effort to post here!

    I feel like cooking some stuff!

    Omnivali opens up his data module, scrolling through Allrecipes.uni and selects avali cuisine.
    what do you all say to A nice, stuffed alien turkey?
    Feathery Dust likes this.
  14. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Shakes his head*
    Never mind, I believe we're heading towards a type of restaurant.... Don't know if there's anything edible for us there, but we don't know if we try!
  15. cole4110

    cole4110 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As long as its ammonia based it should be fine...
    As gross as alien turkey sounds as well... o Ao
  16. TechMaster prime

    TechMaster prime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It was a random wormhole combined with bad piloting and a half sized ship literally held together by DUCTAPE GLUE AND AIR TIGHT NANO FIBRE
  17. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    // I assume you're on the ship? ^^;
    I'd like some!
    Sounds nice! I hope there'll be some Avali friendly foods there...
  18. Myifee

    Myifee Guest


    Yes, Reks?

    What did you mean by...


    Yes. But what did you mean to do? I can't seem to do it.

    Empty your mind. Clear your thoughts. Let your worries drain away, and everything else fill your mind. Become so aware of the world that it is all there is to you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
  19. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    The planet's lifeforms are water-based..... It's highly unlikely that they'll have ammonia based food.....
    But hey! We still don't know!
  20. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah you were...anyways, I think we're here at the restaurant!
    *I stop outside of what seems to be a small restaurant, a few tables outside with umbrellas on them. They seemed normally sized to me, though I had a feeling everything was absolutely massive to Feather and Lego. I walk inside, and wait for a waiter or waitress. A minute later, and one appears.*
    Mynah! How are you doing today?
    Oh...uh...just fine. *I didn't know what the first thing he said was, but I let it pass. I'll probably pick it up later.*
    A table for three, uh, do you have...booster seats?
    For your sitha companions, I presume?
    ...Yes, uh, let's go with that. Do you happen to have any menus in Common, rather than Celion..ian? Celian?
    Yes, we do. I assume you are not from here?
    No, just...a tourist. From offworld. Parents spoke Common...
    I see. Would you like to sit inside or outside?
    Outside, please.
    *The waiter nodded, gathered up three menus written in Common that seemed normally sized to me, and lead us to a table outside. After a bit, two seats were brought out for Lego and Feather to sit in.*
    There you go, I do hope you enjoy your meals!

    Thank you.
    *I sat down in my chair, Lego still on my shoulders.*
    So...see anything? I see ingredients are listed...there might be some dried food...
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