Avali Nexus the 12th: Fluffified Zodiacs

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Corosar, Nov 17, 2014.

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  1. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    hm. augmentations and surgery could solve those problems.
  2. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    I'd prefer to avoid it. What's happened has happened.


    Could just be that I'm punishing myself for what I've done wrong. Either way.
  3. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    hm. how many do you think i have killed?
  4. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

  5. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    I don't know. Many, maybe. Perhaps too many to count.

    So have I. Does the exact number matter?
  6. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    many, too many. the exact number doesn't matter. but am i punishing myself for it? no. is that what the dead would want? maybe. would they rather you try to help? yes.
  7. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    Maybe so.

    *finishes her meal, thanking White*

    Going to Celarra? Shouldn't take more than an hour. Possibly shorter, if your ship is custom. Celion vessels take longer because they simply don't have the output that Avali vessels do. I'll nap until then.

    And... Thank you. *closes her eyes and settles down to sleep*
  8. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    hrmm. *he moves his shoulders in a way that would probably look similar to a shrug under his suit*
  9. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    *already lost in the forest*
    it bloody no use, my nav system refused to work.........
    *hold its head down as it screech mechanically in pain*
    I feel.......funny.........
    *passed out again*
    -resume recovery-

    //since no body have and interest in Alpha/Null's backstory the next time it wakes up, it'll be back to normal
  10. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    I'm gonna try and draw before going to bed early. I work today.

    For 12 hours.

    I won't get to eat much of Thanksgiving, unfortunately. At least I have Black Friday off. *shudders*

    Gonz, just go ahead and carry on with RP to wherever you want to go. CeliReks won't be doing anything until I have adequate time to write up a story thing.
    Corosar and Never like this.
  11. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    // k, good luck with drawing, hope thanksgiving's good, and hope you get some cool stuff in Black Friday!
  12. Comito

    Comito Pangalactic Porcupine

    Assuming you don't get trampled by the zombie-like masses.
  13. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *the shadow gently started purring almost as if to try and lull reksvali to sleep looking over to White and smiling lightly* thank you so much for not hurting her..... she has been through a lot.... i wish i could help her recover her hearing and eyesight..... but... she wishes to be this way..... i really hope nothing happens to her *the being whimpered and laid down cuddling with reksvali softly its ethereal body allowed white through itself... as if it trusted him*
  14. DarkusTheFirst

    DarkusTheFirst Big Damn Hero

    To explain in the shortest way possible. Most everyone saw the explosion of a ship. Most everyone went to investigate, only to get chased off by Shadow, who then proceeded to find the two survivors of the ship-wreck on a nearby planet, and after making these two life-forms very suspicious, he allowed them up to his ship, where they almost shot him.

    So he offered them food and shelter, and they helped calm him down after the misunderstanding. And all three are currently asleep. Or, they were as of the last post.

    Hopefully that clears things up?
  15. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    Screw Friday, I'm staying home.
    Story wise, it does. It does tell me what to expect to see, since Celion Reks is gone.

    Also, to give a short list of the states of both Reks:

    Avali: En-route to Celarra. Deaf in her lower left ear, extremely short of hearing in her top left ear. Blind. Mostly recovered from the worst, but still cannot move on her own without reopening her wounds. Will likely never have much action, because of the disorientation of being deafened AND blinded.

    Celion: Traveling with Niha and Yol, experiencing Celarra. Currently in a small village named Veiho, soon to have some cultural experiences.
  16. Comito

    Comito Pangalactic Porcupine

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here who celebrates it! And to those who don't celebrate it, well, happy Thanksgiving anyway!

    Have a turkey!

    lonewolf1358, Intrebute and Never like this.
  17. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    // well. i hope thanksgiving wont be like this one.

  18. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    //I'm going to need a bigger blunderbuss....and a bigger pilgrim hat..
    Intrebute likes this.
  19. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    // i live in Denmark. pretty sure we have no such thing as black Friday.
    *repeats the semi-shrug and continues work on his odd close range weapon*
  20. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    link broke so here you go


    //hopefully this one works....
    //yea,,, i would not wanna be around any stores on black friday...
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