Avali Nexus the 12th: Fluffified Zodiacs

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Corosar, Nov 17, 2014.

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  1. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Except cars. I've seen Soviet cars. *Shudder*
    Feathery Dust and Higuera like this.
  2. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    I.. I can't seem to notice it O~o
    That's odd.. is the Avali sense of smell supposed to be limited?

    // Googled that one... *shudders*
  3. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    // But! The F-16..... Is awesome...... It just can't outmaneuver an F-22 though.....
    // *Looks at his Military ID again* There's nothing suspicious about the Base Commander's son walking around the base, is there?
    // Don't eat the jalapeno popcorn they keep in Ops...... I made that mistake......
  4. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    That is literally the best reason to shove them in.
    Excuse me?

    In other news



    Also enrolling in classes with shitty telnet clients on my tablet

    Also my turn is on one of the last days, so most sections will be closed by the time I get the chance to get in

  5. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    How do you think Leo feels, evolution designed his senses around liquids, and then he's water based
  6. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    ...Well, I could smell things...maybe you just have a bad sense of smell, or got used to it?
    ((And this is why he hates Avali.))
  7. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    // Shhh he's been silent for a while now
    // Being an ass worked.
  8. Higuera

    Higuera Cosmic Narwhal

    (russian hamsters for russian fighters!)
    I guessed it was like that....
    *bites into one of the fruits and drinking the juice with it*
    (WAIT,jalapeno popcorn!? "FUCK1NG 3UR3K4!")
    Marxon and Feathery Dust like this.
  9. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    bah, those are civilian crap, their military equipment are pretty good take example the Su-27 airframe designed in the 70s in service in the 80s and the same shape(different name) still fly around defend SovietRussian airspace
  10. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's been stated since a loooong while ago, hasn't it?

    I remember when mitosis mitosis mitosis mitosis mitosis

    Ehksidian likes this.
  11. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    well they are about a decade apart, there's bound to be advancement, the F-16 is more comparable to the F-35 both are cheaper version of air superiority models (F-15 and F-22)
    also Jalapeno popcorn!? who's idea was that!?
  12. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    Probably America
  13. Higuera

    Higuera Cosmic Narwhal

    (There's also Bacon Popcorn :V)
    (Sadly it's not sold where i am anymore...)
    (You've guessed right,and i know bacon popcorn was the best tasting popcorn i ever ate)
  14. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    ((TH1S 1SN'T BL4STOFF R3S34RCH, P3OPL3!))
    Yeah...I guess so...
    *The waitress returns, with two plates of very, very cold jerky that have luckily not frosted over, an a sandwich.* Please enjoy your meal. That will be 12 Lahns.
    *I nod, and take out the appropriate amount, putting in a few Fairs as well for a tip* Thank you.
    *The waitress smiles, and walks away.*
    Alright! I'm starving... *I take a bite out of the sandwich, and chew it for a bit.*
    ...This is fucking delicious.
    Higuera likes this.
  15. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    // Every time my dad goes to Ops, they have it. They almost NEVER have regular popcorn.... But I was so hungry...... My dad said "You're not gonna like that....." I ate it anyways..... and you know what? Ops was having some remodeling, so no water fountains.....
    // If I ask my dad about this he'll probably go off on a tangent about the mock dogfights and other stuff..... the jalapeno popcorn was...... actually I have no idea who's idea it was, but everyone seems to like it...... but me.....

    // Now before I fall asleep at my keyboard, I must say good night. It was nice talking to you alpha, I'll talk to you later.

    *Lego falls asleep at the table making slight grunting sounds as he breaths*

    // Goodnight Nexus!
  16. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

  17. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    Aaaaand eyes bleeding
    Intrebute likes this.
  18. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    night lego
  19. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    // *processing*...
    // Nighty night Lego! Sleep well.
  20. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    I love these nonsense theories
    Corosar likes this.
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