Avali Nexus Subsitute

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Xenon2462, Sep 29, 2014.

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  1. Xenon2462

    Xenon2462 Void-Bound Voyager

    Panting in pain*
  2. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *injects Xenon with a sedative, sending him asleep, then applies the splints and fastens him to the stretcher*
    i'll help you carry him. *picks up one end of the stretcher*
    that is appreciated. *picks up the other end and starts making their way towards the hospital*
  3. lonewolf1358

    lonewolf1358 Guest

    Wait, where are you going?
    *looks at the window, there's nothing there*
    Bye... I guess...
    *lays his head back down, closes his eyes*
  4. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    you ok wolfie? want me to get you something to eat?
  5. lonewolf1358

    lonewolf1358 Guest

    I'm fine... just sad that Catotter left.
    But yeah... I'm kinda hungry. Haven't eaten anything since the injury.
  6. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    i'll get you something to eat. *slides out of Marx's arms and heads out the door*
  7. lonewolf1358

    lonewolf1358 Guest

    Can't be ammonia based...
    And if you can't find anything water based, that's fine...
    gonzogonz likes this.
  8. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *sets the unconscious @Xenon2462 down on a operating bed and inspects the legs further using some of the medical machinery*

    // just to be sure, you are Avali right?
  9. Xenon2462

    Xenon2462 Void-Bound Voyager

    (yes) *wakes* hur?
  10. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    [I appear just outside the hospital, as planned, only to be interrupted by the fact that I was completely unconscious the second I was there.]

    [I fall to the ground.]
  11. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *returns a few minutes later with some water based food, it being a slice of meaty pie and a mug of some kind of fruit juice* they stock all kinds of food here! *puts it down on a nightstand* now, we should probably re-position you, so its easier to eat. *starts piling pillows against the wall and on the bed near, the edge with the nightstand* there. now this might hurt. *carefully drags wolf over to the pillows and sets him against them so he sits up instead of laying down* there, now i'll feed you, since you know. concussion and all.[DOUBLEPOST=1412797919][/DOUBLEPOST]
    not now! *injects with sedative again* phew. *cuts open Xenons right leg and checks the compound fracture, a few mechanical arms on the bed aid him in the surgery. he sets the bones and insert metal pins in both legs to a total of 15 pins. he then applies a cast covering the entirety of both legs making them completely immobile*
    *prods* you ok there?
  12. lonewolf1358

    lonewolf1358 Guest

    Uhm... how are you able to move me?
    And... you don't need to feed me. I can do that.
    Thank you, though.
    *ears point to the window*
    *gets up, slowly walks to the window, sees Catotter laying on the ground*
    *walks out to Catotter, drags him back to his bed, lays down next to him*
  13. Xenon2462

    Xenon2462 Void-Bound Voyager

  14. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    [No answer.]

    [I am falling. All around is a perfect darkness, save for a brilliant point of light directly above me.]

    [I do not think there is a ground, which is to say I continually fall.]
  15. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    how are you feeling? the legs might hurt for a while, that is to say a few days, then the swelling stops and then it should only hurt if you bump into anything.
    im not picking you up, just pulling you. you don't way too much, and just because im younger than you doesn't mean im weak! and its probably for the best if someone feeds you, i have had an concussion be *carefully attempts feeds wolf the pie and fruit juice*
    wait woflie! *sees lonewolf stumble about* get back in bed, please!
  16. Xenon2462

    Xenon2462 Void-Bound Voyager

    still panting in pain*
  17. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    My mom enabled "safe (More like restricted) internet", which blocks access to adult sites (It's not even good at it, you can still enable adult content on DA, FA, Flickr, etc.)...
    ...and also Reddit, Imgur and Youtube.
    I had to spend 45 minutes fixing it and it involved lots of phone number and email verifications.

    Happy times!
  18. lonewolf1358

    lonewolf1358 Guest

    Thank you, but I can do this by myself...
    *starts eating, finishes it within a few minutes*
    I am back in bed.
    I just wanted to help Catotter.
    Don't wanna leave him out there alone when he's unconscious.
  19. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    GG Bee's mom. GG.
    Still, someone else could have done it. You do need to stay in bed. Still want some company, though?
    Higuera likes this.
  20. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *administers some painkillers, focused for his legs* lets get you a room.
    i'll be able to pay for that.
    wha- where? *sighs* alright. where?
    get him a wheelchair and i'll show you.
    *carefully lifts Xenon into a wheel chair that keeps his legs in the same angled position as the casts* where to?
    *shows him to Nix and Gonzo's room, where a fourth bed has already been placed* over there. *points to the empty bed*
    *sets Xenon down on the bed and with a set of pulleys lifts both legs* there, anything else you would require?
    White, where have you been?
    just making sure the Grey skulls wont be bothering us anytime soon.
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