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Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Avali Nexus, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Ah, makes sense. How do we/you determine how much each thing is, though?
    ; -;
  2. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Only for combat. And only because then otherwise everyone immediately wins every fight.
  3. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    I'll admit I'm a bit guilty of this. Funny how I know almost exactly what to do, yet I'm not trained in any form of fighting whatsoever.
  4. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    He does have a point, if put bluntly though - I could be rolling nothing but natural six's and you'd call Hax. Conversely, you could be rolling natural one's constantly when it comes to me (for example) and then all sorts of unpleasantness happens.
  5. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    That's me playing dice-rolling games in a nutshell. It's really rare for me to ever roll anything higher than a four.
  6. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Sorry, but I completely can't stand when stuff just happens for the sake of happening.
    If something doesn't go according to plan, I want it to be because someone intervened, not because "oops, this merc who's been fighting pretty much his whole life just suddenly can't hit a person at point-blank.
    There are better ways to do this. Like what people are supposed to do.
    Person 1: *Fellow sneaks up behind Guy and aims his gun at his head*
    Person 2: *Guy doesn't notice the gun*
    Person 1: BAM. *Fellow shoots the gun*
    Person 2: *Guy falls over dead* or *Guy bends down to pick up a coin on the ground, the bullet grazing him and causing him to be KO'd* or even *Guy hears the click of the gun being readied and ducks out of the way just in time*
    instead of
    Person 1: *Fellow sneaks up beind Guy and aims his gun at his head*
    GM: Rolls a 1
    Person 1: ((Oi, this is supposed to be between person 2 and me)) *Fellow suddenly bursts into flames*
  7. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    You should see my Dice Luck. Oh the tales I have to share playing WH40K.

    But at least I can see what my opponent is rolling, whereas over a Forum I don't have the sort of Clairvoyance required to see what Otter rolls every time he makes a dice roll. For all any of us know, he could just pick a number at random from a bunch of arbitrary statistics none of us know about*. If we're really going down the Dice Rolling route, I'd have suggested something like Invisible Castle (where you can link the results of the Dice Roll to the thread and show everyone this is what happened)...which is unfortunately offline by now, which shows my age and how long it's been since I last touched a Forum RP.

    *Not that I'm saying Otter would do this, but less...scrupulous GM's may operate on such a method.
  8. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    In your defense, the Republic soldiers could be a bit smarter instead of being 90% cannon fodder.
    For example, that guy with the really good armor with an Achilles' heel spine hole; instead of getting completely distracted, he could have paid more attention to the fact that Sirius existed and have made the fight harder.
  9. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Rolling is decided by a real d6 sitting right next to me.
  10. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Which again, is the problem. I can't see what you're rolling. Thus, you could be rolling nothing but 1's for us and well, it wouldn't be very pleasant. See my last post for a more detailed reasoning.
  11. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Listen, if I wanted your character dead, I would have killed him by now.
    This is for fights against NPCs I co-ordinate. Sorry if that wasn't clear. If it's PvP, I'm staying out of the way.

    Plus, with the right weapon, established killers get +1 anyways.
  12. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    That's slightly less completely terrible.
  13. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    True, but that's not really the point. The point is, nobody can see what your rolling. There's a lot of trust and faith involved - and getting way too many 1's is going to really irritate some people.
  14. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    We've done similar things before in the clan thread (before it was abandoned in favor of a completely new forum of our own) and they turned out okay. Last I checked, Silver wasn't a dirty liar, so this should turn out okay. Considering this is only for NPC combat as well also shoots down a lot of doubts, as all it would do is make them a bit trickier/longer and make the RP less dull.
    Since it's him rolling it, too, that means our personal rolling curses won't carry over here.
  15. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    My apologies here if it sounds like I'm being a nobend then, truth is I don't trust people not rolling the dice and not seeing the result.

    Fair point but the Dice come to think of it seem a bit unnecessary. Surely if Trooper A ducks, then he could just decide to duck and not hit like the rest of us. Consequently, writing a goon clonking Sirius on the back of the head might be straying into Puppeteering territory...though admittedly that is a bit of a grey area, like shuffling inactive PC's around so people can do things (jab at self acknowledged hurr hurr).
  16. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    @Dice thing
    Silver, use this instead. You do a roll, paste the code in the post so it can be verified. Makes it much more trustworthy.
    On the subject of rolling dice for combat...
    The way I see it, the +1 and stuff helps a lot in terms of characters who can into weapons good. It makes it so not everyone is on a perfectly level playing field decided by fate, and of course in actual combat it kiiiiinda makes sense. You're not going to shoot someone dead-on with a pistol every time, unless you're a highly accomplished marksman and have trained literally your entire life to hit people with pistols. Guns do jam, shots do go wild, and I just see the +1 as being "You can shoot a gun. Good job"
    For people with actual military training of some sort, a +2 would make sense to me as well, since...military training with guns=better shot than self-trained.
  17. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    So there IS an alternative to Invisible Castle? This actually might work.
  18. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Test rolls:

    1 5 3 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 3 2 6 5 6 1 5 1 5 4 6 1 2 2 6 2 4 3 2 4

    Do you think I should go for a random number generator?
    Yeah let's go with that.

    Also the +1/-1 is an example, modifiers can go up to 2 (3 is pushing ridiculous)
  19. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    3 is ridiculous yeah
    Like I said, +2 is if you were trained specifically within that field. Someone who grew up fighting on the streets would have a +1 in unarmed combat, but a black belt in a martial art would get +2 because
    black belt.
  20. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Yeah, this might be better overall.
    Now I just need to figure out what my two characters' bonuses would be...
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