OOC Avali Nexus OOC

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Avali Nexus, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    I said "If you so desire"! o no
    Good question... I think he's gone or something.
  2. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    If that's the case, I do wish people would leave a note in this thread. I mean if I went for a week's holiday somewhere and never told you guys, I'm sure I'd be holding up literally just about everyone else.
  3. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Not that kind of gone. He's still on the Nexus forums.
  4. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    He may still be on the forums, but does he continue posting in the RP or OOC threads? If not, then he might as well be wherever he's gone.

    ...Unless y'know, he's taken a leave of absence without telling anyone and will be back with us at some point.
  5. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Hey, Avali Triage finally updated to the most recent thing!
  6. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    On a more worrysome note however, am I the only one concerned by the lack of activity in the RP Thread? I didn't drive off everyone or anything right?
  7. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    No, this just happens.
  8. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

  9. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    It just happens sometimes, don't worry about it.
    it'll randomly have periods of inactivity, then periods of extreme activity, then slowly wind down to a decent amount, then just
  10. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    So it appears there has been some movement - thanks for telling me, Email notifications* - however, I've had no word if certain others have dropped or not.

    Therefore (and I understand my request is highly unorthodox and not something I'd normally do), I'd like to request permission to bypass Corosar so I can get things rolling again. I'm sorry, but I don't take mysterious absences well. It feels like I've been waiting twice as long as I actually have been...

    *This line is sarcasm, I've actually recieved no emails today or any other day when things move so i've been out of the loop and am currently multitasking between killing the evening and catching up on current events.

    EDIT - It would appear that Corosar hasn't been active since the 5th of June, so today as of a week and no word over what has happened. Therefore, I will assume the worst and post something a little bit later on for the sake of moving things forwards.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
  11. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Well, Galaxion is on Abraxis now.
    Now I just have to come up with a way for him and Sirius to meet.
  12. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky


    Silence intensifies. You all know I feel awkward posting RP two times in a row.
  13. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Join the club, there's a seat right next to the Coffee Table. And after I decided to bypass usual protocols and *TRY* to give someone else someone to play with. Problem is, I think it's just me and maybe Ehks still on the main ship - really not sure where Lego is and Coro *STILL* hasn't logged in since the 5th of June, so either something has happened, or they've dropped without telling anyone (given he/she has been around long before I was here though, I'm willing to go with the former which really is just poor form).
  14. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    am not dead, made post yes
    Stuff is probably happening with Coro right now, hasn't been active in many places in general, and I think Lego might be on vacation of some sort.
  15. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Probably, meaning best guess. Did Coro tell or warn anyone they might have to take a long absence?

    Also I wasn't checking if dead, just seeing if you were still on the ship or not. I mean I had to nudge things along a bit, but Umbra and Wes (I think? I may have missed his name) are off together and poor Otter has nobody to play with right now...which is kinda why I had to break protocol and free myself up, even if I'm not too proud of that and I'm going round in mental gymnastic circles...
  16. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    I got an idea. Since everyone has established that they are gods of combat, I wanted to mix fights up a bit.

    Which is why I am now going to use the Roll the Dice system for future combat.

    For reference, I have a real d6 with me. When someone does a post, I will evaluate it for actions that require a roll, then will show that roll, and the appropriately modified action, in my post. This will not effect any action outside of combat (yet). The system works as follows:

    1 is a total failure. Expect to do major harm rather than good.

    2 is a great failure. Expect to get nothing you wanted out of that action.

    3 is partial failure. Expect to not reach your goal, but at least do a little bit of your action.

    4 is a success. You have preformed your action. Results are as expected and bland.

    5 is a great success. You will get more out of your action.

    6 is a overkill success. It's similar to 5, only you will have unintended consequences.

    Example: Shooting a guy peeking over cover.

    1: Your gun explodes in your hands.

    2: You shoot the cover instead.

    3: You graze his head. Ouch.

    4: You shoot him in the head.

    5: You shoot him in the head, his head explodes. Your opponents are in fear!

    6: You shoot the explosive barrel next to him. He's dead, but you just started a chain reaction.

    Expect unintended failures and hilarious outcomes from a system where Fate decides if you can close a simple door in combat.

    Also expect the occasional divine intervention, where the RTD system would not be appropriate for that action, along with roll modifiers (+1 or -1) where needed.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
  17. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Gods of Combat? Skipios? Perhaps you missed the part where he lost a prosthetic arm to a couple of rounds from a outdated 20th century firearm* :badpokerface:

    Anyway, Dice mechanics and the Internet are a funny one. I've seen it done a couple of times and usually such a thing requires external software, a built in RTD function or something like Invisible Castle (which now seems to be offline. God I'm old). The point is (speaking from experience) Dice Mechanics and Online Forums don't tend to mix, and the disappearance of Invisible Castle kinda nipped this one for a lot of people.

    *Not that it was ever specified to be someone's Revolver, but given it's the only weapon I'm aware of he carries, I'm going to assume it's the Revolver.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
  18. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    That's a good idea, actually. It might make things quite a bit harder, but hopefully not to the point where it's nearly impossible to do anything.
    Back at thay last fight scene, I actually wasn't sure if Sirius' plan would work or not. Damascus steel swords aren't exactly powerful weapons in a firefight, especially since the soldiers were armored... Thank god visors aren't exactly durable.
    How would roll modifiers work, though? Would they be applied based on background knowledge, augments, gear, and such?
  19. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Yes. Stuff like Republic soldiers always getting -1 (Elites don't since they're practically better), people trying to repair stuff without a background in engineering getting -1, or a familiar and established weapon of choice weapon giving you +1. It's situational by nature.

    As an note, numbers are clamped to 1-6 and there is no rollovers. 6 + 1 is 6, not 7 or 1. 1 - 1 is 1, not 6 or -1.

    EDIT: Added a bit to the definition of rolling a 5 to better establish that it is more beneficial.
  20. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Fate decides what happens?
    Aaaaand I'm out of the RP.
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