OOC Avali Nexus OOC

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Avali Nexus, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Still, the point stands we're stuck on a single biome for the time being.
  2. Coritus_Jones

    Coritus_Jones Ketchup Robot

    I made Carter's ship a junk heap in case that happened
  3. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    It made sense, BTW. If a bunch of races had similar bone structure, breathed the same gasses, consumed similar chemicals, and all used DNA, I would think something had a very heavy hand in their creation.
  4. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    It's not a massive issue. I'll adjust when I have some spare time and not juggling a dozen different things at once.

    EDIT - Wait hold up, I'm being a dumbass again. Turns out Abraxis has some barrens I can use. Now it just depends if anyone is nearby.

    EDIT #2 - Stuff might be a bit late in, I've had to deal with something rather unpleasant, the bank and a lobster suit. Since I'm not seeing a big red "Rejected" stamp anywhere, I'm still under the impression the application is pending and will not be posting until informed otherwise.

    Actually on that note, I don't suppose anyone's got a quick summary of everyone playing, where they are and what's going on? It would be a great help towards fixing things.
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
  5. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Actually, I can do that. Sorry for the late reply.
    Right now, the majority of everyone had just landed on Abraxis, and are in one of the numerous spaceports. You can get a general idea of who is playing right now by just skimming the last few pages, and right now there's a wide variety of characters and species around. A large number of Avali, though, but most have specialized survival equipment since Abraxis is hospitable to humans, not Avali. At least, outside. There would probably be some buildings hospitable to Avali, but they probably cost...a lot to keep cold.
    In terms of what is going on, there was a big commotion at the ship in the space port, including an attempted assassination of the pilot, and some Republic (Big Bad Human Empire) troops trying to search the ship and stuff. Other numerous conversations have happened as well, but those are the "big" events right now. If you need any more info, just ask!
  6. Sandman1997

    Sandman1997 Starship Captain

    is this a server i can join or is it all on the community page?
  7. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    This is an Forum RP. We do not have or intend to use a server. In fact, it would be unhelpful due to this not following the Starbound universe at all.

    Sorry if you were looking for yet another Starbound RP server. We're not that. We got an detailed and actually sensible universe, though.
  8. Sandman1997

    Sandman1997 Starship Captain

    oh :( well never mind then
  9. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Thanks, this saves me scrolling back through 10+ Pages and trying to play catch up. I'll have something ASAP, but I've been swimming in Ibprofen and a few other items of business, so I've not had the time to refine things.

    The good news from most of this is that Abraxis can be settled by Avali. The bad news is it sounds that without a spacesuit, we'd be either dead from hyperthermia or something.
  10. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    The other good news? Abraxis is technically a Republic world (they don't give enough fucks to police it that much.) Due to the Republic's history, that would mean they most likely had Republic parents who lived there before they kicked any non-humans out. Basically, your character just decided to go to a hive world where they won't care because the population's too large to police effectively anyways.

    That's a character history if you need one. If you want to do something else, go for it.
  11. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah, Avali need a cooled suit. Not too terribly complex to get one, granted (One could, feasibly, be 3-D printed provided you have the appropriate "inks" for it. Just need a cooling system and some sort of avali-friendly air tank and that's about it), and it's not unlikely someone would have one anyways, especially if they were put out somewhere in the universe.
  12. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    It's something to think about at any rate.

    I'm going to assume by "Inks" we're discussing the local currency? Because stuff not mentioned in document and stuff.
  13. Coritus_Jones

    Coritus_Jones Ketchup Robot

    Inks as in ink, I think.
  14. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    He means raw materials used by 3D printers.

    The currency depends on where you are. I mean, in Freespace you could have legal tender on one planet and on the other you're flat broke.
  15. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    No, "inks" as in actual material used by 3D printers (a la...well, actual printer ink)
    Most 3D printers nowadays use plastic, or polymer inks, though considering the setting it is not unrealistic that metallic, organic, and other inks exist as well.
  16. Sandman1997

    Sandman1997 Starship Captain

    How does this RP thing work I'm use to RP being on a server so how does RP on a community page work?
  17. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Okay, well the good news is I'm swimming in a lot less antibiotics now. I might have something a bit more presentable based on our derping too.

    So, a few extra notes:

    • After reading through the general information document and talking with you guys, there seemed to be very little about the above that needed changing. Heck, much of the dialog on the Setting Info Doc points to the Wiki anyway.
    • Also just to clear something up - no, I don't plan on doing the whole Emo routine thing. It was conceived as a half-mad cyborg raptor-bird thing, so there's a very minimal amount of that nonsense. Just so that's clear.
    • The note regarding the Oracle Cult still stands, and the same goes for the setting's Factions as well (i.e: we're fairly blank slate right now, but we might decide to join one later down the line).
    • Both name and age are still open to adjustment.
    • I added an equipment category, mostly so I'm not pulling things out of my own arse. Actually on a related note I'm surprised this isn't a category on the Bio Template. Again, open to adjustment if you think I have too much or too little beginning equipment.
    • Finally, I should thank you (though more specifically SilverOtter (whose avatar is a Tiger of all things) and Ehksidian) for giving us the (much needed) hand adjusting things along and hopefully coming up with something at least half decent.
  18. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    You've never seen a Forum RP before? Hmm.

    Just write about what what your character(s) is/are doing, with details about what they're saying, what they're doing, and the enviroment.
    Keep actions sanely possible (i.e. reasonable to the universe), keep actions in character (reasonable to their personality), and never play anyone else's character (reasonable to your field of control).
    Oh yes, and there's a character sheet that probably should be filled out, and a basic documentation of the universe that we have. Those last two are only there because this is a serious roleplay.


  19. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

  20. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

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