Avali Nexus 19: The Last Hole

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Avali Nexus, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Have you noticed the user interface was designed by somebody who has heard of the concept, maybe even seen one in person but has had great difficulty in internalising any of the details.
  2. SomeGuyNamedDavid

    SomeGuyNamedDavid Big Damn Hero

    I personally don't really have any problems with it.
  3. Teron Gray

    Teron Gray Void-Bound Voyager

    All this sudden obsession of mutagenic bites... ...it's invigorating. X3
    L3W likes this.
  4. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    *Injecting teeth become snake fangs, able to be folded to the roof of the mouth, and becomes a normal male.*
    ...I am completely okay with this! Mostly.
  5. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    ......\Vell, things happened, didn't they?
    Now, I gotta try one for myself, see if I can't get rid of my second tail...
    *down the hatch!*
    (Your draw: 8♣, 9♣, 9♠. Nothing happens.)
    ........Did I seriously just get a dud?
  6. Teron Gray

    Teron Gray Void-Bound Voyager

    ...that is disappointing. Duds are the worst!
  7. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    *A black and slightly rainbow-colored blur zips by, coming from the room Umbra entered*
  8. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah! Now I'm actually male Rhea!
    ...Except with some snake teeth, a longer tail, and poofier fur.
  9. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    I prefer getting ones of the milky variety.
  10. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Enough, the entire council disagrees."
    "This change must be made, do you want this planet in ruins?"

    "Just because you're the first Mossfeather ever in throne... doesn't mean you get to fiddle with our government."



    "So be it. Lock him up in his room, quickly."
  11. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    ...the heck was that?
  12. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    i think it's what used to be umbra.
  13. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    *sigh* Seriously...what's with these shenanigans recently?
    *sets off towards where the blur went*
  14. SomeGuyNamedDavid

    SomeGuyNamedDavid Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, imagine how weird it is for me.
    // "Now you know how I feel~"
    Shh. Yours was your fault.
    // "Because you planned it that way."
    ... *Drinks the antidote he was handed*
    Ehksidian likes this.
  15. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    I have no idea.
    I'm just happy I'm a guy again :DD
  16. You're the one instigating them.

    I'm outta here before anything crazier happens.
    Ehksidian likes this.
  17. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    what the thread, hell
    L3W and JacobDaGun like this.
  18. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    wondering what to do

    oh right

    the answer is always nexus
  19. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    (Your draw: K♣, 7♠, 4♣. Remove 1 effect, add 1 effect.)
    (The dice say: 13. 1 small mutation.)
  20. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    Looks like I'm the only umbreon again
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