Avali Nexus 18: Legal Somewhere

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Avali Nexus, Feb 10, 2015.

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  1. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And I can be and do anything!
    ...As long as it has rainbows.
  2. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Corosar likes this.
  3. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't you ever bite me, or I'll hose you down with the anitdote.
  4. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova


    Help me i feel happy.

  5. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    You could use moves on him, because he's...technically a lucario
  6. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Just let it happen, it'll pass.

    Or not.

    Corosar likes this.
  7. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *shoots rainbows in your eyes and runs flies away while you're dazed*
  8. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, but why do something hurful when you can do something that burns??

    GAH, that hurt! *pulls out spraypak* That is IT, mon ami, you're toas...actually, he never bit me...nevermind.
    Corosar likes this.
  9. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    Oh I've seen some things :p funny enough, the most twisted images you can find on the Internet don't really faze me after all these years. It's the small things IRL, like seeing stitches on people, that give me that "stomach is shrinking" feeling.
    kawaiiChiimera likes this.
  10. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    Please keep the forum PG-13. No public seduction, this isn't a bar
    Rukii, gonzogonz, dtanotrew and 2 others like this.
  11. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    wwhat do i do


    Oh.. oh i become a normal person?

    I suppose i can.

    Hi there!
  12. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    [MONOTONE] Please do no let it pass. Being happy is a good thing. Emotions. Yay.
    *sparks appear in mass amounts, whirring noise is heard*
  13. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    I can set him on fire.
    Or freeze him.
  14. Comito

    Comito Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm talking about the lore for the mod, not for this RP.

    Unless I missed something.
  15. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh, wrong kind of burning.
  16. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I still think you have a fantastic avatar.
    Corosar likes this.
  17. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *My stat numbers are replaced by rainbows and cake.*
    Personality: RAINBOWS
    Calabrese and SCN-3_<NULL> like this.
  18. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Well, that's enough crazy and endless forum-checking for one day. I'm clocking out.
    kawaiiChiimera likes this.
  19. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Gut feelings are actual gut feelings: You have mass of nerves in that area that can cause emotional experiences and unexpected movements. It's mostly there to help with the long distance (and process time) of the brain to the legs and feet.
    Corosar and Calabrese like this.
  20. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    You did.
    Cloning is illegal, and viewed as immoral in Avali culture. this is why Ryu said "No cloning animation; it would be something else like being recovered by a drone or something"
    but fire is 2x effective against steel types.
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