Avali Nexus 16.9: Sweet 16.

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Avali Nexus, Jan 17, 2015.

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  1. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut


    Here is currently what he has discovered ^
  2. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    //i assume CeliReks may be handing off her ship off to whoever needs to return to N3xu5?
    //honestly.... i would be mocking it.... if i were not so disinterested in it.... i have enough of it from my mind taking myself as female...
    //*suddenly imagines a huge group of chirping avali yelling at each other without waiting at all... just.... yelling...*
    its.... its why the whole kingdom... and our now stygian allies attack him on sight.... we have slowly been reviving those that lost their lives during his reign... as we feel it was unjust.... but we only do so for those willing to return...

    *she sighed a bit and smiled*

    also about that stygian collar i mentioned.... well.... my mother was loved so much for liberating the stygians... she kinda became a high ranking member of the group.... back during the wars she wore a disabled collar to hide herself among the stygians to perform spy work... she looked exactly like one so... it was easy... after the war.... she... willingly kept the collar... the thing stygians use to identify themselves. its almost impossible to see though without her will but she wears it to this day.
    *she sat there and sighed thinking it was long enough that he has been out carefully injecting the antidote to the anesthetic*
    //i think my fiance has that.... somewhere... don't remember where though....
  3. Jerecho

    Jerecho Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes yes. Okay I remember that now. That is your plan for just the weekends though right? Do you think we might be able to do anything tonight?
  4. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I just want to do something tonight.
    Please senpai.
  5. Codename Rune

    Codename Rune Subatomic Cosmonaut

    // Well, I stayed up till 1 AM the whole week in hope of doing something with you guys. My head is killing me by now. Sorry, but I will go off earlier today.
    // @penguinoverlord The RP shall commence soon. I'm writing away on the intro right now.
  6. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ah nice!

    Good to hear
    I'll continue my drunken nonsense then.
  7. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    No, 'ValiReks will be piloting that.

    Looks like you've made a very... critical MISS-take.
  8. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Ohh misterh pen..*HIC*.."
    "You're funnyh.."
    "I.. i.. washh thinkin to.. HIC!"
    "Turn.. into.. one.. of.. thoseh... Aval..HIC!"
    "Jusht need to.. build.. mac.. HIC!"
    "Machine.. then.."
    "Oh.. i jusht need.. to.. rest.."
  9. Mc Fow1er

    Mc Fow1er Pangalactic Porcupine

    // Still need to make that widget for the RM skin....
  10. Jerecho

    Jerecho Void-Bound Voyager

    Daw, alright. Tomorrow night for sure then.
  11. Codename Rune

    Codename Rune Subatomic Cosmonaut

    // Sorry, but staying up till one o'clock when you have to be up at 6 is not very healthy over longer periods. Body needs more than five hours of sleep bud.
  12. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    //ahh i see... so celireks and yol will remain on celarra as valireks and the others will head out... Yol plans to leave a Ethereal version of herself with Reksvali so that she can head there and back quickly and easily and... to well keep Reksvali a bit of company.... but... main Yol... is gonna have some time to relax... for once... after so many years of roaming the multiverse... settle down for a bit
  13. Codename Rune

    Codename Rune Subatomic Cosmonaut

    @penguinoverlord . Plot (It IS a different color). Colonel Ahnar. Major Rhyn. Both are gryphons. Ahnar prefers to remain in his feral form, while Rhyn is bipedal most of the time. ACTION

    A pair of gryphons is walking through a large, snowy forest. One of them is walking on four legs and is as big as a human SUV. The only this he has on him is a pair of saddle bags. The other gryphon is walking next to him, completely covered in dull, pitchblack armor plating with a few dark red markings on it. "You really don't want me on your back? Come on man, just for half an hour? Ten mi..." "no. I said so multiple times now. I shall not carry you like some mount would." "Even if I promise to never ask again?" The larger gryphon looks at his companion with obvious annoyance. "No, not even if you give me bellyrubs, so don't even bother." The two continue walking through the forest in silence for more than twenty minutes. Suddenly the fuzzy ears of the larger gryphon perk up. "There is something in front of us. Something that is not a tree. Around three clicks. Come on!" The gryphons runs off, leaving his smaller companion behind, even though he is sprinting. A few minutes later they arrive at a wrecked ship inmidst a clearing. "It doesn't look too bad. Should we take a look inside?" The armored commando looks up to his companion. The other gryphon shakes his great head and points at the ground in front of him. "That's not necessary Rhyn. Whoever was in there left." At the remark the Major walks over and kneels next to the other soldier to inspect the imprints on the ground. "They are going towards the cave over there. One click." The bigger gryphon nods and starts moving in the indicated direction. "Come on. Let's see what we got there. Maybe it's dinner." The bipedal commando grins and follows his friend. "Oscar-mike."

    They arrive at the entrance of the cave a few minutes later. The major activates the lamp on his helmet when they reach it. They both look inside , only to see a opened vault door. Rhyn takes the battle rifle from his back and switches it into shotgun mode. Then they both start moving towards to vault in complete silence. Once they reach it they both peek inside. "You're fucking kidding me..."[DOUBLEPOST=1422558569][/DOUBLEPOST]
    // You forgot the troop transporter that just touched down on the planet. With three heavily armed featherbutts in it.
  14. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "I feel lik shi-"
    "Oh.. hello.. there..."
    The Novakid would grab a box out of one his pockets
    It would turn into a rifle
    He would fire a dart.
    It had no effect.

    "Plan B.."

    "I.. just came for a drink.."
    "I don't suppose you're the types who would listen to a story next to a campfire WITHOUT EATING ME!"
  15. Codename Rune

    Codename Rune Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The colonel looks at the talking plasmaball waryly. "Identificate yourself ot we will shoot. I mean it." The lock off the Marjor's rifle disengages with a audible *click*
  16. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "uHM.. UHMM.. UHM"
    "I'm Noxxic. A murde- i mean a scientist, damn it."
    "I'm.. kinda... not supposed to be here.."
    "You see.. the ship crashed.."
    "I was.. also.. Johnathan before.."
  17. Jerecho

    Jerecho Void-Bound Voyager

    Nonono, dont be sorry. That's totally understandable. No hard feelings here.
  18. Codename Rune

    Codename Rune Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The armored gryphons groans. "He seems like he had a bit to much." The other operative shows no emotional reaction to the Novakid's words but answers in a a professional and relativly neutral manner. "We are BFR operatives and will kill you if you do anything stupid. Understood?"
  19. Comito

    Comito Pangalactic Porcupine

    Elsewhere on Celarra, Comito finally pads out of the Condor and peers around at the scenery of this brave new world. "Hm... A bit hotter than I'm used to, but I'll manage."
  20. penguinoverlord

    penguinoverlord Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "I already WAS stupid."
    "I made a machine.. to change what i looked like.."
    "And now i look like this.."
    "And no, i'm not lying."
    "And yes i understand, but i didn't get my answer.."
    "What the hell are you things?"
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