August 19 - The day when all your mods died.

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Broconut

    Broconut Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes, I named it apexshipdetails.material.patch and put it in the /tiles/materials folder in the mod's directory.

    *facepalms* Yup, I was trying to change the name of it by patching apexshipdetails.material in the /tiles/materials folder instead of apexshipdetails.matitem in the /items/materials folder. Simple mistake on my part. Thanks for pointing that out. :up: I just patched the apexshipdetails.matitem file and it works now.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
    Kawa likes this.
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Y'know... I like how everybody's helping everybody else over these little hurdles. Warms my cold, lonely heart.
  3. GorunNova

    GorunNova Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is how modding forums are supposed to be... and it's good to see it happening here. ^^
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  4. IvoryOwl

    IvoryOwl Pangalactic Porcupine

    You just summoned the evil spirits to this thread through jinx magic... whhyyy? :cry:

    *Plants evil-warding seals all over the thread*
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
  5. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

  6. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    i think that's a site people just found, @Kawa linked to it back on page 2 of this thread, however he also has a more starbound specific JSON page including a validator and patch tester of his own that he mentioned on page 3
  7. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    That seems strange, I'm sure that someone at least tangentially related to the Starbound community wrote it, considering it's Starbound specific. So I'd want to properly credit them, if I'm showing their shit off. ;)
  8. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    the generic JSON Patch validator (the one at was written by Francis Galiegue who's email address shows up in mailing lists about JSON well before starbound announced it would be using the new patching system, examples:

    2013 ->

    2012 -
  9. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    Oh, I thought it was a merge to patch translator for some reason.
  10. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    If you want a starbound community created one to link to, use Kawa's... It has the benefit of supporting comments, and diff'ing
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    The person who made that particular site is
    Francis Galiegue
  12. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    i know that kawa makde a lab for starbound modding json experiment.
    there is a vaidator, (it check your file to make sure that nothing is missing)
    a diff generator(pretty much a translator for the _merge to json patch),
    a patcher (for testing),
    and a linter
    here is the link
  13. GorunNova

    GorunNova Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now that I've been tinkering some more...

    1) I may just be overlooking something, but when a test op fails, does it just not do the next line, or stop the whole patch dead right there?
    2) json patching really needs the ability to combine testing for an array value and adding a *different* value conditional on that, if 1) turns out to terminate the patch. You know, so a mod can, say, check a label that another mod could leave to flag that it's present and modifying this file, and then do work depending on if said flag is present? Sort of a 'if this whatever is present in the JSON tree at a known place, add something that would totally not make sense if it weren't' command.
    3) Some sort of 'if this value or item is in an array of unspecified size and unknown content, do this' command, so that IF 1) doesn't stop anything but the next line, you don't have to walk through with a buttload of test commands to 'search' an array manually for a value.

    ... and all this for something that's only important if you modify existing content, or optionally modify / use content patched in by another mod. ^^ (Edit: ... this is actually highly important if implementing a user race, so that race-specific messages can be added to existing items or conditionally added if that race is present or not, just as a big example. Unless... are the race specific description texts hard coded to the core races? If you made a "blabbityrace", would "blabbityraceDescription" be called for it? ... and this is straying out of patching territory now. >_<)

    ... which leads to a question about how mods are ordered as they're loaded... ^^''
  14. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    This'd been discussed on ##starbound-modding.. The plan, IIRC, is to have alphabetical for starters, sneaking in dependencies. So if you have mods A B C and D, they load in that order. But if B depends on D, it goes A C DB instead. At the time of that discussion, it was in filesystem order instead of alphabetical, but otherwise the same.
  15. Niran

    Niran Cosmic Narwhal

    This... this is wonderfull, now just hope it fixes my recipe problems i had.
  16. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    There is an incredibly convenient thing called a backup.
  17. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    For output in a more convenient, easier to copypaste format:

    Gee, I wonder how often that link's been posted now.
  18. ja450n

    ja450n Phantasmal Quasar

    According to RFC6902, if the test operation fails the WHOLE patch is not applied.

    --edit --

    i was playing around with an idea, and it SEEMS to work...

    apparently player.config.patch doesn't really need to be in the root of the mod folder, so in theory (haven't fully tested this) you might be able to have multiple player.config.patch files for different test conditions
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  19. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    okay rlly im just too lazeh
  20. Niran

    Niran Cosmic Narwhal

    And i saw it the first time around and used it. Doesn't change the fact that the code is valid and fine, it just doesn't pop up as "learned new recipe" when picking up the spinning wheel...for some reason i couldn't figure out.

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