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Aug 14 livestream in 7 parts

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Calris, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    He was probably on skype with other devs as the stream was supposed to be private.
  2. zanthal

    zanthal Existential Complex

    Alright I watched the first two minutes of Part 1 and now I will watch no more. No more spoilers for me.

    Looks good :love:
  3. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Yeah, we got the stream by a sheer accident and it was nice of the devs to actually show us how the works (though so much for IGF having an exclusive now :rofl:), so I don't think it would be nice of us to ask for it being more complex next time (especially since Tiy remarks that his PC is bad with streaming and VoIP actually would make things worse as it takes more bandwidth)
  4. John Magus

    John Magus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    anyone else notice in the p3 the fence description has a spelling error it says stirdy when it needs to be sturdy
  5. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Yeah, I noticed 3 more spelling errors in descriptions. I noted them to bug-ticket if they haven't been resolved in beta :geek:
  6. Dr.Narwhal

    Dr.Narwhal Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for posting this!!!
  7. zanthal

    zanthal Existential Complex

    You are probably weird, yeah, but in a totally normal way. :D
    ShadetheDruid likes this.
  8. Gene

    Gene Phantasmal Quasar

    Starbound is going to be an amazing game, but *sigh*, I wish people would stop bashing Terraria and saying how much "worse" it is. Come on guys, this isn't cool.

    Terraria was one of the founders of sandbox-style games (at least 2D ones), and while I disagree with those saying "Starbound is a ripoff", as it indeed expands the genre and takes it to a whole new level, there is no denying that Terraria was a strong spiritual influence. Without Terraria to prove the success of the genre, and show what is good (and what is not so good), Starbound wouldn't be able to build up on the concept, and it wouldn't be what it is today. Time will pass, and another successor will eventually eclipse Starbound too - I'm sure nobody would want to hear arguments "game XYZ is so much better than Starbound, why is anyone still playing that lololol" :yeahhhh:

    Appreciate Starbound for what it is, but also show some respect for the game that inspired it and is still a great game in its own right.

    Peace out everyone, we're all on the same side here! :love:
  9. Silver86

    Silver86 Big Damn Hero


    maybe not all ppl watched the videos second after second , in part 6 around ~4-5 min u can see TYI scroll very fast list of some craftable stuff, i paused the vid and took screenshot of it , of course i didnt catch every single one of them but here i got you quite some , you might enjoy seeing them, if u dont want any spoilers just dont watch it ;]

    i will need huge house to fit all of those in ;], sry about clumsy copy paste :p, click to ZOOM

    blind sniper, ThePIT and Endless Rain like this.
  10. RazoR2K

    RazoR2K Big Damn Hero

    Thank you for bumping this thread, I have yet to see this stream, going to do so now :)
    Silver86 likes this.
  11. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    What a nice stream, I can't wait to watch it when I get home. Thanks for the bump, I missed it!
    Silver86 likes this.
  12. Silver86

    Silver86 Big Damn Hero

    i also missed it on 14th august , wasnt really checking general forums for few days, found about it yesterday aswell, glad i could bump it for you :)

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