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ATTN: Windows XP users who cannot play "CF splash screen freeze"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DotBeta, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Zero_Starlight

    Zero_Starlight Void-Bound Voyager

    Update has been delayed for a few days until the developers overhaul the damage system and stuff, but I can report that I have found a solution! Just a moment while I grab the link, and I'll edit this post. I can however say that using this file, I played with no core editing or priority changes at normal speeds, with no crashes, no hiccups, and only minimal lag, most likely from universe generation or the fact my PC was running it with only 1GB of RAM. I played at least an hour and no issues!
    DotBeta likes this.
  2. Awesome!

    It's a shame that they delayed the update for the xp fix because they wanted to add more content to the update. they should have just released the fix itself.
    Zero_Starlight and Pingeh like this.
  3. Zero_Starlight

    Zero_Starlight Void-Bound Voyager

    Yep, but it works, and that's all that really matters! :3


    Now, here's the link! http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?posts/1401975

    Just download the attached file and go to the Starbound steam folder. It should be listed as something along the lines of c:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Starbound/win32

    Copy the SDL.DLL file from inside that folder and put it in a safe place like on your desktop or in your documents, and then extract the DLL file to the win32 directory, overwriting the original. Then start up Starbound. Some people are reporting the game being both more stable and smoother in OpenGL mode, and that is the one I chose, but regardless, start it up, cross your fingers, and if you're lucky...

    Enjoy what is without a doubt, the greatest game of this year.
    GregB and Eradrann like this.
  4. Zero_Starlight

    Zero_Starlight Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh, and one other thing, the forthcoming update may wipe your save files, as previously mentioned, so don't get too attached to your character. :3
  5. Zero_Starlight the fix worked perfectly I am now playing with 0 lag! Thanks for that link and I'll be updating the OP with this fix!!!
    Zero_Starlight likes this.
  6. Zero_Starlight

    Zero_Starlight Void-Bound Voyager

    Glad to hear man! Enjoy the game! Also, don't worry too much if it crashes, I think there's an auto save or something, as it crashed when I was using the whole affinity and priority stuff, and all my stuff was fine! You might not be able to travel from planet to planet though, I haven't reached a point where I'm ready to really do so yet.
  7. Eradrann

    Eradrann Void-Bound Voyager

    THANKYOU SO MUCH! This fix has not only let me play the game without fiddling with cores, but my game is also running smoothly for teh first time ever! I still get the occasional teleporter bug where I stay on my ship, but haven't had 1 crash yet and it's just SO GOOD! THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!

    EDIT: okay total playtime of 2 hours. I got a glitch where my screen would zoom in all of a sudden. Shrink and then enlarge the window again to fix instantly. However when I got it the second time it happened 3 times in a row until zooming in stupidly close to like 4 blocks, and then going to static, and then closing teh program without giving any error messages. Bit weird this glitch, but the game is SO PLAYABLE! Infact I think my non-XP friends are having far more crashes than me!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  8. Wyvern69

    Wyvern69 Void-Bound Voyager

    Just as a heads up for those with the teleporter issue- it's not XP specific. I'm running both XP and Windows 7, and I'm getting the issue on both. Whatever they did in the last update messed with the teleporter, so it kinda just has a mind of its own when to teleport you- or there's a magic softspot you have to stand on.
  9. Eradrann

    Eradrann Void-Bound Voyager

    Another 2 hours. This time I didn't get any glitches or crashes at all! But I notice that it is 7:30AM... I forgot to sleep. This game is too fun! Also I can connect to my friend's server now, whereas I couldn't before. Not sure if that's related or not.
  10. Zero_Starlight

    Zero_Starlight Void-Bound Voyager

    :rofl: It's totally awesome, yeah, but don't forget to sleep! You can't enjoy the game if you haven't rested and eaten! I'm glad everyone has been able to play the game fine, and I can proudly report that the game has not crashed even once for me. No glitches, no errors, nothing but pure concentrated fun!

    Also, for any veteran Terraria players, anyone else extremely happy that there doesn't appear to be any tunneling worms? :rofl: I swear, I wouldn't be enjoying the game half as much if those things were in it. XP
  11. I played for a few hours yesterday and when I was finally ready to go to another planet as soon as I hit the go button the game crashed and I got error codes. I tried this 3 times and its a no go. So I suppose the game will be so long as you don't plan on traveling.

    Hopefully the fix comes out today.
    Zero_Starlight likes this.
  12. Drakon ︻デ═一

    Drakon ︻デ═一 Yeah, You!

    Thanks you SO MUCH so excited for it now theres a fix
  13. Hiamoto

    Hiamoto Intergalactic Tourist

    I could travel without Problems. Traveled only once so far, but it didn't crash or something. Just crashed i think an hour before, without doing something special (just playing for i think 8 hours or so), and crashed my grafiks to so i had to start my pc new
  14. Pingeh

    Pingeh Pangalactic Porcupine

    I also crash when traveling with the fix whenever I hit GO, however when I start up my game I'll be at the planet I wanted to go to anyway, pretty funny. I was able to successfully travel normally without crashing once though. When traveling aboard a friends ship I do not crash unless I peek at the navigation box animation thing.
  15. Szyszka

    Szyszka Space Hobo

    It works! *-*

    But i have a problem... I'm getting really BIG lag, when i see water in that OpenGL mode D:
    Guys, do you know how to fix it? :c

    Intel Pentium 4 3.20GHz 3.20GHz
    2gb Ram
    ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series
    (I know, that machine is old. Really old...)
  16. Magament

    Magament Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    my computer specs:
    Windows XP SP3
    -AMD Phenom 8650 triple core processor 2,30 GHz.
    -NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT.
    -2Gb ram DDR2.
    Can I Run this game?
  17. You should be able to just fine with those specs, maybe a little lag when it rains or when you enter a town. As of right now unless you use the work around it will crash at the chucklefish screen since you're using XP. After tonight/tomorrow mornings update they will have fixed the XP bug and you'll be able to play without any work arounds.

    Check my OP for info.
    Magament likes this.
  18. Zero_Starlight

    Zero_Starlight Void-Bound Voyager

    I should mention I'm running on a single gig of DDR2 ram, well, two 500 something megabyte cards, but still, one gig, and the game only lags on very rare occasions. If I'm going to the local avian ship though...
  19. KamiAmaya

    KamiAmaya Void-Bound Voyager

    Well am I the only one that, after the recent update, can not get the game to work again?
    The dll file fix worked fine, laggy unless openGL was selected at launch, but now I'm getting the same errors as before.

    EDIT: Okey dokey, reverified files with Steam, seems ok now. :oops:
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  20. Yep it was just a matter of verifying the file cache since we had an edited .dll file.

    Looks like the update worked great and all is fixed :)

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