REQUEST Armored Bugs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Androxilogin, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. Androxilogin

    Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

    I'm not sure if this is possible, but it'd be nice to be able to destroy those armored flying bugs in the caves. Maybe one hit knocks off their shell, they hit the ground, begin crawling and a few more whacks to take them out. Anyone want to take this on? I could edit the graphics easy enough, I just don't know where to begin with such a mod.
    • crymblade

      crymblade Void-Bound Voyager

      You could make bombs apply a "Cracked" debuff that removes all defense. Most enemies in Stardew rely on HP over def anyway.

      Careful though, getting hit by your own bomb would become REALLY dangerous.
      • Androxilogin

        Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

        I've never actually used the bombs myself other than to test the 'mining with bombs' mod because they seemed pointless. It just irks me how these things won't die.
        • Hammurabi

          Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

          Just a note to anyone interested in doing this: Armored bugs are hard-coded to take no damage from any source. It's not a matter of having high defense, it's a matter of all incoming damage being completely ignored by the subroutine that handles monsters taking damage. However, it should be possible to disable this (returning them to taking damage as normal) by simply changing their public .isArmoredBug field to "False" (probably on mine level changed, though I'd need to check whether that triggers before or after all the monsters get spawned).
            Androxilogin likes this.
          • Androxilogin

            Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

            Just a question, but have you ever considered making a video on how to discover the source files and whatnot?
            • Hammurabi

              Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

              Uh, not really? All I'm doing is looking at StardewValley.exe in a decompiler. If you know how to code, it's not (generally -- exceptions exist) too difficult to figure out how stuff is working, assuming that you can figure out where to look in the first place.

              I'm using JetBrains DotPeek, if anyone is curious.
              • Androxilogin

                Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

                I've used DotPeek, I just never know what to look for. Eh, dumb question I guess.
                • Entoarox

                  Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                  And that is pretty much the problem we *all* have, those of us familiar with the code are just aware of CA's practices by now and know roughly where to start looking for things, or are willing to spend a few hours backtracking method use through 5 or so parent classes....
                    Smallcorners and Hammurabi like this.
                  • Hammurabi

                    Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

                    Monster classes are generally a bit better in that sort of regards, but yeah, some of the stuff can be a real headache to track down. The occasional false leads certainly don't make it easier.

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